Thursday 30 July 2015



This entry, will deal with a said even, troublesome, and if not said Sore spot too, and when it does in all even come down, to speak of American relations/relationships. For it all does too, speak too now, and of a said difficulty here, and of defining American relations/relationships, and away too, and from the American Church, for it does in all even ask of Americans, and of the very manner in all, they do define Pity, Forgiveness, Absolution, and if not in speak too of American definitions of Intimacy in itself that is.

That in attempting to understand, what an Epithet, is simply said to be, is to now speak of the United States of America, and as said defined, and by speak of the said Psychological Concept of Belongingness, and as with it all even said, to differ in all, and from the said manner in all, and of creating Governance and in the World today, and as said to speak too of Community Buildup for instance, and if not of the Participatory/Participation too that is [and of many a said too, Knowledge Sharing Network that is].

That Belogingness, and as mentioned in a said here previous post, does speak truly of said Identity, American, and as said even Popularized/Serialized too, and in further speak too, and of what does too pass for many a said Presidential Campaign, and in the United States of America today too that is. That in now too saying that, those in all, aspiring to very much be American, full-blooded too perhaps, do in all even associate it all, and with speak too and of the said climbing, and of the Social Ladder and so to speak, and in further speak now and of the gaining, and of full acceptance, and into American Society, high-profile, and away too, from that said even and to speak, and of the Smithsonian that is.

In now too saying that, the above, does in all even refer, and to the very manner in all, Epithets, Racial too, have in all even come to be said, a mainstay, and of the American Experience, is to now and in all again, attempt to in all, address, the said manner in all, anyone, said attempting to fully become American, and as said Immigrant too, would go about it all that is [and in speak now, and of the said finding, and of ones Place, and in American society, and as said too, and to speak of Profiles that is].

That unknown to most, the United States of America, is not the evil place, many would think to be, and in speak too of the Epithet for instance, for the United States of America in all, does have a said long-standing History to it all, and which many today, do in all even erroneously believe, to speak of the World and as it is today, and as said too defined by speak of Citizenship that is. That one in all, could in all even climb up and in Status/Profile too, what does pass for a said American Meritocratic system that is, and as said too, defined, American Meritocracy that is, and by speak too of Modernization, Westernization, and if not of Nationalization in itself too that is [and with the latter too, simply said today, to fully be associated in all, and with the said rise of African-Americans, and away from speak of their former Slave-Status, and onwards, and to their been considered stalwarts too, and in the American Militaries for instance].

In speak of what the above does truly entail, and in speak of Epithets too that is, is to now associate speak of said American Identity, everyday, and with speak and of whom/who in all, one is, and when they do in all Attempt/Try anything that is. Hopefully, this is understood, and away from speak of Parental Mechanisms, or of Parental Obligation too, and in now too saying that, many and in the United States of America today, simply in all do not know, whom/who in all they are, and when they do Attempt/Try to do anything that is. That in the very least, it all too does speak of Captain Ahab for instance, and of Moby Dick too, and in speak too now of Identity and as said Socialized/Politicized too, and if not of it all, simply perceived, and from many a said Social Context too that is.

In now saying that, Modernization, Westernization and if not of Nationalization too, does in all even offer a said manner in all, and of one, and as said simply defining, or describing themselves too, and when they do in all Attempt/Try (out) anything that is, is to now too, associate the History of Modernization in the United States of America, and with that which does speak too of Picketing, Minority Representation, and if not of Black Empowerment too that is. In all, Modernization, and as said to speak too, and of the United States of America, and in Affirmation too that is.

In referring to the History of Westernization and in the United States of America, and in speak too of the Attempt/Try that is, and in further speak of one and as simply said attempting to find their place in all, and in American society in itself too that is, is to now associate it all, and with speak too of said American perceptions, and of Intermarriage, Melting Pot theories, and if not of Multi-Culturalism in itself too that is. And with Westernization too, said now and to refer, and to the United States of America, and in Agreement too that is.

In speak of Nationalization though, speak too now, and of what does for Segregation, Separatism, and if not of Seclusionism too, and not and in speak only of the History of the United States of America, but in speak too of the Attempt/Try that is, and in further speak too of the United States of America, and in regards and to speak of Consensus/Accordance that is. In all, it is via speak of Nationalization, and where American Political Identity today, is said too Historically, to meet that said African that is, and in speak of Africa in itself too, and in now too associating, the United States of America, and in Consensus too, and in regards to Africa, and with speak too of that said African Identity, and that is simply said Moorish too that is.

In now referring though, and to the Epithet, and as said too a Slur, is to now associate it all, distinctively, or as said uniquely too, and with speak of Americanization, and if not of Naturalization in itself too that is. In now too saying that, this does in all even speak of a said Textbook analysis, and of life and in the United States of America too, is to now associate, the Slur, and in speak of Americanization, and with American History too, and as said subjected, and to a said even Racial, Social, Local, and if not Historical profiling/treatment too that is. In speak of Naturalization as such, and in regard and to speak of the Slur, and of American History too, is to now speak of it all, perceived, and from speak of what does pass for the English, the Anglo, and if not of WASP Identity too that is. However, in claiming that American life, or said Identity too, is said deeply entrenched, and in regards to all this, the Slur that is, is to now too refer, and to the said phrase in all, and of 'American Pastoral', and that does in all even speak of American life, and as simply said perceived too, and in speak of Lenses that is, and of the United States of America, and in History too, and as simply said too Misogynist, Sexist, and if not said Feminist too that is. In all, while Americanization, does in all even speak of the Subject, Subjugation, and if not of Denomination too, is to now too say that, American Pastoral, does in all even speak of American Perspectives, Views, and of said American Lenses too, but with that said to speak of Naturalization, simply now said to speak of Constitution, the Constitutional, and of a said American Democracy too that is.

In attempting to conclude on all this, is to now refer, and to the very manner in all, said African-American Identity, and if not speak too of Technology, has in all even come, to shape, what does pass for an Epithet, and if not of the Slur in itself too that is, and in the United States of America. That in speak of the Epithet and Slur, and in American Society too, speak now, and of the said manner in all, and that African-American Music Genres/Styles in all, have come to shape said American Identity, and in regards and to speak of the Epithet and Slur, and in now associating it all too, and with speak and of the Music Genre/Style of Rag-Time that is, and if not of the name of Fats Domino too that is.

In speak though of Technology, one does see an interesting manifestation, and alongside speak of Marshall McLuhan too that is, and of the very manner in all, Technology, does in all even shape society so to say, and away and from speak of Epithets and Slurs, and onwards now, and to speak of Name-calling, and of Tagging too that is. That both are too simply said even, discriminatory in their ways, and in now associating Epithets and Slurs, and with speak too of Consciousness, generated, and by speak of the American Flag in itself, while speak of the Name-calling, can too be said to speak of Achievement, Black, African-American, Minority too, while speak of the Tagging, can too be said, to in all even speak of the Boycott in itself that is. In all, speak now, and of the Television, and as said a Technology too, and as perceived said here America's most influential or defining Technology that is, and with it all even said to speak of the United States of America, and as said generating a Consciousness to it all, and that could too be said to speak too perhaps, and of what one too could term, Great Expectations that is.

In all, and in attempting to in all even, speak of the very best manner in all, and of Sizing up, this said problem, and in comparison and to speak of Analysis, or Diagnosis too, is too perhaps, associate White Male Identity in the United States of America, and with speak too of Diversity in itself, and that said too African-American, and with Intelligence, and that does too speak of Improvisation/Versatility, and if not in attempting now, to associate African-American Identity in itself too, and as said truly American that is, and with speak too of the Wolverine that is.


[Fats Domino - Ain't That A Shame]