Monday 6 July 2015

an American Life

an American Life.

For many in the United States of America today, the very belief that, the United States of America in all, does not offer, said here Ample opportunity, and if not that said Sufficient too, and in regards and to speak of American life, and as perceived too, and from speak of Avenues, Arenas, Areas, Alleys etc., and if not in speak now, and of American definitions too, and of Access, and as said too, and to speak of a Dress Code for instance.

In saying that, America in all, has truly changed in its ways, and not simply grown too perhaps, and in speak of its Economics too, is to now too ground, the search for Success/Opportunity and in the United States of America, and with speak too now, and of American Social Identity that is. That this all, now too, does speak, and of those said, wanting/seeking, a said piece of American Pie it can best be said here, and in now simply saying that, American life, was once said something, to truly cherish, for Success in all, American, was said too believed truly grounded, and in speak and of Social Identity, and of the said search for Experience, and as said too underlying, Success in itself that is.

The very name of President Benjamin Franklin, is obviously known to most, or all Americans that is, and in now saying too that, it is a name, and that can be said of pivotal importance, and in regards to speak of American History, and as compared and to speak too now, of that name of Thomas Edison for instance. For the very name too of General Electric (GE), is known to most or almost all sorts of people it can be said, interested and in things American that is, but that in saying too that, GE, and in speak too of the very name of Thomas Edison too, are believed in all, highly Politicized, is to now refer, and to speak of an America, Historically too, that simply does believe or say that American Identity in all, should be said grounded truly, and in speak of Socialization that is. That the very name of Benjamin Franklin that is, and as said too and to speak of his been said an Inventor/Scientist that is, now does in all even speak, and of the United States of America, and in History too, and as said defined, and by speak of Event, and not of the Political Stage truly either. That for many Americans today, it too can be perceived or said that, that the United States of America in History, is no longer defined and by speak of Event (and in regard and to speak too of Socialization that is), but that in all again, the United States of America, is said today defined, and by speak truly of High-Profile Status for instance, and of the Politicizing of Identity in all, and in the United States of America today too that is [and if not of the birth of stringent Social Stratification in the United States of America, and that does in all even equal or surpass that, and that does speak too of Alabama that is]. In all, American Event, and as perhaps best said too associated, and with American definitions of Realism that is.

The Study of Death, and as deemed said to refer, and to speak of Thanatology, and as furtherly said Greek too, can be said of prime importance/significance in all, and in regards and to speak and of what does pass for an American Life that is. That it is in this very said Sphere of existence that is, and in regards to speak of American Political life too, and whereby, the very word/term of the System, the American System, does in all come into play, or come alive and as some would say, and as with it all even said best equated, and to speak too of an American Life, and as said perceived too, and from speak of the Humanities, Social Studies, Cultural Anthropology, and if not in speak now and of Legality/Law that is. That what is been said here is that, American life today, is said and by some, to be simply Diminishing in its ways/manners that is, and in speak too now and of Prospect that is, for said American Identity, and in regards and to speak too of the American Humanities, American Social Studies, American Cultural Anthropology (and of American Folk Identity too), has in all even it is said, been put aside, and in favour, and of speak of the System that is, the American System, and of American Legality/Law too that is. That what is furtherly been said here is that, American Legality/Law, does not in all speak of Prospect truly and as most would in all tend to believe, but instead, does speak truly, and of said American definitions and of Death, Dying, and of Dearthliness in itself too that is.

In saying that, the above, can too, or does too, equate, and to speak of American Philosophy, and as said and to speak too of Objectivism for instance, is to now too, associate speak of an American Life, and in regards and to speak too of Prospect, and as said even equated, and to speak too of an American Theology that is. That the said Prospect here, is said too Group, Communal/Community and if not Family too, and as versus that said Individual for instance, for it all too, now does associate speak of American Political life, and with the said too here, following terminology that is: Decay/Decadence, Erosion/Eroding, Fall/Collapse, and if not of Rotting/Decomposition, and of the said term too, and of Catacombs too for instance.