Thursday 9 July 2015

American Brew

American Brew.

This entry, will attempt to deal, and with a said even Condition, Psychological, and that can too be said to afflict many an American today, and in regards and to what does pass, and for an American Consciousness, and in speak truly now, and of the very manner in all, most Americans, do in all even perceive or define, Ailments, or Malaise too that is. That what is been said here, is that, for many an American, the attempt in all, and in defining themselves, and in speak of Psychology now, and not Intelligence truly either, does in all too, speak, and of the very manner in all, Americans, do perceive their said Environments for instance, and in further speak too and of what does pass for Ideals/Standards, and in American society too that is [for American Psychology in all, now too, does speak of the Freemasonry tradition in America, and if not of the said erecting, and of the Statue of Liberty in itself that is].

That in all, what is believed said the Determining Factor in all, and in truly now and in the very least here too, land in the earning, and of just how in all, to be Appreciative of life that is. Hopefully, what is been said here is understood, and alongside speak of the Thanksgiving Holiday, that Americans in all, are not in search for Appreciation truly, or speak even of Gratitude for instance, or of Acclaim too perhaps, but probably said in all, to be simply said to think of life, and from a said even Thankful perspective that is. 

In having said that, American society today, is said to, defined and in speak of Ideals/Standards, but that have come to be truly acquainted in all, today that is, and with speak of Intelligence truly, is to now perhaps, attempt to claim that, American life, and in History, has always been lived around, speak of Psychology truly, and not Intelligence truly either, and in now saying that, Americans today, and in said Political Status too perhaps, are in all even described, as said being in Person/Personable, and as versus speak truly too, and of the Individual that is.

In saying that, Americans and in Psychology, and if not in speak of the Individual, does in all even refer, and to the History of Leadership in the United States of America too, or America truly too, but in speak now, and of America, and from the very said period, and of the American Revolutionary War, one now does see many an American, struggle in all, and with what they do term Psychological Ailments/Malaise, and as said too and to speak, and of a Psychology, and that does not refer and to speak of Freud for instance (and of Dream Interpretation too for instance), or of Erickson (Anal Retentiveness in all), but in all again, a Psychology, and that does too speak of the Shattered Self for instance, the Haunted Self, the Splintered Self, Disassociation, Split Personalities etc., and as with it all too, said a Psychology, and that does in all even get at the heart, and to speak and of what does pass for the Individual for instance, American, and if not in speak of Ailments/Malaise, Psychological too that is.

That hopefully, what is been said here, is understandable, and in now too saying that, American definitions of Ailments/Malaise, and in speak too of American Psychology, do in all even associate, the Individual, and with speak too of the Group, and of said Groupings, Coupling/Couples, Modules/Modularity, Congregation, Gatherings etc., and in now too saying that, Americans, and in speak too of the Individual here, and Historically too, do in all even perceive Success, and from the said even perspective above, Group Theory that is, and as versus speak truly, and of the Person/Personable, and if not of Intelligence truly either, and as said even tied down truly, today, and to speak too only, and of an Education, and that does speak too of the American University System that is [and away from speak too of Americana for instance].

In now saying too that, American definitions and of the Individual in all, do in all even lie and in speak of Group Theory, is to now too, state that, understanding American Group Theory in all, and as perhaps now too, said much advanced or progressive in its ways that is, and as compared to that said Canadian too for instance, Brainstorming, or that said European, Family Affiliates, is to now too, ground it all, American Group Theory, and in American definitions, and of the Family, the Home, and if not of the Household too, and as said in all even referring, and to the United States of America, and as said even, a Welfare State too that is.

That in speak now, and of American Homes, speak now too, and of the very manner in all, it all has come down, to be tied, and in speak too and of African-American Identity too that is. That when one does speak of studying, African-American History, and as said to refer, and to its African past too and so to say, one does in all even find, that African-American Identity, now too, is said tied down, and in the attempt to make America, and as said a true Home, and away from speak too, and of Africa, and if not in speak too of the said African Diaspora in itself that is. That what in all is been said here is that, said termed African-American Identity, has in all even come down, and to be tied down, and to speak of American Gender formations in all, and if not those said too Cultural, for it does in all even speak of American Gender Identity, American Gender Profiles, American Gender Constructs, American Gender Typing, American Gender Depictions/Portrayals etc., and as said even referring, and to the very manner in all, Americans, do perceive American History, and as said to speak too of Slavery that is [and as said too Institution]. That in all, speak of American Homes, now does refer, and to speak and of viewing American life in all, and as said to speak of the Public, and the Private too, and in Presentation too that is, and if not in speak too of Spaces, Community/Communal too that is. In all, speak now too, and of the very manner in all, African-American Speech, has in all even come to define American life in itself, for it too, does in all even speak of Great American Speeches, and if not in speak too of the Movie, the Aviator, and by Scorcese/DiCaprio too, and in now too saying that, it is a Movie, and that does speak too of American Homes in all, but in speak of it in Speech, speak too and of it said Carrying, and not Possessing either, a Speech, and that does speak too of that said African-American that is [and something said here, and in a said even propositional manner too that is].

In speak now though, and of the American Family, speak now too, and of the very belief that, the Party-State Model, and that does speak too of American Politics today, has in all even come to be the ruin, and of said even, American Pride that is. That America, and as said even 'Home to the Brave, Land of the Free', now does have to it, American Philosophy, and as said too to speak of Industry (Self-Industry), Inventory, Community Buildup, Merchant Banking, American Trade/Business/Investment, American Securities etc., and as said Historically too, said tied down, and to speak of the American Family in itself, and as said even upholding Independence, and as said truly too, a Family Virtue, but that in all again, the said even Party-State Model, and of defining American Political life, now too, does associate American life, and with speak too of the (Media) Powerhouse Model of existence, and if not in speak now truly, and of the United States Flag, Puerto Rico included, and as said referring, and to the American Family today too that is. In saying that, the Southern Confederacy, does still very much stand to this day, it all then does in all even refer, and to the very fact that, the Southern Confederacy, did in all even define the American Family, and as said even detailed above that is, and if not in speak too of the Southern Government that is and so to say, and in speak now too, and of what does pass for American Hospitality in itself that is. That this all too, American Hospitality in itself, is believed even, said in all even encoded perhaps, and in the Southern Confederacy Flag too that is.

It is in speak though, and of the American Household, and as said too, and to simply speak of American Living Standards/Arrangements in all, and whereby, one does find that, said American Identity in all, and as said truly referring, and to speak of Households and Incomes, now does speak too of a said America today, in Trouble, and in speak too of 'the State of the Union' Address for instance, and as said now to speak surprisingly enough, and of America and as said even possessing a Psychology to it, and that does speak too of Encroachment (and on/of ones Spaces that is), Gated Communities, and if not in speak now too, and of American Media, and as offering to many but not all, what can best be said to speak of American Success Images that is [and as often said too, and to speak of Professionalism in all]. In all, speak here and the very said here sphere that is, and of American Evangelism too for instance, for it is with this said group in all, believed said even tired out, and in the said even Pursuit for Happiness for instance, and whom/who in all, do perceive the United States of America, and not from speak of populaces, populations, denizens etc., but from speak of Mass Psychology truly that is, and with they now too, and in referring here and to speak of Evangelism, defining the United States of America in all, and if not of American International Identity too, and alongside speak of the Masses that is, and of Americans too, and as said even engaging in all, and in Religion /  Religious practises that is, and as said even Alien too, and in the need to find said Images that is, Psychological, and that do in all even refer, and to speak of Reliance (Self-Reliance) in itself too that is. In all, and as appropriately said here too, America in all, and as said even perceived and from speak of Citizenship, Aliens, Guests, Visitors, the Pariah etc.

In now saying that, America's said everyday problems, are simply believed even, simply said numerous in their ways, is to speak too perhaps, and of said American definitions of Comfort, and if not of Privacy/Intimacy too that is. That this very entry, now too, does speak and of this very said Blog, the Candidate, and as said now to speak and of an American Consciousness, and that does speak of American Brew too (and not American Beer truly either), and as with it all even said to refer, or speak of, and of a said Consciousness Brewed that is. That this Blog, now does provide, for a said even Safehouse, and whereby, one can simply stop to think, and about their said lives, American, and in now perceiving it all, and not from speak too of Moralism, or of Mores/Norms too (and in speak too of the Sexual Advance for instance), but in speak truly now, and of the best Direction taken that is, and if not of Trajectories in themselves too that is.