Monday 6 July 2015



This entry, now does too attempt, to deal, and with the said even volatile, and if not turbulent too, social relations/relationships, and that do in all even define, American Social life today that is. That it all too, now does speak, and of American Social life, and as said not defined or described, and in speak truly of Social Conditioning, but in all again truly, and in speak now of Socio-Pathologies that is.

That what we are trying to state here, is that, American Social life, and in speak of the said termed Mother Archetype too, and in further speak too and of one and as said Socialized too that is, can too be said to speak, and of the Notre Dame tradition, and in America too, and if not of the Notre Dame University in itself that is, and in speak now, and of what too does make for speak of traditional America, and as often said too Quebecois, French, and Italian too that is.

In saying that, the above does in all speak of Social Conditioning, and in the United States of America too, is to now too, speak of Socio-Pathologies, and said as now defining Social Culture (the Socio-Cultural), and in the United States of America too, and as said arising now, and with speak of Africa that is [and if not of African-American Identity too]. That Socio-Pathologies in the United States of America, now too, do speak and of whom/who in all, Americans, are said to be, and as said now too defined, and by speak of Morbidity, Mortification, Indulgence, Gratification, and if not in speak too of Social Stratification (American Racism) that is, but in now saying too that, America in all, does truly appear to be defined, and by speak of Depravity, and if not and of what they do term Racist Action too that is.

In saying that, American Social Identity and so to say, is believed said best defined, and in speak of Game, Sport and Recreation too, is to now too, speak and of those simply said American, and if not Un-American too in all. In now saying that, the United States of America, is today, not defined truly, and by speak of the American, the Un-American, and if not of the Non-American too, is to now too, associate American Social Identity, and as simply said and to speak of Social Circles, Social Networks, Social Groups, Social History (Generation X, Generation Y, the Babyboomers, Feminism etc.), and if not in speak truly now, and of the Social Contract too perhaps [and of Vintage/Custom/Antique America too that is]. In saying that, American Social Identity, is now simply said complicated, and as said defined right above, is to not speak of it, and as said American, Un-American, and Non-American too, but that in all again, speak now too, and of Americans and as simply said possessing, 'White Faces', and 'Black Faces' too that is.

In all, what can in all again be said here, is that, American Social Identity, and as said best grounded too, and in speak of the Local/Family, and as said too Identity truly American that is, now too, does in all even probably best speak now, and of the said 'Game' too, and of Solitaire that is [and as with it all even said rather Archetypal in its ways too that is].

American Piano:

[Don McLean - American Pie]