Thursday 2 July 2015

American Bibliographies

American Bibliographies.

Those who do in all, proclaim, and to have an understanding, and of the United States of America and as said a Whole, and in History too, do in all even know or acknowledge, it does too, speak now and of whom/who in all, Americans, are said to be, and when it does come, and to speak too of Bibliographies that is. That for those, who do truly dream of making it in America, American Bibliographies are deemed even, a must, and in simply understanding, whom Americans are, and why they do, just about anything they will [and as said too including now, speak of attempts, and ofn landing on Mars for instance].

In understanding the above better, and in speak now and of those simply said American (and in a said too Historical sense), and those simply said not American, is to now attempt to understand, the very manner in all, said American Identity, is said very much said tied, and to speak too of Geography, and if not of Terrain in itself too that is. That this Blog, and as said grounding its said beliefs, and in speak of the Founding Fathers, now too, does see it primarily too, go along in all, and with speak of what some do term 'the shores of America' that is. A History too, that does link American History, and to that said to speak too of Spain, Italy, and if not of Egypt too, and as with it all even said now to refer, and to speak of the Mapping Out of the United States of America (and of the American States too), the Charting out of the United States of America (the Midwest, the North, the East Coast etc.), and if not of the said even, Tracing out, and of the United States of America (and of American Cities too, and as said even having an Individual Make-up to them all that is). 

In however saying that, the above mentioned manner in all, does too speak of the origins and rise of America, it does not actually speak or refer, and to the very manner in all again, America, did in all come to be, and as it is said to be that is. That it in all, does not speak, and of the said birth of America, and in basic speak here and of the Pilgrims too, and as with it all even referring, and to speak too of American Soil that is [Link]. Interestingly enough, a manner in all, and of viewing American life, and that does too now, speak, and of just whom in all it can be said, the United States of America, are, and with speak too now, and of the Middle East, India, and China too that is. Something not easy to prove perhaps, and in saying that, it does to speak of the United States of America, and in Ethic too, if not Handiwork, and as with it all even said to speak too American-Japanese relations that is.

There are those, who do know of American Waters, and as said even Geographical terminology, and as referring and to speak of said even, American Overseas Territories that is. However this said terminology in all, and of American Waters, can be best perceived here, and in speak of Cuba, and of the Bay of Pigs Invasion too that is. That it is in speak of American Waters, and if not of the name of Elian Gonzalez too perhaps, and simply whereby, said American Identity in all, now too, does meet and with that said to speak of Central America, Cuba/Florida, and Spanish South America too that is. In all, speak here, and of American Waters, and as said coming to define American Identity, and in manners in all, most don't truly appreciate that is, and as it does in all even speak of the said Artform, and of Cabaret that is, and with it said too, having a bigger impact in all, and on American life, and than most would acknowledge that is [for Cabaret, does speak too of the United States of America, and from the 1920's, and onwards, and onto the 60's too, but that in all again, it does too speak of the very name of Howard Hughes, and as said associated in all, and with speak too of 'the Amphibian' that is].

The above though, does not tell one, and of the United States of America, and of whom/who in all, they are, and with speak of Canada too that is. That Canadians, are known not to take a disliking, and to the United States of America, and in History too, and all this too and as said even a prejudiced belief held here and on my part, and by the Blogger too that is, for in speak now of Europe, speak too now and of it even, said directly connected to the United States of America, and in speak and of the Shores of America, and if not in speak of the West Coast too that is. That Canadians, do in all even it does appear, appear somewhat embittered, even moreso, than Brazilians are, for it is said here too, that both of them, do truly believe that they do in all hold no true Importance/Significance, and to the lives of Americans that is, and in regards and to the very manner in all, Americans, do in all even perceive the following terms: Sport, Blood, the Future, Community, Contest/Competition etcetc.

In however, attempting to make both Canadians, and Brazilians, said even more embittered in their ways, is to perhaps say that, while the United States of America, it is believed in all, does in all even perceive both Countries, and as said even Strategic Allies that is, the future of the United States of America it can be said here, it is believed does too lie, and in Americans, and as now too perhaps, attempting to define themselves in all, and in regards, and to speak of American Airspaces that is. That surprisingly enough, and according to the Blogger here, such Identity formation in all, now too, it is believed, does eventually lead back and to speak of Africa in itself, and in speak now, and not of the Strategic Use, Strategic Relevance, or Strategic Importance too, and of Africa too that is, but speak now truly, and of the very manner in all, Americans do perceive Challenge in their lives, and as said even now, referring, and to speak too of Trauma/Abuse that is.

'African Piano':

[Ludovico Einaudi - Le Piano African]