Saturday 20 June 2015


of American Transcendentalism.

Transcendentalism, can in all even be believed said, Indian/Asian Philosophy, but when applied, and in an American Context so to say, it now too, does speak of the United States of America, and as simply said Region in all, but as simply described or defined too, and in speak of the following term/word: an Expanse. That America in all, is simply described or denoted, and as said an Expanse truly, and in Geography that is, and such that, American life, now too, does minimally in all, mirror that, said African too, for Africa too, and as said a whole, is often too described, and as simply said Expansive that is.

In helping one though, truly understand Transcendentalism, and as said too American Philosophy, is to now too, attempt to understand, American definitions in all, and not only of Time, but speak truly too, and of perceptions made, and in regards and to speak of Societal Roles too that is. That America in all, is now referred to, and as said even, 'the New World', and in speak now, and of the very manner too in all, Americans, do define Time that is.

That in most of the World, Time is in all even, said Egyptian truly, and as said too, deciphered in all, and from the very said perspective, and of Chronology, Timelines, and if not of Historical References too that is. In now saying that, both Italy and Africa, do too, have differing manners in all, and of deciphering Time that is, is to now too, make way, and for the said possibility, that the birth of America, is said too believed, to now speak too, and of American Time, and as said even perceived truly, and from speak too of American Soil in itself that is. A History too, and that does in all even equate, and to speak too of the very term/word of Seed, but in now saying that, Italy, does perceive Time, and in a said even complex manner in all, and that is simply said equated, and to speak of the very term/word of Liturgy that is, and of said beliefs in Miracles too perhaps (or in speak too of the very belief that, only a Miracle, could save us all), is to now say too, Time in Africa, is too, experienced in complex manners in all, and which does in all again truly equate, Time and in Africa that is, and to speak too of Continuism/Continuum in itself that is.

In now though, equating, American Concepts of Time in all, and to speak too of American Soil, is to now though, speak of the said belief here that, American Time, and in accordance and to the rise of many another society/civilization out there, now too, does in all even arise, and with speak of American definitions, and of Masterly in itself that is. Masterly too, and as said even Edict, and in Religious terms too that is, and which does in all even speak now, today, and of Americans and in Masterly, and as said to refer, and to speak of the Rodeo too for instance.

America though, does truly develop, its very own said even, Notions of Time, and with they too, said now even equated in all, and to speak of Masterplans, Blueprints and if not of Directorates too that is.

When in 1981 though, MTV, is said to in all even first broadcast, and as believed even, secretly heralded, and by none other than Sumner Redstone in himself, they in all, would become a part, of American History, and in more fundamental ways in all, and than they would expect. For this all now, does too, refer, and to speak of American History, and as now said even divided into two Streams, and which does in all even speak, and of the Referendum, and if not of the Reconstruction too that is. That the Referendum, a History too, tied to the Founding Fathers, and if not in speak too, and of the conquering of the American Frontier, does not only see to it, America in all, and as now said divided into States that is, but in saying that, Quebec too, is said a part of American History, and before the Referendum that is, is to now too, speak of the difficulty, and of defining American society/life in all, and as said to refer, and to speak of Roles in society in itself, and if not in speak now, and of what does pass for the Ideal/Standard, and in American life that is. Ideals/Standards, that the Founding Fathers, would in all even equate, and to speak too, and of American Natural History that is, and as now said too, said to refer, and to speak of Presentation (Ideals), and of the Feature (Standards) too that is. In saying that, American History, does in all even get sidetracked as such, is to now speak too of Reconstruction, and which does in all even now, equate, Success and in America and so to say, and with speak of Behaviour in itself, and which does in all even eventually, lead, and to the said birth here, and of MTV too that is.

In now attempting to conclude on all this is, is to now speak, and of the said here great Debate, and between Referendum, and Reconstruction too, and which can easily too, be termed, the American Civil War that is. A Civil War, and which does in all even engage, America, and in speak too and of the said State of the Union Address that is, and to very much Debate, American Identity in all it is said here, and in regards, and to speak of Parenting/Family in itself, and as said now equated, and to speak of Trigger Mechanisms, and if not of Stimulus too that is. That America in all, now too, does come to be equated, and with speak and not only of Policing truly, but in speak too and of Law Enforcement in itself, and which in Time, does very much too, see the very birth, and of the CIA, and of the FBI too that is.

American Piano:

[Aerosmith - Dream On (with Southern California Children's Chorus)]