Saturday 1 August 2015

American Media

American Media.

This entry, will attempt to deal, and with the said issue or matter, and that does in all even say or state that, Media, and in the United States of America today, has in all even become rather ubiquitous in its ways, and such that, it does in all even premeditate, many a question, and of what does pass for Security, Secureness, Concern, and if not of Safety, and in the United States of America too, and if not in said speak of the rest of the World too that is. That what in all, is been said here is that, it too can be said that, there is a manner in all, and of viewing History, and at the said Individual level too, and that does ask of one, or of us all, whom/who in all, we are said to be, and as said too Decision-makers that is, and such that, Media today, can be said to truly interfere, and with whom/who in all, we are said to be, Historically too, and in speak of Decision-making that is. That speak of one and as said a Decision-maker, now too, does see the said rise in all, and in regards to Media, and of a said Psychology too, and of Cravings that is, and that does speak too of the United States of America, and as said Obese, Anorexic, Bulimic, ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), Amnesia/Dementia etc.

In having said the above, is to now too, present a view, and of what does pass for Media, and in the United States of America today that is. That Media in the United States of America, can in all even be said categorized in all, and in three said Spheres of Influence, and that do speak of (Independent) Media Houses, Media Syndicates, and if not of Media Centers too that is. That in speak of Media Houses, speak too now, and of what does pass for, Independence/Autonomy, and in the United States of America too. In speak of Media Syndicates, speak too now, and of what does pass for Trust/Certainty, and in the United States of America, but in speak of Media Centers, speak now, and of what does pass for Support/Means, and in the United States of America today too. In all, and in now saying that, Media Centers, are in all even, said perceived more or less recent in their ways in all, is to speak too, and of said American perceptions, and of Government, Commerce, and if not in speak too of Federalism in itself that is. That Media Centers, now too, do arise, and in speak too of offering said Support/Means, and to just about anyone out there, and in speak too MIT Labs for instance, but in further speak of Government in the United States of America, and as said too perceived, and from speak of Congress, and if not of the House of Representatives, but in speak of American History and as said grounded in all, and in speak of Commerce, speak too now, and of the said rise too, and of the CIA in itself, but in further speak now and of Federalism in itself, speak too, and of the Pentagon too that is. In all, Media Centers, and as said offering a whole new picture it can be said, and of a changing, evolving America in all, and in speak too of a said shift in Power, and away, and from speak of Academia, or of Intelligentsia too, and onwards, and to speak too now for instance, and of Business/Corporate Leaders that is.

In helping one though, understand what Media is said to be, and in a said Regional Context, and if not that said Historic too, is to now attempt to associate, speak of Decision-making, and in American History, and not in speak of Goods and Services for instance, or of Production too, but in speak now, and of what does pass for Movement, Motion and Activity, and in society, and if not in speak of Noise too that is. That Media, can too be said basically perceived, and from speak of Noise levels, but in saying that, the United States of America, is believed said to have a Freemason History to it all, is to now understand, Movement, Motion and Activity, and as said to speak of Decision-making, Freemason, and if not in speak of Exuberance in itself too for instance [for the latter, now does place American History, and as said too, taking place, and at a said Local level too that is]. Hopefully, all this too, can be understood, and from a said perspective, and that does say, Media, and in the United States of America too, can too, be said to speak of the very said term/word of Rescue, and not of Help, Aid or Assistance truly either, but Rescue, and as something too, probably said to speak, and of the said even, rise, and of NASA, and as perceived, and from speak of Media truly that is.

In saying that, Media Houses, and in the United States of America today, can too be said attached in all, and to speak too of the NASDAQ, and if not of the NYSE too, and at a said Institutional level that is, is to now too, associate, Media Syndicates, and with speak too of Modernization, Westernization, and if not of Nationalization too, and in the United States of America that is, but in speak of Media Centers, speak too now, and of Convention, Policy and of Heritage too, and in further speak of the United States of America, and in Volunteership too for instance, but what in all, is been said here, is that, for those considered truly American, Media, and that does speak of Movement, Motion and Activity, and in Decision-making too, is said too, a said birth-right in all, and of those said American that is, but in speak of the Immigrant, speak truly, and of Media Centers, and of the Rescue too, and as said in all even offering a whole new manner in all, and of viewing Opportunity in the United States of America, and that does in all even place one, squarely too, and in speak too of Media, and that could too be said to accommodate the said presence, and of a said Grizzly, or Black Bear too that is.