Sunday 9 August 2015

Archers in America

Archers in America.

This entry, will now attempt to look into American life, and as said too in all, detailed, and from a said perspective too, and that does speak of the American Psychological Association (APA) that is. That it in all too, and alongside speak of this Blog, and many another, and by the Blogger herein, and on the United States of America, does attempt to in all, speak of, or ground truly, American History, and as said now perceived, and from or in speak of the African-American Memory that is. That this Memory, is not well understood by most, and is now too said, to complicate many a said view, and of American life, and that does too, translate in all, and to speak of Justice in itself too that is. 

That what in all again, is been said here is that, life, and as most do know it, can simply be said, driven, and by what one could too term, Political Interests, and in a said reference here too, and of a said even, Job transfer or move, and from one State to another that is. That it is in speak, and of what Political Interests are said to be, and that does too, simply in all, point out, the very manner in all again, most do in all even define Happiness in their lives, and with it all too now, best said associated, and with speak too of African-American History, and of African-Americans too, and as simply said now, making inroads, and to what too, does in all even pass for Conventional American life, and if not that said to speak too of Sacrifice and Offering, and in now simply attempting to claim that, African-American History, is in all even said Myth ridden, and in speak of Myth too, not simply said American in all, or said too, Native American and in its ways/manners too that is, but probably said, to redefine the United States of America, and in Celebration in itself that is. That African-Americans, do in all even possess Myth to them, and that does too speak of a said even, whole new America, and as said too, in place that is.

In having said the above, and in speak too now, and of simply where the United States of America, does meet Spain and in History too, is to now attempt to speak and on what does pass for Animosity/Blood, and in the United States of America, and as said even Political that is. That this too, could be said equated, and to speak too of a said even GOP Candidate poll, and in now acquainting it all, and with speak and of what does pass for, and Literally said too, and for Native American Identity in all, that said White (American) too, and if not of that simply said too, Black, Coloured, or Minority too that is.

That in speak now of Political Interests, and of Animosity/Blood, and as said Political too, and in the said speak here too, and of Native American Identity that is and as said Heritage too, is to perhaps, ask of one, and of if what they do term Initiation, and as simply said to speak of the Native American Priest, and not of Native American Religion in all, is in all believed said beneficial, and in regard, and to speak of Survival, and in the United States of America today that is. That what can too be said here, is that, it is what is said/termed in all, Native American Identity that is, and that does in all even struggle, and with the very question, and of what Technology, and in our said lives too, is in all even said to embody, or is said too, is, that is, and in further regard, and to our said viewing of life in itself, and from speak of Cycles, and not of Frequencies/Frequency either, or of said even, the viewing of life, and from said even Economic Demand/Supply Curves that is. That what is been said here, is that, Technology, can too be equated, and to a said even Egyptian way of life, Ancient too, and that does associate life, and with speak of Frequency, and in Ritual or Practise too that is [and in further speak here and of the Egyptian tradition of Chanting/Chant for instance]. In all, speak of Technology, and of Native American beliefs too in all, does in all even come down, and to speak and of what said Physical Views in all, it can be said, are to be held, and in regard, and to speak of Survival that is. That those said Native American, are said too grounded in all, and in speak of Cycles that is, while those said British/American, are said too, grounded in all, and in speak of Frequency that is. 

In speak now and of Political Interests, and of Animosity/Blood, and of said even White (American) Identity in all, is to now associate it all too, and to speak of what does pass for Archetype, and in American society too that is. That it all too, now does refer, and to the said known belief that, Success and in the United States of America today, is simply said White, and in speak too now, and of said even Non-White Success in the United States of America, and as said too, to speak of those said 'left behind' that is, and in further speak here too, and of what does pass for an American Guise in all, and as said to refer, and to speak and of what does pass for American Intelligence, and as said too to speak of WASP, Anglo and said even English Identity that is. That in all, it can be said that, the forementioned three Identities in all, and that are in all even said English-speaking truly, are in all even perceived, and from said too, Lenses, and that do speak of the Anglophile that is, and that in all again, it is they, who are in all even considered, to hold or house, History to them, and that does in all even speak of Archetype in itself that is. In now attempting to deal, and with this said issue/matter in all, and that does in all even claim that, that said White (American) Identity, and as said even Superior to others, and from a said even Supremacist viewpoint, and which too is said even a part of (World) Media today, is to not ground it all, and in speak of White (American) Identity, and as said even, derogatorily enough, Redneck, Hillbilly or White Trash too, but in speak too now, and of that said White Hispanic/Latin that is. In having said that, is to perhaps make one aware of the very fact that, what does pass for Anglo, WASP or said even English Identity in all, and in regards and to the English Language, can too be said, to speak of Shakespeare, and if not of the British too, but that in all again, it is said here other forms of English in all, do in all even exist, and in regards and to dealing with this issue/matter in all, and that some too, have in all even equated, and to speak of White Privilege that is: Sherlock Holmes, Samuel Pepy's, Don Quixote, Tolkien / Lord of the Rings, Arthurian / Diana Gabaldon, 'Tony Duquette' (Hollywood) etc.

In speak too now, and of what does pass for said Black, Coloured or Minority Identity that is, and in the United States of America, and in regard and to speak of Political Interests, and if not of Animosity/Blood, and in said speak here too, and of Ambition in itself, is to perhaps ground it all, and in American definitions of Privacy that is. That Privacy, is said too, its very own term/word, and away from speak of the Private that is, and in now associating it all too, and with what too, can be said to pass for Minority Expression/Art in all, and if not of Minority Music Artforms too that is, and that do in all even see many a said Minority Artist here, struggle in all, and in defining themselves, and in regard and to speak of Privacy in itself that is [and in the said attempt here, to associate, the United States of America, and as said even by some, virulently racist, and in speak too now, of Discrimination, and not of the Discriminatory truly either, and that does in all even hint, and at what in all, is said to pass for Privacy, and in ones very life too that is].

In all, what too can be said here, is that, this very History said detailed above, and that does in all even go along in all, and with speak too and of what some do term 'American History X', is said best perceived or perused too, and from speak of African-American History that is, and if not that said British too, That many in all, do attempt to connect African-American History, and with that said Caribbean, South American / Brazil, and if not in speak here to of Africa in itself, and of the termed Third World too, and when and in all again, African-American History, does too, have a said De Facto standard to it all, and that does in all even lead, and to said beliefs here, and which do say, that the American Psyche, and in speak too of American Ruggedness for instance, is today said British, and if not said African-American too that is [that both these groups, British, and African-American, do in all even possess, Myth, or Psyche too, and that does in all today translate, and to speak and of what does pass for Struggle in all, and in the United States of America today too that is]. In all, and again, African-American History, and in further speak of American Art here, is said now, to speak of the Blues, and in speak of Physical Views and Initiations too, to speak of Jazz and in Archetype, and if not of African-American Theatre, and in Privacy too, and in further speak too now, and of American life, and as simply said perceived, and in speak of the Commercial, the Judicial, and if not of the Seasonal too that is, and which does in all even lead, and to one and as said opening up, and to recognizing, said even, Minority Success and in the United States of America too that is. For the United States of America in all and as said perceived as such, now does open one up, and to recognizing, the very manner in all, the United States of America, is said connected, and to the rest of the World that is, and in speak too of the redefining of American Affluence that is, and if not of American Voices too, and in the said here too, associating, and of the said Cities of Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia too, and with speak of Minority Identity in itself that is.

The African-American Psyche: