Monday 31 August 2015

M.K. Hume

M.K. Hume.

Many out there, said too American that is, might truly wonder in all, what to make of the Contents, and of this very Blog too that is. For it all too, now does speak and of what Spirituality, is simply said to be, and in said comparison here, and to speak too of Conscience, Intellect, and if not of Idea(s) truly too that is. That Spirituality, does in all even differ, and from the three forementioned in all, for it is in all said grounded truly that is, Spirituality, and in speak too and of what, Myth, is simply said to be.

That in speak now, and along the said lines, and of Joseph Campbell in himself too, there is a belief by many, and that does say, Myth in itself, is simply believed said today, not Relevant in its ways truly that is, and in speak of our very said lives too that is. That Myth, can too be classified and as said rubbish in itself, and in now too saying that, Myth, and not Intelligence (Intelligent Design) either, is truly the very manner in all, God, does in all even seek to present 'himself' to us, for the latter in all, Intelligence (Intelligent Design), now does speak too and of the said Face of God in 'himself' that is.

In attempting to make all this too clear, is to perhaps now differentiate, speak of Legitimacy, and in said comparison, and to speak of Constitution too for instance. For the latter in all, does in all even speak of Institution in itself, while the former, is too now said associated in all, and with speak of the Sacred in itself that is.

In now attempting to make sense of our said World today, and as said too Technologically driven, is to now shine a said light, and on what is believed said here, a lie, and in regard, and to the very manner in all, the said Modern World, did come to be that is. That it can be said, there is said here, a Conspiracy at hand, and that does too say that, Myth in all, is truly believed said Irrelevant and to our very said lives today, and that only Intelligence, or what some do too term Creativity that is, do truly matter in our lives that is. That the lie at hand, now does say that, Technology in all, does too arise and with speak and of what some/one would term Mathematics, or Math too, when in speak and of what is the said truth or reality here, and in regard to all this, it does in all even speak now, and of what one could term Mathematica that is. That Mathematica, does differ from Mathematics, or Math too, for Mathematica, is said too, the very Language of Technology (Mathematics and as probably said Language too), for Mathematica in all, does in all even deal and with speak too of the Fibonacci Series, the Golden Spiral, Fermat's Last Enigma, Calculus etc.

In now too saying that, the World today, can best be said associated, and with speak of Intelligence (Intelligent Design), and as said too and to refer, and to speak of Computation, and if not of (Technical) Communications too, is to now too say that, this very Blog, does in all even truly believe that, Myth, is still very much said of Importance and to our very said lives, and not in speak and of what too, the Psyche, the Soul or the Self too, is simply said to be that is, but that in all again, we do in all live in a World today, and which can be said defined, and in Psychology too, and by speak now and of the said Psychology of Disassociation, and if not of the said Haunted Self, the Splintered Self, Split Personalities, Psychological Damage etc.

In now too saying that, Myth is believed said too many a thing, is to now ground it all, and in speak too and of Egypt/Africa that is. For while Myth is often said Greek, it is something truly believed African/Egyptian, in now too saying that, Myth in itself, is believed said home to said even Esoteric Knowledge Bodies, and that do too speak of Mathematica in itself, Cartography, and if not of the Cryptic, Hermeneutics, Exegesis etc. That in saying too that, the very said world of Mathematica, now too does speak of Political life, and as said to speak of Conspiracy, Scandal, Murder, Mystery etc., is to now too say that, speak of Intelligence (Intelligent Design), now does too speak and of what Competition, Contest, Conflict, Tournament, Proof, Debate etc., is simply said to be that is [and if not in speak here too of Invention, and not of Technology truly either].

However, it can now be said that, many of these said Esoteric Knowledge Bodies, and as said too, and to speak of Oracles that is, are best said too Egyptian/African that is, for in now saying that, Mathematica is said now and to speak and of the said World outside Africa in itself, Africa/Egypt, can now too be said to possess Spirituality to it, Myth, and that does too speak of Dinosaurs, and if not of Dragons too that is. For the very world of Dinosaurs, now does ask and of what Possession, Trance, Altered States of Consciousness etc., are simply said to be, while that which does speak of Dragons in Africa, now does present a said troubling view in all, and of Dragons and in China too, and in now too saying that, Dragons and in Africa, do arise too, and with the said Victorian Imagination, and if not in speak of the Hobbit and by Tolkien (J.R.R.) too, and in now too saying that, it all does speak of the said forgotten Science and of Cartography too, and as said Myth too [and if not of the History of Navigation, Aeronauticals/Nauticals, and if not of Myth and that does too say that, the very first of Sailors, are believed said too Egyptian, African truly, and not Greek truly either that is]. In all, Chinese Dragons, best explained here, and by speak of Cartography (and of the World and as simply said too Charted (out) that is), and not by speak of History either, and in speak now too and of the said History of Civilization too that is.

However and in all again, there is more to all this it can be said, and that does too say that, there is another Myth, forgotten to most today, and that does in all even speak of the said origins and of Iron in itself that is. That Iron, is believed said to arise, and in speak truly of Africa, and not of Egypt truly either, and in Myth too, for Myth and that does speak of Iron, can best be said here associated, and with speak and of what one could term too, Geographica that is, and not Geography truly either. For Geographica, now does too speak too of Tolkiens, Lord of the Rings, and if not of the very names too of Mordor, and of Sauron too that is.

In all, the said works of M.K. Hume above, of King Arthur, do in all even speak of Cartography that is, and not of Geographica truly either, for the original tales of King Arthur, do in all even speak too of Iron in itself that is [and if not of St. George(s) too that is].