Friday 28 August 2015

an American Love Story

An American Love Story.

I do remember, one of the said, first times, and that I did lay/lie my eyes, and on Alicia Silverstone. It was on my turning on the Television, and in a place said far-a-way, and from the United States of America too, and whereupon, I did happen to get a glimpse, catch truly, the said showing, and of Aerosmith's Cryin' Music Video, and that, what more or less I could very well say, is that, to this very day, I can't seem to get over Alicia Silverstone, delivering a said 'Flying Kick', and in the said Cryin' Music Video too, or of her said Bungee Jumping episode too perhaps, and at the said end of the same Music Video too, and whereupon, she did too, give her Boyfriend in the Music Video, the Middle Finger, and in now too declaring her Womanhood, and that too which probably did not say Tomboy either that is. Alicia, and in her said here startling performance, truly did capture my heart, and for all said time too it too can best be said here that is.

Years later, I did too happen to catch Alicia Silverstone, and on Television, and in a place said far-a-way, and from the very place, I did first see Alicia in herself, with the latter too, said being Kenya, and with the former, now too said Canada that is. Alicia though, had changed, and could now too be said, fattened in her ways that is, and it did all appear, or come off and as said shock to me, and of a said here fattened Alicia Silverstone that is, for I always did truly believe, she would remain as she was, and in the said here least too, and I on the otherhand, would continue to struggle, and in simply bettering my life, while thinking many a good thought of her that is. 

This entry though, does now pertain, or purport, and to speak of a Subject matter in all, and which is believed said too, to speak of the said even rise of America that is, and with it all too said pertaining and to speak of Civilization in itself too, and in said Status that is, but with it all even said furtherly grounded in all, and in speak and of Love in itself that is. That the American Love Story, is truly believed said here, said Fable in itself, for it all too, is believed said to be the very basis, and by which America did in all come to be, and in said comparison here, and to speak of the American Family that is. That the American Family, does have itself defined, and in speak of Instinct, Intent, Ambition, Motive, Interest, Aim etc., and in speak now too of Success in the United States of America, and as traditionally said to speak, and of the said saying here, and of 'America; Land of the Free, Home to the Brave' that is. America though, is believed said to arise truly, and from speak of the Love Story. Something too that cannot be said readily proven that is it too can be said here, but it all too, does speak of the very manner in all, Americans, do perceive, Circumstance, and Expectation, and in their very lives too that is. That American Love, is now too said defined, and in speak of Circumstance, and of Expectation, and within the said American Family (Experience) too that is.

There is though, it is believed here, a differing definition of what American Love is said to be, for it all too, is said now grounded in all, and in speak of the Awkward/Clumsy that is. That for many an American, and as perhaps said not knowing what American Intelligence in itself, is said to be, the said belief here that, it all too, does in all even speak of Love, and as said American too, and if not of American perceptions, and of the Awkward/Clumsy that is, and as said too, to speak and of simply whom/who in all, God too, is simply said to be. That in understanding all this better, speak now too, and of associating all this talk, and with that too which does speak of Egypt/Africa, for the United States of America, and in Religion too, is said too Egyptian in all, and in regards, and to the very manner in all, one does in all even view the said following: Initiation, 'the Act', and Exaltation too. That there does exist a said difference, and between Native American Religion, and that too which does speak of the Church in the United States of America, for while Native American Religion does speak of Initiation in itself, speak of the American Church, does speak of Baptism in itself, and with it said too Initiation, somewhat said too African, and in regards to speak of Naming Ceremonies for instance. In speak of 'the Act' though, speak now, and of differing manners in all, and of viewing Egyptian History, for Egyptian History and as said Egyptian too, does too speak of Initiation in itself, while Egyptian History and as said too seemingly and if not said African (and of Africa in Egypt), can too be said to speak of Exaltation, while in speak of Egypt and as said too Greek, and if not in speak too of Moors in America, speak now too, and of 'the Act' that is.

In now too saying that, American Love, has very much always spoken of the Awkward/Clumsy, and of 'the Act' too, is to now too say that, things, or many a thing has/have changed, and in regards to speak of the very manner in all, Americans, do perceive, or define Love too that is. That it all now, is believed said to speak, and of Exaltation in itself that is. That this very entry, will attempt to define American Love, and as said as such, in speak of Exaltation, for it all too and in the very least, now too, does speak of said American definitions, and of Accommodation in itself too that is it too can best be said here [and if not in speak too of the Green Card Lottery scheme for instance].

That what now, is about to be said here, can too be said to speak of the Ramblin' Man, and not of the Tambourine Man either (and with he too, the latter, said possessing a deeper Soul to him), for it all too, now does ask and of what does pass for American Love, and as said to speak of Exaltation in itself that is [and if not of Accommodation in itself too]. That it too can for instance be said here, that American life, is believed said truly grounded in all, and in speak of Wonder in itself, and if not in speak too of NASA, and of Howard Hughes too for instance, but what if, American life, was to be said grounded in Gesture in itself: then it all too, could very well be said, to speak of Exaltation in itself that is. What of speak of Exaltation, and as said too referring, and to speak of Accommodation, and that does too, speak of American life and as said to refer, and to speak of the Rock Bottom, and not of Ground Zero truly either? What too of the said Culture of Disrespect, and that does seem defining of American life today, and away too and from speak of tabloids in themselves, and if not in speak too of the said Media Machine, and of the said Con too, and in American History, and as said furtherly too referring and to speak of said Cherokee Humour in itself for instance. What though, and of the American Law-Giver/Law-Maker, and with he too said perhaps, now said perceived too, and along speak of the American Lynx (American Big Cats). What of the said rise of Hollywood, and with it said too, to speak of just whom/who in all, Americans, are said to be, and as said too perhaps, Detectives that is [and in further speak here too, and of Survival and in the United States of America too that is]. What if, it too can be said, that American relationships/relations, and in the past, said Sexual too, are believed said grounded in all, and in speak of Blackmail in itself, and as said to refer, and to speak too of Cat Calls (Meows), and of what Dog Barks, are said to be, for it all too, now does speak of Blackmail in American society, and as said too readily espoused, and by speak of Country Rock Music too that is.

But what too, and of American Names, and of the said even Segregative Mentalities, and that do speak of American life today. That what too can be said, is that, White culture, and as versus speak now of 'White people' (Jurisprudence), or of 'White folk' (Jurisdiction) too, is believed said something truly real, and in said manifestation that is, and in regards and to speak and of those who do believe that, all said peoples, American, should readily in all mix with each other that is. That it all too, White culture (Justice), can too be said to speak of New Spain (former Spanish Colony in Florida), or of said American Anthologies (enjoyable reads) too that is, but what too can be said here is that, all the said above, now too does speak of American Settings, and if not of American Spaces truly, and as said even eroded that is [and in speak now too, and of the said erasing of past, American Ways of living too that is]. In all and again that is, talk too of, and of said Spaces too that is, of American Spaces, of said Contexts too that is, of American Contexts, or if not as said too that is, perceived, referenced, of Film, of Realms, and if not in talk too of, and of the said Pure, or of the said Abstract Sense too that is, of Dimensions, of American Dimensions, or if not in the said referring to, and to what can be as said of, and of the said Physical, or of the said Real Sense too that is, of Domains, of American Domains.

In the now saying that, the Mexican Eagle, is not said an absentee, and from a said too American past, is to now brand Hip-Hop too, and as said too here an African-American form of Expression, and that does speak too of the Ancestral in itself, and if not of African-American definitions of Love too that is [for Hip-Hop, is said too not Rap Music either].

In now attempting to get to the bottom of all this, all this Ramblin' that is, perhaps is to now say that, Blackmail, and if not in speak of American Names too, are said truly defining of American History in itself, but, what too can be said here is that, and in regards to speak of an American Love Story, is that, it is what they do call the/an American Keyboard (and not American Piano either), and that does too speak of all this, and as it is said to be today that is, American Love that is, for in speak too of Exaltation, speak now and of the very said term/word of Symptom, and as said too, to speak of Love in itself, and if not of God in himself too, and in now too attempting to brand Utah, and as said now too, the very home, and to American Love in itself that is.

American Keyboard:

[Emeli Sandé - My Kind of Love]
