Thursday, 30 July 2015



This entry, will deal with a said even, troublesome, and if not said Sore spot too, and when it does in all even come down, to speak of American relations/relationships. For it all does too, speak too now, and of a said difficulty here, and of defining American relations/relationships, and away too, and from the American Church, for it does in all even ask of Americans, and of the very manner in all, they do define Pity, Forgiveness, Absolution, and if not in speak too of American definitions of Intimacy in itself that is.

That in attempting to understand, what an Epithet, is simply said to be, is to now speak of the United States of America, and as said defined, and by speak of the said Psychological Concept of Belongingness, and as with it all even said, to differ in all, and from the said manner in all, and of creating Governance and in the World today, and as said to speak too of Community Buildup for instance, and if not of the Participatory/Participation too that is [and of many a said too, Knowledge Sharing Network that is].

That Belogingness, and as mentioned in a said here previous post, does speak truly of said Identity, American, and as said even Popularized/Serialized too, and in further speak too, and of what does too pass for many a said Presidential Campaign, and in the United States of America today too that is. That in now too saying that, those in all, aspiring to very much be American, full-blooded too perhaps, do in all even associate it all, and with speak too and of the said climbing, and of the Social Ladder and so to speak, and in further speak now and of the gaining, and of full acceptance, and into American Society, high-profile, and away too, from that said even and to speak, and of the Smithsonian that is.

In now too saying that, the above, does in all even refer, and to the very manner in all, Epithets, Racial too, have in all even come to be said, a mainstay, and of the American Experience, is to now and in all again, attempt to in all, address, the said manner in all, anyone, said attempting to fully become American, and as said Immigrant too, would go about it all that is [and in speak now, and of the said finding, and of ones Place, and in American society, and as said too, and to speak of Profiles that is].

That unknown to most, the United States of America, is not the evil place, many would think to be, and in speak too of the Epithet for instance, for the United States of America in all, does have a said long-standing History to it all, and which many today, do in all even erroneously believe, to speak of the World and as it is today, and as said too defined by speak of Citizenship that is. That one in all, could in all even climb up and in Status/Profile too, what does pass for a said American Meritocratic system that is, and as said too, defined, American Meritocracy that is, and by speak too of Modernization, Westernization, and if not of Nationalization in itself too that is [and with the latter too, simply said today, to fully be associated in all, and with the said rise of African-Americans, and away from speak of their former Slave-Status, and onwards, and to their been considered stalwarts too, and in the American Militaries for instance].

In speak of what the above does truly entail, and in speak of Epithets too that is, is to now associate speak of said American Identity, everyday, and with speak and of whom/who in all, one is, and when they do in all Attempt/Try anything that is. Hopefully, this is understood, and away from speak of Parental Mechanisms, or of Parental Obligation too, and in now too saying that, many and in the United States of America today, simply in all do not know, whom/who in all they are, and when they do Attempt/Try to do anything that is. That in the very least, it all too does speak of Captain Ahab for instance, and of Moby Dick too, and in speak too now of Identity and as said Socialized/Politicized too, and if not of it all, simply perceived, and from many a said Social Context too that is.

In now saying that, Modernization, Westernization and if not of Nationalization too, does in all even offer a said manner in all, and of one, and as said simply defining, or describing themselves too, and when they do in all Attempt/Try (out) anything that is, is to now too, associate the History of Modernization in the United States of America, and with that which does speak too of Picketing, Minority Representation, and if not of Black Empowerment too that is. In all, Modernization, and as said to speak too, and of the United States of America, and in Affirmation too that is.

In referring to the History of Westernization and in the United States of America, and in speak too of the Attempt/Try that is, and in further speak of one and as simply said attempting to find their place in all, and in American society in itself too that is, is to now associate it all, and with speak too of said American perceptions, and of Intermarriage, Melting Pot theories, and if not of Multi-Culturalism in itself too that is. And with Westernization too, said now and to refer, and to the United States of America, and in Agreement too that is.

In speak of Nationalization though, speak too now, and of what does for Segregation, Separatism, and if not of Seclusionism too, and not and in speak only of the History of the United States of America, but in speak too of the Attempt/Try that is, and in further speak too of the United States of America, and in regards and to speak of Consensus/Accordance that is. In all, it is via speak of Nationalization, and where American Political Identity today, is said too Historically, to meet that said African that is, and in speak of Africa in itself too, and in now too associating, the United States of America, and in Consensus too, and in regards to Africa, and with speak too of that said African Identity, and that is simply said Moorish too that is.

In now referring though, and to the Epithet, and as said too a Slur, is to now associate it all, distinctively, or as said uniquely too, and with speak of Americanization, and if not of Naturalization in itself too that is. In now too saying that, this does in all even speak of a said Textbook analysis, and of life and in the United States of America too, is to now associate, the Slur, and in speak of Americanization, and with American History too, and as said subjected, and to a said even Racial, Social, Local, and if not Historical profiling/treatment too that is. In speak of Naturalization as such, and in regard and to speak of the Slur, and of American History too, is to now speak of it all, perceived, and from speak of what does pass for the English, the Anglo, and if not of WASP Identity too that is. However, in claiming that American life, or said Identity too, is said deeply entrenched, and in regards to all this, the Slur that is, is to now too refer, and to the said phrase in all, and of 'American Pastoral', and that does in all even speak of American life, and as simply said perceived too, and in speak of Lenses that is, and of the United States of America, and in History too, and as simply said too Misogynist, Sexist, and if not said Feminist too that is. In all, while Americanization, does in all even speak of the Subject, Subjugation, and if not of Denomination too, is to now too say that, American Pastoral, does in all even speak of American Perspectives, Views, and of said American Lenses too, but with that said to speak of Naturalization, simply now said to speak of Constitution, the Constitutional, and of a said American Democracy too that is.

In attempting to conclude on all this, is to now refer, and to the very manner in all, said African-American Identity, and if not speak too of Technology, has in all even come, to shape, what does pass for an Epithet, and if not of the Slur in itself too that is, and in the United States of America. That in speak of the Epithet and Slur, and in American Society too, speak now, and of the said manner in all, and that African-American Music Genres/Styles in all, have come to shape said American Identity, and in regards and to speak of the Epithet and Slur, and in now associating it all too, and with speak and of the Music Genre/Style of Rag-Time that is, and if not of the name of Fats Domino too that is.

In speak though of Technology, one does see an interesting manifestation, and alongside speak of Marshall McLuhan too that is, and of the very manner in all, Technology, does in all even shape society so to say, and away and from speak of Epithets and Slurs, and onwards now, and to speak of Name-calling, and of Tagging too that is. That both are too simply said even, discriminatory in their ways, and in now associating Epithets and Slurs, and with speak too of Consciousness, generated, and by speak of the American Flag in itself, while speak of the Name-calling, can too be said to speak of Achievement, Black, African-American, Minority too, while speak of the Tagging, can too be said, to in all even speak of the Boycott in itself that is. In all, speak now, and of the Television, and as said a Technology too, and as perceived said here America's most influential or defining Technology that is, and with it all even said to speak of the United States of America, and as said generating a Consciousness to it all, and that could too be said to speak too perhaps, and of what one too could term, Great Expectations that is.

In all, and in attempting to in all even, speak of the very best manner in all, and of Sizing up, this said problem, and in comparison and to speak of Analysis, or Diagnosis too, is too perhaps, associate White Male Identity in the United States of America, and with speak too of Diversity in itself, and that said too African-American, and with Intelligence, and that does too speak of Improvisation/Versatility, and if not in attempting now, to associate African-American Identity in itself too, and as said truly American that is, and with speak too of the Wolverine that is.


[Fats Domino - Ain't That A Shame]

Saturday, 25 July 2015


of Naturalization.

This entry, perhaps said too, the most bold in all, and of all other posts by the Blogger here, will in all attempt to address, what does pass for Naturalization, and in the United States of America too, and if not speak truly, and of Americanization that is. That the United States of America, does in all even today, deal with many an Issue/Matter in all, and that can be said comparable, and to speak too of the pre-modern World, and in now associating it all too, and with the said Psychological Concept, and of Belongingness that is. That what is been said here is that, most do believe the United States of America today, highly defined, and by speak of Modernization, Westernization, and if not of Nationalization too, and as with it all even said to pre-meditate in all, talk of Socialized/Politicized Identity and so to say, and in said comparison now, and to speak of Belongingness, and which does in all even associate speak of said Identity, and in the United States of America too, and with speak too of Popularization/Serialization, and of many a thing that is.

In having said that, is to now ponder, what does in all even pass for Naturalization, and in the United States of America today. That in saying too that, the United States of America, is in all even perceived too, and as said Modern, is to not only associate the United States of America in all, and with speak too of Health Lifestyles, and if not in speak too of Sports Identity, but in speak truly now, and of what does pass for Anglicization in itself, and in the United States of America too that is. The false assumption here, and by many, that English in all, is actually said a Native Tongue, and if not Language too, and to the United States of America, and if not in speak of it all said having a Home in the place too that is.

There is also talk, and in regards to Naturalization, and that does have to do, and with the United States of America, and as said Western too. That in speak of the United States of America as such, is to speak of said Umbrella terms in all, and that do in all even speak of the Law/Justice, and in the United States of America too, and in further speak too now, and of the said terms of America, the United States, the US, the USA, the States, Stateside etc., and with they in all now, said too, and to speak too of, and of American Intelligence, and as said too best associated, and with the very term/word of Tangent that is [and in further speak too here, and of what does pass for American Custom for instance]. In all, American life, and as simply said too, viewed in all, and from speak too of Mexico in itself, Haiti, Jamaica & Puerto Rico, and if not in speak truly, and of the Gulf of Mexico in itself that is.

Thirdly, speak now too, and of what does pass for American Ritual in all, and as with it all even said to speak, of many a said American Celebration, Holiday, Festival, 'Season' etc., and as with it all even furtherly too, said even to speak of Naturalization, and in regards and to the referring of the United States of America, and as said too, a Homeland that is.

In saying that, the above three, do in all even refer, and to speak of Naturalization, is to now too, refer, and to the said meaning and of the said term of Americanization that is. That the two do in all even differ, and in speak too and of the very manner in all, Americans, do define, the Civilian, and the Resident too that is.

That Americanization in all, now too, does best speak of what does pass for speak of a said Social/Cultural Fabric in all, American, and as with it all too, best said here equated, and with the said History of New York City that is, and in further speak too now, and of what does too pass for Political, War, and even speak of, Racial, Frontlines that is, and in regards, and to speak of American livelihoods/living that is.

That Americanization, does too, speak of Religious (Social/Political/Economic) Authority, and as with it all even said too, best said associated, and with speak of the History of Chicago City that is. That it in all, now too, does ask, and of what does pass for State/Colour lines, and in the United States of America too that is.

That Americanization, does three, refer in all, and to speak too of Political/Civic Identity in all, and in the United States of America too, and as said to speak too, and of said Political Mandates for instance, or Mandate in itself too, and as best said even to speak, and of the History, and of Washington D.C. that is. In all, speak of the United States of America, and as said discerned in all, and from speak of Blocks, Neighbourhoods, Districts, Counties, City Limits, City Outskirts, Metropolitan areas etc., and in speak too of said American Constitutional Rights that is.

That fourthly, Americanization, does too, speak of American Economic/Fiscal Policy, and in said here, speak too and of the said History of Los Angeles (L.A.) for instance, and in speak too and of the American people, and as said even defined, and in speak too of Segments, Sectors, Sections, Places etc.

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

the Big Apple

The Big Apple.

In saying that, no one truly knows much of anything to do with New York, is to perhaps now attempt, to approach it all, and from speak of the Candidate, and if not of New York, and as fondly said too, referred to and as, the Big Apple that is. That it all, now does speak of New York City culture, and as perhaps said grounded in all, and in speak too, and of the Summon, and if not in speak truly, and of what does pass for the Giggle, the Gigglish, and in New York Culture too that is.

Sunday, 19 July 2015

the Box

The Box.

[Van Halen - Jump]

The Box, and as said too, a manner in all, and of referring to the Television in all again, and as said too, American, and away from speak too of the TV, or the Television Set too, and that does in all and again, reference, directly too, speak of Washington D.C. in itself that is [and in speak here too, and of American Television Viewership that is].

American Mustang

the American Mustang.

When we do speak of the American Mustang, and in said comparison too, and to the American Jaguar or Cougar, we are in all even referring, and to the very manner in all it can be said, Americans, do perceive their very said selves, and in speak too of Danger/Threat in itself, and if not in speak of Instinct in itself too. That this all, now too, does speak of American History, and as said too, to go along, and with the very said name of 'Crazy Horse' for instance, and in speak too now, and of the very manner in all, Americans, do perceive Support, and in their said lives too that is. The said belief that, and as perceived or believed said too, and to speak of Business Acumen, and in the World today, that Success, has to very much be earned, and in a said Individual formation too in all, and as said too differing, and from a said even American tradition, and that does associate Support, and with speak too now of Rallying Support that is. 

That speak of Rallying Support, has too, come to very much define American Politics, and as said too and to speak of many a said Social Movement, and as said referring, and to speak too of the Womens Movement for instance, and in the United States of America too, and if not of the Civil Rights Movement too that is.

American History though, and in speak of Danger/Threat, Intimidation, and if not of Instinct too, and in speak too of Evolution, can too be said to in all even refer, and to an American Psychology, and that does too, speak of Psychosis, Mania, and if not of Derision in itself too that is.

That in speak of Psychosis, is to now too, speak of Intimidation truly, and as said referring in all, and to speak too perhaps, and of what does pass for History in itself that is. That most have a said difficulty in all, and in their said understanding of History, and in regards, and to speak of Meaning/Purpose, and in a manner too, and that does speak even of Intimidation, and not of Scare truly, and as said defining us all, and in any said attempt or endeavour too. That on starting on any said new project for instance, most are not truly said Scared perhaps, but could be said intimidated, and in regards and to speak of the said steps needed, and in simply finishing up, and on what is said started that is. That in understanding all this better, is to now associate History, and in regards and to speak of America, and with that which does speak of Egypt, Greece, Italy, and if not of the Cretans/Greeks too that is. That in all, and in regards and to speak of Intimidation, it is Egyptian History, and that does associate History in itself, and with speak of Authority in itself too. That Egyptian History, does provide, and for many a complication, and in regards and to the very manner in all, any of us, do in all best perceive themselves, and on an everyday basis too, and if not in speak of Intimidation truly, and of steps taken, for it all too, does now associate Authority, Egyptian, and in Egyptian History too that is, and with speak of the Pyramid Builders of Egypt that is. In speak of the Greeks though, Intimidation, and as probably said the only thing, we would have to defeat, and to truly know whom/who in all we are, for it does too speak now and of Reason in itself it can be said, and of the said rise too, and of Scholarship too, and as said even referring, and to speak too of the Library at Alexandria that is. Italy on the otherhand, does in all even have to it, speak of the Accord, and of things we simply believe to be true of life, and those simply said not, and with it all even best said here too, and to speak of the Kings of Italy, and if not of the very name of Claudio Monteverdi too for instance. America though, and in regards to all this, is simply believed said Cretan/Greek in its ways that is. For the Cretan World, highly defines itself, and in speak of Consciousness in itself too, and if not in speak of Motif/Myth, and that does speak too of, the Eternal Flame, the Crux, Cherubims, Falcons/Wolves, Magic Cauldrons, Stick Fight/Dance, the very name of Egypt (and as said averse and to speak too now of Kemet /  KMT), the Banquet etc., for it all too, now does associate speak of America, and with speak too of the Crown for instance.

In speak now though, and of Mania, and if not of Intimidation in itself too, speak too, and of the very name of George Eliot too perhaps, for it all too, now does refer, and to a manner in all, and of perceiving American life that is, and that most, are never truly aware of. That things said American, are in all even believed, said rather Individual in their ways, and in speak too and of any said problem/situation faced, and such that, what they do term Troubleshooting for instance, is not believed said to speak of an American Methodology that is. In all, the attempt to simply explain to one, Intimidation, and in a said American Context too that is, and that does say, Intimidation does in all even continue to exist, or does continue to be faced actually, and unless, one can truly see in all, the said Individual nature, and of just about anything faced, and in a said too unified America that is.

In speak of Derision, and in regards and to speak too of Intimidation that is, is to now too, speak of the very manner in all, Americans, do define the Collective that is. For it all is said too though, and to define or describe, American History, and as said even particularly violent that is, and in the very name of Intimidation too, for it in all, is believed said even, to speak, and of America, and as said home and to those truly Independent or rather Autonomous too, and as said now defined, and by speak too now, and of Power Centers that is. That in attempting to put o a clear light on this, and away from speak of Washington (D.C.), or of the CIA too, speak now too perhaps, and of Power, and as said Centered too, and in the United States of America, and as coming to be defined in all, and via speak too of the following names: Mecca, Damascus, and Rome. That it is believed, these very names in all,  have in all even come to shape, the very manner in all, Americans, do view the Collective that is.

In all, and in attempting to finalize on all this, is to now speak, and of a said manner in all, and of viewing American life, and that does in all even, view American life that is, and on one said side/end, and as said referring and to speak of Restitution/Welfare, and on the other said side/end, said to simply speak and of Harvest in itself that is. That the very said Idea in all, and of Harvest, and as said representing American Success in all, and to its very fullest, is probably not well understood by most, and with speak now and of associating it all, and with said Turn-Key Ideologies in all, and that could though, and in Evolutionary speak too, speak now and of the very manner in all, Americans, do in all even perceive, what they do term a Medley that is, and as said too now, and to speak too and of the Scared that is.

[Greatest Rock Ballads compilage]

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Jim Crow

of Jim Crow.

When we do refer, and to speak of Jim Crow, we are too truly, calling into question, what does in all even, truly speak of American Communications that is. That American History, and as said leading to speak of Jim Crow, is never truly perceived, and from the very said perspective of the American Revolutionary War, or of the American Civil War too, but now too, is said in all even tied down, and to speak and of the freeing of Slaves in the United States of America, or of American Slaves too perhaps, and in now associating it all too, and with speak too of Economic opportunity, and if not of said even Cultural/Elitist Hang-ups that is. A difficult word to use here, hang-up, and as it does in all even refer, and to those too, put in awkward situation, and in regards and to speak of Esteem, Social Imagery, and if not in speak too of Political Status in itself that is.

The History of Jim Crow, and as now said perceived, and from the latter view, in speak that is, and of its Economics in all, now too, does see, the United States of America, undergo a certain alteration in all, and in regards and to speak too, and of the Setback in itself that is. That African-American Identity, does too, speak of the United States of America, and in speak too of the Setback that is, but what we are trying to get at here, is that, African-American Culture, and as said having penetrated, or made in-roads too, and into said conventional American life, now does see, the freeing of African-Americans in all, and from a said Slave Status too, and which does in all even it can be said, does create, a form of incompatibility, and in said everyday/general society too that is, and in regards to speak of the Set-back that is. Hopefully, this is understood, and by simply now calling into question, what does serve for the African-American Memory, and as said to speak too of Slavery, and in the United/Southern States of America, and as with it all even truly referring, and to the impact, African-American speech patterns for instance, has had, and on everyday American life that is.

The above, could in all even be said, a comparative/comprehensive manner in all, and of viewing African-American History in the United States of America, for it all too, now too does have to it, a said Psychology, and that too, could be said to speak of Co-Dependency, and if not in speak now, and of African-American Identity, and that said White-American too, and as simply said now analyzed, or diagnosed too in all, and from speak of Market Theory that is, and which does in all even encompass, speak too of race, gender, sexual, political etc., relations/relationships that is.

In saying that, Jim Crow, and as said a History, and that does in all even extend, back, and to speak too of the American Revolutionary War, now does call into question, what in all does truly stand or represent for, and for American Communications that is. That these Communications, are too said now African-American, and in speak too of the Tuskegee Airmen for instance, but that in all again, it does truly in all even, refer or speak, and of the said decline, and of ways of living it can best be said, and in the United States of America too, and away from speak truly of prominent Families, Citizens, Denizens, Populaces etc., and onwards now, and to speak truly of the Masses, and if not of a said here Population Density Quotient that is. That the United States of America, and from the very Time period that the American Civil War does come to an end, can be said mired, and in a true struggle, to in all even define itself, and in speak of Communications, and which do in all even refer, and to the American Masses, and as said even, defined, and by speak of the Mob that is. That the Lynching of African-Americans, is now too, perceived, and from speak of the Masses, American, and of Mob psychology too, of unruly behaviour, of incitement and in sentiment held, and if not in speak truly and of those said in search, and for Identity, and that does too speak of the Unique, the Singular, and if not of the Distinct too that is.

In all, the United States of America, is now too, said to possess to it, a said even Mob Psychology, and that does rule over the Masses, and which does in all even, speak too, and of the Psychology of Aggression, and as said even Freudian too, and in basic speak here now, and of those too often said Introverted, and of those said Extroverted too that is. That this said Psychology of Aggression, and that does rule over the Mob/Masses, now too, does see many a said Person in the United States of America, seek to separate themselves and from the rest, and in the name truly now, and of finding a said Ideal, Standard, Image, Symbol etc., and by which they can in all even truly identify with, and in speak now and of the said freeing of their very Souls, and from the torment, and that does speak too of the Mob/Masses, and in regards and to speak too now of Avoidance, Exclusion, Isolation, Rejection etc.

In saying that, the above does too speak of a United States of America, ruled over and by speak of Shame, and of Mass Psychology too, it does all too very well, speak of the Psychology of Aggression, and as said now referring, and to just whom/who in all, Americans, are said to be, and in regard, and to speak of Phobias/Fears that is. 

That the History of Jim Crow, and as said to refer and to speak of American Communications, now too, does call into question, and of what in all does in all even serve for, or speak truly of, Patriotism, and in the United States of America, and if not of the Patriot, and in American History too that is. That this History, now too does in all even, speak of the History of Art, Architecture, Culture, Politics, Education, Archaeology, Media etc., or just about all things said American too, and in speak now, and of those said to be a part of the Masses/Mob, now said too, wishing to escape it all that is.

Patriotism though, does not appear, to be the answer, and to all and in the United States of America, and in speak here of Aggression too, for American life it can be said, is believed by some, and in speak too of those it can be said here, and who have always held Power, and in American History that is, and to speak too, and of the defining of oneself interestingly and if not surprisingly enough, and in speak of Friendship/Companionship that is, and as with it all even said to speak too, and of what has always served to speak, and of the History, and of Freemasonry, and in America too that is. That in speak now of famous Americans names, and whether they be that of Howard Hughes, Thomas Edison, or even Abraham Lincoln too, it does in all even speak of the defining of Success, and in speak of Friendship/Companionship too, and if not in speak too of what does pass for Motif, Challenge, and in regards and to living out a life, and in the United States of America in itself too that is. In perhaps attempting to make it all too clear, speak now and of the birth/rise of a said National Media, and in the United States of America too, and which does too and it can simply be said here, now does associate speak of Friendship/Companionship, and with speak too and of 'the Band'  that is [and as versus speak too of the Crowd for instance]. 

In saying too that, American life, does have many still very much in the throes and so to say, now too, does in all even speak or call into question, and of what does pass for Shame, and in American society and if not History too, and of those too simply said wallowing in it all that is [and as with it all even now said to speak of the American Family, the Movies/Hollywood, and if not of American Communications truly too] . That American life, and if not society, and in speak too and of making it, now too, does see many a said person, Minority, Black, Indian, Alien etc., now said seeking to create Identity, and that does too speak of, and of the Body in itself, Human, American, and as with it all even said to speak, and of a manner of living in all, and in the United States of America too, and that does too, speak of the Loyalist, and in American History too that is. In all, and in a said here conspiratorial manner too, and of a said Conspiracy too, and that does speak of the Declaration of Independence that is, and of the very said belief that, there is something embedded or encoded, written, at the very back of the American Declaration of Independence, and of a said belief, conspiratorial too, and which does in all even say that, the very word/term America, is in all even too, said a Cry in itself, and of a conspiratorial belief too, and that does say,

'Those who did in all, found America, were truly said ___________, and not said American truly either'.

'the Kid'

Thursday, 9 July 2015

American Brew

American Brew.

This entry, will attempt to deal, and with a said even Condition, Psychological, and that can too be said to afflict many an American today, and in regards and to what does pass, and for an American Consciousness, and in speak truly now, and of the very manner in all, most Americans, do in all even perceive or define, Ailments, or Malaise too that is. That what is been said here, is that, for many an American, the attempt in all, and in defining themselves, and in speak of Psychology now, and not Intelligence truly either, does in all too, speak, and of the very manner in all, Americans, do perceive their said Environments for instance, and in further speak too and of what does pass for Ideals/Standards, and in American society too that is [for American Psychology in all, now too, does speak of the Freemasonry tradition in America, and if not of the said erecting, and of the Statue of Liberty in itself that is].

That in all, what is believed said the Determining Factor in all, and in truly now and in the very least here too, land in the earning, and of just how in all, to be Appreciative of life that is. Hopefully, what is been said here is understood, and alongside speak of the Thanksgiving Holiday, that Americans in all, are not in search for Appreciation truly, or speak even of Gratitude for instance, or of Acclaim too perhaps, but probably said in all, to be simply said to think of life, and from a said even Thankful perspective that is. 

In having said that, American society today, is said to, defined and in speak of Ideals/Standards, but that have come to be truly acquainted in all, today that is, and with speak of Intelligence truly, is to now perhaps, attempt to claim that, American life, and in History, has always been lived around, speak of Psychology truly, and not Intelligence truly either, and in now saying that, Americans today, and in said Political Status too perhaps, are in all even described, as said being in Person/Personable, and as versus speak truly too, and of the Individual that is.

In saying that, Americans and in Psychology, and if not in speak of the Individual, does in all even refer, and to the History of Leadership in the United States of America too, or America truly too, but in speak now, and of America, and from the very said period, and of the American Revolutionary War, one now does see many an American, struggle in all, and with what they do term Psychological Ailments/Malaise, and as said too and to speak, and of a Psychology, and that does not refer and to speak of Freud for instance (and of Dream Interpretation too for instance), or of Erickson (Anal Retentiveness in all), but in all again, a Psychology, and that does too speak of the Shattered Self for instance, the Haunted Self, the Splintered Self, Disassociation, Split Personalities etc., and as with it all too, said a Psychology, and that does in all even get at the heart, and to speak and of what does pass for the Individual for instance, American, and if not in speak of Ailments/Malaise, Psychological too that is.

That hopefully, what is been said here, is understandable, and in now too saying that, American definitions of Ailments/Malaise, and in speak too of American Psychology, do in all even associate, the Individual, and with speak too of the Group, and of said Groupings, Coupling/Couples, Modules/Modularity, Congregation, Gatherings etc., and in now too saying that, Americans, and in speak too of the Individual here, and Historically too, do in all even perceive Success, and from the said even perspective above, Group Theory that is, and as versus speak truly, and of the Person/Personable, and if not of Intelligence truly either, and as said even tied down truly, today, and to speak too only, and of an Education, and that does speak too of the American University System that is [and away from speak too of Americana for instance].

In now saying too that, American definitions and of the Individual in all, do in all even lie and in speak of Group Theory, is to now too, state that, understanding American Group Theory in all, and as perhaps now too, said much advanced or progressive in its ways that is, and as compared to that said Canadian too for instance, Brainstorming, or that said European, Family Affiliates, is to now too, ground it all, American Group Theory, and in American definitions, and of the Family, the Home, and if not of the Household too, and as said in all even referring, and to the United States of America, and as said even, a Welfare State too that is.

That in speak now, and of American Homes, speak now too, and of the very manner in all, it all has come down, to be tied, and in speak too and of African-American Identity too that is. That when one does speak of studying, African-American History, and as said to refer, and to its African past too and so to say, one does in all even find, that African-American Identity, now too, is said tied down, and in the attempt to make America, and as said a true Home, and away from speak too, and of Africa, and if not in speak too of the said African Diaspora in itself that is. That what in all is been said here is that, said termed African-American Identity, has in all even come down, and to be tied down, and to speak of American Gender formations in all, and if not those said too Cultural, for it does in all even speak of American Gender Identity, American Gender Profiles, American Gender Constructs, American Gender Typing, American Gender Depictions/Portrayals etc., and as said even referring, and to the very manner in all, Americans, do perceive American History, and as said to speak too of Slavery that is [and as said too Institution]. That in all, speak of American Homes, now does refer, and to speak and of viewing American life in all, and as said to speak of the Public, and the Private too, and in Presentation too that is, and if not in speak too of Spaces, Community/Communal too that is. In all, speak now too, and of the very manner in all, African-American Speech, has in all even come to define American life in itself, for it too, does in all even speak of Great American Speeches, and if not in speak too of the Movie, the Aviator, and by Scorcese/DiCaprio too, and in now too saying that, it is a Movie, and that does speak too of American Homes in all, but in speak of it in Speech, speak too and of it said Carrying, and not Possessing either, a Speech, and that does speak too of that said African-American that is [and something said here, and in a said even propositional manner too that is].

In speak now though, and of the American Family, speak now too, and of the very belief that, the Party-State Model, and that does speak too of American Politics today, has in all even come to be the ruin, and of said even, American Pride that is. That America, and as said even 'Home to the Brave, Land of the Free', now does have to it, American Philosophy, and as said too to speak of Industry (Self-Industry), Inventory, Community Buildup, Merchant Banking, American Trade/Business/Investment, American Securities etc., and as said Historically too, said tied down, and to speak of the American Family in itself, and as said even upholding Independence, and as said truly too, a Family Virtue, but that in all again, the said even Party-State Model, and of defining American Political life, now too, does associate American life, and with speak too of the (Media) Powerhouse Model of existence, and if not in speak now truly, and of the United States Flag, Puerto Rico included, and as said referring, and to the American Family today too that is. In saying that, the Southern Confederacy, does still very much stand to this day, it all then does in all even refer, and to the very fact that, the Southern Confederacy, did in all even define the American Family, and as said even detailed above that is, and if not in speak too of the Southern Government that is and so to say, and in speak now too, and of what does pass for American Hospitality in itself that is. That this all too, American Hospitality in itself, is believed even, said in all even encoded perhaps, and in the Southern Confederacy Flag too that is.

It is in speak though, and of the American Household, and as said too, and to simply speak of American Living Standards/Arrangements in all, and whereby, one does find that, said American Identity in all, and as said truly referring, and to speak of Households and Incomes, now does speak too of a said America today, in Trouble, and in speak too of 'the State of the Union' Address for instance, and as said now to speak surprisingly enough, and of America and as said even possessing a Psychology to it, and that does speak too of Encroachment (and on/of ones Spaces that is), Gated Communities, and if not in speak now too, and of American Media, and as offering to many but not all, what can best be said to speak of American Success Images that is [and as often said too, and to speak of Professionalism in all]. In all, speak here and the very said here sphere that is, and of American Evangelism too for instance, for it is with this said group in all, believed said even tired out, and in the said even Pursuit for Happiness for instance, and whom/who in all, do perceive the United States of America, and not from speak of populaces, populations, denizens etc., but from speak of Mass Psychology truly that is, and with they now too, and in referring here and to speak of Evangelism, defining the United States of America in all, and if not of American International Identity too, and alongside speak of the Masses that is, and of Americans too, and as said even engaging in all, and in Religion /  Religious practises that is, and as said even Alien too, and in the need to find said Images that is, Psychological, and that do in all even refer, and to speak of Reliance (Self-Reliance) in itself too that is. In all, and as appropriately said here too, America in all, and as said even perceived and from speak of Citizenship, Aliens, Guests, Visitors, the Pariah etc.

In now saying that, America's said everyday problems, are simply believed even, simply said numerous in their ways, is to speak too perhaps, and of said American definitions of Comfort, and if not of Privacy/Intimacy too that is. That this very entry, now too, does speak and of this very said Blog, the Candidate, and as said now to speak and of an American Consciousness, and that does speak of American Brew too (and not American Beer truly either), and as with it all even said to refer, or speak of, and of a said Consciousness Brewed that is. That this Blog, now does provide, for a said even Safehouse, and whereby, one can simply stop to think, and about their said lives, American, and in now perceiving it all, and not from speak too of Moralism, or of Mores/Norms too (and in speak too of the Sexual Advance for instance), but in speak truly now, and of the best Direction taken that is, and if not of Trajectories in themselves too that is.

Monday, 6 July 2015

an American Life

an American Life.

For many in the United States of America today, the very belief that, the United States of America in all, does not offer, said here Ample opportunity, and if not that said Sufficient too, and in regards and to speak of American life, and as perceived too, and from speak of Avenues, Arenas, Areas, Alleys etc., and if not in speak now, and of American definitions too, and of Access, and as said too, and to speak of a Dress Code for instance.

In saying that, America in all, has truly changed in its ways, and not simply grown too perhaps, and in speak of its Economics too, is to now too ground, the search for Success/Opportunity and in the United States of America, and with speak too now, and of American Social Identity that is. That this all, now too, does speak, and of those said, wanting/seeking, a said piece of American Pie it can best be said here, and in now simply saying that, American life, was once said something, to truly cherish, for Success in all, American, was said too believed truly grounded, and in speak and of Social Identity, and of the said search for Experience, and as said too underlying, Success in itself that is.

The very name of President Benjamin Franklin, is obviously known to most, or all Americans that is, and in now saying too that, it is a name, and that can be said of pivotal importance, and in regards to speak of American History, and as compared and to speak too now, of that name of Thomas Edison for instance. For the very name too of General Electric (GE), is known to most or almost all sorts of people it can be said, interested and in things American that is, but that in saying too that, GE, and in speak too of the very name of Thomas Edison too, are believed in all, highly Politicized, is to now refer, and to speak of an America, Historically too, that simply does believe or say that American Identity in all, should be said grounded truly, and in speak of Socialization that is. That the very name of Benjamin Franklin that is, and as said too and to speak of his been said an Inventor/Scientist that is, now does in all even speak, and of the United States of America, and in History too, and as said defined, and by speak of Event, and not of the Political Stage truly either. That for many Americans today, it too can be perceived or said that, that the United States of America in History, is no longer defined and by speak of Event (and in regard and to speak too of Socialization that is), but that in all again, the United States of America, is said today defined, and by speak truly of High-Profile Status for instance, and of the Politicizing of Identity in all, and in the United States of America today too that is [and if not of the birth of stringent Social Stratification in the United States of America, and that does in all even equal or surpass that, and that does speak too of Alabama that is]. In all, American Event, and as perhaps best said too associated, and with American definitions of Realism that is.

The Study of Death, and as deemed said to refer, and to speak of Thanatology, and as furtherly said Greek too, can be said of prime importance/significance in all, and in regards and to speak and of what does pass for an American Life that is. That it is in this very said Sphere of existence that is, and in regards to speak of American Political life too, and whereby, the very word/term of the System, the American System, does in all come into play, or come alive and as some would say, and as with it all even said best equated, and to speak too of an American Life, and as said perceived too, and from speak of the Humanities, Social Studies, Cultural Anthropology, and if not in speak now and of Legality/Law that is. That what is been said here is that, American life today, is said and by some, to be simply Diminishing in its ways/manners that is, and in speak too now and of Prospect that is, for said American Identity, and in regards and to speak too of the American Humanities, American Social Studies, American Cultural Anthropology (and of American Folk Identity too), has in all even it is said, been put aside, and in favour, and of speak of the System that is, the American System, and of American Legality/Law too that is. That what is furtherly been said here is that, American Legality/Law, does not in all speak of Prospect truly and as most would in all tend to believe, but instead, does speak truly, and of said American definitions and of Death, Dying, and of Dearthliness in itself too that is.

In saying that, the above, can too, or does too, equate, and to speak of American Philosophy, and as said and to speak too of Objectivism for instance, is to now too, associate speak of an American Life, and in regards and to speak too of Prospect, and as said even equated, and to speak too of an American Theology that is. That the said Prospect here, is said too Group, Communal/Community and if not Family too, and as versus that said Individual for instance, for it all too, now does associate speak of American Political life, and with the said too here, following terminology that is: Decay/Decadence, Erosion/Eroding, Fall/Collapse, and if not of Rotting/Decomposition, and of the said term too, and of Catacombs too for instance.



This entry, now does too attempt, to deal, and with the said even volatile, and if not turbulent too, social relations/relationships, and that do in all even define, American Social life today that is. That it all too, now does speak, and of American Social life, and as said not defined or described, and in speak truly of Social Conditioning, but in all again truly, and in speak now of Socio-Pathologies that is.

That what we are trying to state here, is that, American Social life, and in speak of the said termed Mother Archetype too, and in further speak too and of one and as said Socialized too that is, can too be said to speak, and of the Notre Dame tradition, and in America too, and if not of the Notre Dame University in itself that is, and in speak now, and of what too does make for speak of traditional America, and as often said too Quebecois, French, and Italian too that is.

In saying that, the above does in all speak of Social Conditioning, and in the United States of America too, is to now too, speak of Socio-Pathologies, and said as now defining Social Culture (the Socio-Cultural), and in the United States of America too, and as said arising now, and with speak of Africa that is [and if not of African-American Identity too]. That Socio-Pathologies in the United States of America, now too, do speak and of whom/who in all, Americans, are said to be, and as said now too defined, and by speak of Morbidity, Mortification, Indulgence, Gratification, and if not in speak too of Social Stratification (American Racism) that is, but in now saying too that, America in all, does truly appear to be defined, and by speak of Depravity, and if not and of what they do term Racist Action too that is.

In saying that, American Social Identity and so to say, is believed said best defined, and in speak of Game, Sport and Recreation too, is to now too, speak and of those simply said American, and if not Un-American too in all. In now saying that, the United States of America, is today, not defined truly, and by speak of the American, the Un-American, and if not of the Non-American too, is to now too, associate American Social Identity, and as simply said and to speak of Social Circles, Social Networks, Social Groups, Social History (Generation X, Generation Y, the Babyboomers, Feminism etc.), and if not in speak truly now, and of the Social Contract too perhaps [and of Vintage/Custom/Antique America too that is]. In saying that, American Social Identity, is now simply said complicated, and as said defined right above, is to not speak of it, and as said American, Un-American, and Non-American too, but that in all again, speak now too, and of Americans and as simply said possessing, 'White Faces', and 'Black Faces' too that is.

In all, what can in all again be said here, is that, American Social Identity, and as said best grounded too, and in speak of the Local/Family, and as said too Identity truly American that is, now too, does in all even probably best speak now, and of the said 'Game' too, and of Solitaire that is [and as with it all even said rather Archetypal in its ways too that is].

American Piano:

[Don McLean - American Pie]

Thursday, 2 July 2015

Thespian Art

Thespian Art.

For those who do in all even attempt, to simply become American in their ways, a said change of speech, is often deemed said necessary, but with it all though, not said to speak too of American Behavior truly. For American Behaviour, and as said Ancestral, and if not Historically, is often believed, to be very much said encoded, and in what they do term Thespian Art. For what though, is Thespian Art said to be? It does in all even, and in regards and to speak of Behaviour, divide Americans, and in regards and to speak of the major, and the minor too (and not of the Majority and Minority truly), and in Details too that is, but that in all again, speak too now, and of American Behaviour, and as said to speak, and of Factors, and Timers too that is.

In having said the above though, is an attempt now, to introduce most and to American life, and as said even, everyday too that is. That while it can obviously be said that, American life is very much grounded, and in speak of Family, Americans though, and as said even on a journey to self-discovery for instance, do often face, many an issue/matter in all, and as said dealing, and with speak too of Sexuality, and if not of Individualism too that is. That Sexuality, is said even a problematic issue/matter in all, and if one not too, said dealing with speak of Taboo in itself, but that in all again, and in speak now of American Psychology and so to say, American Sexuality, and as said even more developed than most, now too, does see it all even perceived, and from the said perspective and of the Secular too for instance.

Before though, we can get, and to speak of American Sexuality, it would be best, to first off, speak here on, American Individualism, and as said too referring, and to the very manner in all, America, does in all even arise that is. That American Individualism, and in speak too of American History, is now said tied down, and to speak too, and of American Perceptions and of the Cross that is. That while most have associated American Individualism, and with speak of the Statue of Liberty, one though, must differentiate, and between Individualism, and Liberty on the otherhand too, for in speak of the Individual, Individuality, Individualism, and if not of the said even Individual nature of Americans, one does in all even find it all tied down too, and to speak of American Perceptions of the Cross, and if not too of American History, and as said even and o speak of Boston, America that is. In all, a History too, and that does in all even tie American History, to that said Scottish too, and if not in speak too, and of American life, and as said even perceived, and from speak of 'the True Story' that is.

In speaking though, and on American Sexuality, one does now find too, American definitions of Marriage, and if not of that/those of Impropriety too that is. That in saying now, that American Sexuality, does obviously have an impact, and on ones said feelings truly, and not perceptions truly either, and of Marriage, is to perhaps now observe, the said belief that, American Sexuality today, does in all even truly refer or speak, and of American definitions, and of Impropriety too that is. That Marriage, and in its said Importance/Significance, and to American life, is said even to be falling to the side, and if not said even diminishing too, and in favour now, and of life, and as viewed too, and from speak of Popularism that is. However, one could in all even attempt to detail, American Sexuality, and as said to speak of Sexual Identity, Sexual Taste, and if not of Sexual Affiliations too that is. That in speak of American Sexual Identity, and in speak of it said Historical too, speak now, and of said American Identity, and as versus that said Mexican too that is. What they do call though, Sexual Taste, and in now referring to another, and as said too ones kind for instance, Sexually too, is to now say it more or less, a said even, recent manifestation in all, and in American life, and that does too, speak even, and of America's Media Industries today, and of said too American Cultural contact, and with speak now too and of Italian, Greek, European, Spanish, and if not Asian (Kama Sutra) Cultures too that is. In however now saying that, Americans, do in all even possess, said Sexual Identity, or said too perhaps, said Sexual feelings that is, and that do speak of Sexual Affiliations, it all now too, does speak even, and of African-American Identity, and as said too becoming American truly that is. However, and in attempting to conclude on this section, is to now say too that, Americans, do in all even possess, a said Sexuality, and that does in all even speak of the Sexual Type, and as said too, now referring, and to Sexuality, and as said even primarily viewed, and from speak of Genes that is.

While the above, does in all even lead, and to speak of Thespian Art, and in speak too of Personality Development for instance, it can too be said that, as American life, or ways of living, do continue to in all change, one does find in all, a said resistance, and to an American way of life, or way of living too, and that said even American Authorities in all, do in all even seek, and to limit in its ways that is. That this all, now too does speak of what one could tern Totemism, and as said even Native American too, but in speak now and of it all believed said even lethal in its ways perhaps, speak now too, and of Native American culture, and as said even colluding, and with that said too African-American, and as with it all even leading, and to the development of Artforms, Thespian in their ways, and that do in all even call into question, American forms of Authority, and as with it all even now too, said to speak too perhaps, and of American Soul Music for instance.

American Soul Music:

[John Mayer - Waiting For The World To Change]

American Bibliographies

American Bibliographies.

Those who do in all, proclaim, and to have an understanding, and of the United States of America and as said a Whole, and in History too, do in all even know or acknowledge, it does too, speak now and of whom/who in all, Americans, are said to be, and when it does come, and to speak too of Bibliographies that is. That for those, who do truly dream of making it in America, American Bibliographies are deemed even, a must, and in simply understanding, whom Americans are, and why they do, just about anything they will [and as said too including now, speak of attempts, and ofn landing on Mars for instance].

In understanding the above better, and in speak now and of those simply said American (and in a said too Historical sense), and those simply said not American, is to now attempt to understand, the very manner in all, said American Identity, is said very much said tied, and to speak too of Geography, and if not of Terrain in itself too that is. That this Blog, and as said grounding its said beliefs, and in speak of the Founding Fathers, now too, does see it primarily too, go along in all, and with speak of what some do term 'the shores of America' that is. A History too, that does link American History, and to that said to speak too of Spain, Italy, and if not of Egypt too, and as with it all even said now to refer, and to speak of the Mapping Out of the United States of America (and of the American States too), the Charting out of the United States of America (the Midwest, the North, the East Coast etc.), and if not of the said even, Tracing out, and of the United States of America (and of American Cities too, and as said even having an Individual Make-up to them all that is). 

In however saying that, the above mentioned manner in all, does too speak of the origins and rise of America, it does not actually speak or refer, and to the very manner in all again, America, did in all come to be, and as it is said to be that is. That it in all, does not speak, and of the said birth of America, and in basic speak here and of the Pilgrims too, and as with it all even referring, and to speak too of American Soil that is [Link]. Interestingly enough, a manner in all, and of viewing American life, and that does too now, speak, and of just whom in all it can be said, the United States of America, are, and with speak too now, and of the Middle East, India, and China too that is. Something not easy to prove perhaps, and in saying that, it does to speak of the United States of America, and in Ethic too, if not Handiwork, and as with it all even said to speak too American-Japanese relations that is.

There are those, who do know of American Waters, and as said even Geographical terminology, and as referring and to speak of said even, American Overseas Territories that is. However this said terminology in all, and of American Waters, can be best perceived here, and in speak of Cuba, and of the Bay of Pigs Invasion too that is. That it is in speak of American Waters, and if not of the name of Elian Gonzalez too perhaps, and simply whereby, said American Identity in all, now too, does meet and with that said to speak of Central America, Cuba/Florida, and Spanish South America too that is. In all, speak here, and of American Waters, and as said coming to define American Identity, and in manners in all, most don't truly appreciate that is, and as it does in all even speak of the said Artform, and of Cabaret that is, and with it said too, having a bigger impact in all, and on American life, and than most would acknowledge that is [for Cabaret, does speak too of the United States of America, and from the 1920's, and onwards, and onto the 60's too, but that in all again, it does too speak of the very name of Howard Hughes, and as said associated in all, and with speak too of 'the Amphibian' that is].

The above though, does not tell one, and of the United States of America, and of whom/who in all, they are, and with speak of Canada too that is. That Canadians, are known not to take a disliking, and to the United States of America, and in History too, and all this too and as said even a prejudiced belief held here and on my part, and by the Blogger too that is, for in speak now of Europe, speak too now and of it even, said directly connected to the United States of America, and in speak and of the Shores of America, and if not in speak of the West Coast too that is. That Canadians, do in all even it does appear, appear somewhat embittered, even moreso, than Brazilians are, for it is said here too, that both of them, do truly believe that they do in all hold no true Importance/Significance, and to the lives of Americans that is, and in regards and to the very manner in all, Americans, do in all even perceive the following terms: Sport, Blood, the Future, Community, Contest/Competition etcetc.

In however, attempting to make both Canadians, and Brazilians, said even more embittered in their ways, is to perhaps say that, while the United States of America, it is believed in all, does in all even perceive both Countries, and as said even Strategic Allies that is, the future of the United States of America it can be said here, it is believed does too lie, and in Americans, and as now too perhaps, attempting to define themselves in all, and in regards, and to speak of American Airspaces that is. That surprisingly enough, and according to the Blogger here, such Identity formation in all, now too, it is believed, does eventually lead back and to speak of Africa in itself, and in speak now, and not of the Strategic Use, Strategic Relevance, or Strategic Importance too, and of Africa too that is, but speak now truly, and of the very manner in all, Americans do perceive Challenge in their lives, and as said even now, referring, and to speak too of Trauma/Abuse that is.

'African Piano':

[Ludovico Einaudi - Le Piano African]