Saturday, 17 October 2015
Friday, 25 September 2015
Friday, 18 September 2015
the Wealth of Nations
the Wealth of Nations.
This entry, could too be said, to speak, and of the said Tambourine Man, and in said comparison, and to the Ramblin' Man too that is. That it in all too, will attempt to speak, and on whom in all, the Time-Keeper, is said to be, and in the United States of America too, and on what in all again, is said too, a 'Pace of life, and in the United States of America today too that is.
That America, has indeed changed in its ways in all, but in said manners too, and that do not in all, speak, and of what too can be said Fundamental, for it too can be said, that the United States of America, and in speak of Order, has truly changed, but in speak of Structure, very much does remain, and as it once was. That in understanding all this better, is to now too, claim that, that what is too said Order in the United States of America, does in all even arise, and with the said History of Migration, and that has in all even, transformed the United States of America, and away from speak of Crown for instance, and onwards, and to speak of Presidency too that is. That in understanding the United States of America, and in Structure, and as having to do, and with speak too and of what Migration, and in the United States of America, is said to be, is to perhaps, perceive it all, and from speak and of Prospect, 'Way of life, and if not of Fortune too that is.
That the United States of America, and despite its said Technological advances for instance, does in all even define itself, and as many a said ancient society in all, did once too, and in now associating speak of Prospect, and in the United States of America, and with speak of Structure, and that does too refer, and to speak and of the said Middle Class in itself that is. In speak of the American 'Way of life' though, speak now too of Structure, and that does too refer, and to said Opportunity and in the United States of America, and as said too deciphered, and in speak of Employment, Self-Employment, Business (Home Business), and of Investment too that is. In saying that, the very rise of the United States of America, and as most do know it today, does in all even speak of Fortune, is to now too associate it all, and with speak and of what it does mean, to be said Expert, Counsel or Advisor too, and in the United States of America today too that is.
In saying that, the United States of America today, and in said Dream, the American Dream, or in said Promise too, Immigrant, does in all even, not truly exist, and in the said manner in all, and that does too speak and of the Wealth of Nations, and by Adam Smith too, is to now too, ask on, what is said to be the true nature, and of Knowledge in itself, and in now saying that, it does too speak and of Order, and in the United States of America today, and of the 'Pace of life' too, and in the United States of America today too, and if not of the United States of America in Structure, and of the Time-Keeper too that is. That Knowledge in the United States of America, does too speak and of what American Time, is too said to be, but that in speak and of the Wealth of Nations, and by Adam Smith too, the very belief that, Knowledge in the United States of America, or speak too and of Time and in the United States of America, is said to in all even exist, and in speak and of Hesitancy in itself that is. That the Wealth of Nations, and by Adam Smith, is said truly captured in all, and in its very ways too that is, and in now associating it all, and with speak of Hesitancy, and with it all said too, leading in all, and to speak too, and of what Knowledge in itself, is simply said to be.
In the said light too that is, and of the said President Barack Obama Presidency too that is, and in the said United States of America too that is, a People's History of the United States of America, the U.S., now is to and in all even refer and to, and to what is and in all, said as of Contention, Confliction, and if not of said Compromise too that is. Of such said Contention too that is, and in a said reference to that is, and to the said American Political Condition too that is, the American Political Crisis, the American Union, President Abraham Lincoln, Washington D.C., and in the said equating of, and of said Confliction too that is, American, and to talk too and of, and of the said American Political State too that is, the American Political Status, the American Confederacy, Gettysburg, Alabama, and in the now saying and of it all too that is, as such, and in said Compromise too that is, and in a said reference and to, and to the said name of Britain too that is, and in said History too that is, European, American, as said now perceived too that is, and in talk too and of, and of said London, England, the British, the English Revolution, South Africa, of said too Boston that is, New England, America, the Australian, the American Revolution, the French Revolution, and if not in a said reference and to, and to talk too and of, and of a said Nairobi too that is, the Independent Kenyan State, Colonial East Africa, the Victorian, the Great Lakes region of Africa.
of Colonial Kenya.
In the said light too that is, and of the said President Barack Obama Presidency too that is, and in the said United States of America too that is, a People's History of the United States of America, the U.S., now is to and in all even refer and to, and to what is and in all, said as of Contention, Confliction, and if not of said Compromise too that is. Of such said Contention too that is, and in a said reference to that is, and to the said American Political Condition too that is, the American Political Crisis, the American Union, President Abraham Lincoln, Washington D.C., and in the said equating of, and of said Confliction too that is, American, and to talk too and of, and of the said American Political State too that is, the American Political Status, the American Confederacy, Gettysburg, Alabama, and in the now saying and of it all too that is, as such, and in said Compromise too that is, and in a said reference and to, and to the said name of Britain too that is, and in said History too that is, European, American, as said now perceived too that is, and in talk too and of, and of said London, England, the British, the English Revolution, South Africa, of said too Boston that is, New England, America, the Australian, the American Revolution, the French Revolution, and if not in a said reference and to, and to talk too and of, and of a said Nairobi too that is, the Independent Kenyan State, Colonial East Africa, the Victorian, the Great Lakes region of Africa.
of Colonial Kenya.
Monday, 31 August 2015
M.K. Hume
M.K. Hume.
Many out there, said too American that is, might truly wonder in all, what to make of the Contents, and of this very Blog too that is. For it all too, now does speak and of what Spirituality, is simply said to be, and in said comparison here, and to speak too of Conscience, Intellect, and if not of Idea(s) truly too that is. That Spirituality, does in all even differ, and from the three forementioned in all, for it is in all said grounded truly that is, Spirituality, and in speak too and of what, Myth, is simply said to be.
That in speak now, and along the said lines, and of Joseph Campbell in himself too, there is a belief by many, and that does say, Myth in itself, is simply believed said today, not Relevant in its ways truly that is, and in speak of our very said lives too that is. That Myth, can too be classified and as said rubbish in itself, and in now too saying that, Myth, and not Intelligence (Intelligent Design) either, is truly the very manner in all, God, does in all even seek to present 'himself' to us, for the latter in all, Intelligence (Intelligent Design), now does speak too and of the said Face of God in 'himself' that is.
In attempting to make all this too clear, is to perhaps now differentiate, speak of Legitimacy, and in said comparison, and to speak of Constitution too for instance. For the latter in all, does in all even speak of Institution in itself, while the former, is too now said associated in all, and with speak of the Sacred in itself that is.
In now attempting to make sense of our said World today, and as said too Technologically driven, is to now shine a said light, and on what is believed said here, a lie, and in regard, and to the very manner in all, the said Modern World, did come to be that is. That it can be said, there is said here, a Conspiracy at hand, and that does too say that, Myth in all, is truly believed said Irrelevant and to our very said lives today, and that only Intelligence, or what some do too term Creativity that is, do truly matter in our lives that is. That the lie at hand, now does say that, Technology in all, does too arise and with speak and of what some/one would term Mathematics, or Math too, when in speak and of what is the said truth or reality here, and in regard to all this, it does in all even speak now, and of what one could term Mathematica that is. That Mathematica, does differ from Mathematics, or Math too, for Mathematica, is said too, the very Language of Technology (Mathematics and as probably said Language too), for Mathematica in all, does in all even deal and with speak too of the Fibonacci Series, the Golden Spiral, Fermat's Last Enigma, Calculus etc.
In now too saying that, the World today, can best be said associated, and with speak of Intelligence (Intelligent Design), and as said too and to refer, and to speak of Computation, and if not of (Technical) Communications too, is to now too say that, this very Blog, does in all even truly believe that, Myth, is still very much said of Importance and to our very said lives, and not in speak and of what too, the Psyche, the Soul or the Self too, is simply said to be that is, but that in all again, we do in all live in a World today, and which can be said defined, and in Psychology too, and by speak now and of the said Psychology of Disassociation, and if not of the said Haunted Self, the Splintered Self, Split Personalities, Psychological Damage etc.
In now too saying that, Myth is believed said too many a thing, is to now ground it all, and in speak too and of Egypt/Africa that is. For while Myth is often said Greek, it is something truly believed African/Egyptian, in now too saying that, Myth in itself, is believed said home to said even Esoteric Knowledge Bodies, and that do too speak of Mathematica in itself, Cartography, and if not of the Cryptic, Hermeneutics, Exegesis etc. That in saying too that, the very said world of Mathematica, now too does speak of Political life, and as said to speak of Conspiracy, Scandal, Murder, Mystery etc., is to now too say that, speak of Intelligence (Intelligent Design), now does too speak and of what Competition, Contest, Conflict, Tournament, Proof, Debate etc., is simply said to be that is [and if not in speak here too of Invention, and not of Technology truly either].
However, it can now be said that, many of these said Esoteric Knowledge Bodies, and as said too, and to speak of Oracles that is, are best said too Egyptian/African that is, for in now saying that, Mathematica is said now and to speak and of the said World outside Africa in itself, Africa/Egypt, can now too be said to possess Spirituality to it, Myth, and that does too speak of Dinosaurs, and if not of Dragons too that is. For the very world of Dinosaurs, now does ask and of what Possession, Trance, Altered States of Consciousness etc., are simply said to be, while that which does speak of Dragons in Africa, now does present a said troubling view in all, and of Dragons and in China too, and in now too saying that, Dragons and in Africa, do arise too, and with the said Victorian Imagination, and if not in speak of the Hobbit and by Tolkien (J.R.R.) too, and in now too saying that, it all does speak of the said forgotten Science and of Cartography too, and as said Myth too [and if not of the History of Navigation, Aeronauticals/Nauticals, and if not of Myth and that does too say that, the very first of Sailors, are believed said too Egyptian, African truly, and not Greek truly either that is]. In all, Chinese Dragons, best explained here, and by speak of Cartography (and of the World and as simply said too Charted (out) that is), and not by speak of History either, and in speak now too and of the said History of Civilization too that is.
However and in all again, there is more to all this it can be said, and that does too say that, there is another Myth, forgotten to most today, and that does in all even speak of the said origins and of Iron in itself that is. That Iron, is believed said to arise, and in speak truly of Africa, and not of Egypt truly either, and in Myth too, for Myth and that does speak of Iron, can best be said here associated, and with speak and of what one could term too, Geographica that is, and not Geography truly either. For Geographica, now does too speak too of Tolkiens, Lord of the Rings, and if not of the very names too of Mordor, and of Sauron too that is.
Friday, 28 August 2015
an American Love Story
An American Love Story.
I do remember, one of the said, first times, and that I did lay/lie my eyes, and on Alicia Silverstone. It was on my turning on the Television, and in a place said far-a-way, and from the United States of America too, and whereupon, I did happen to get a glimpse, catch truly, the said showing, and of Aerosmith's Cryin' Music Video, and that, what more or less I could very well say, is that, to this very day, I can't seem to get over Alicia Silverstone, delivering a said 'Flying Kick', and in the said Cryin' Music Video too, or of her said Bungee Jumping episode too perhaps, and at the said end of the same Music Video too, and whereupon, she did too, give her Boyfriend in the Music Video, the Middle Finger, and in now too declaring her Womanhood, and that too which probably did not say Tomboy either that is. Alicia, and in her said here startling performance, truly did capture my heart, and for all said time too it too can best be said here that is.
Years later, I did too happen to catch Alicia Silverstone, and on Television, and in a place said far-a-way, and from the very place, I did first see Alicia in herself, with the latter too, said being Kenya, and with the former, now too said Canada that is. Alicia though, had changed, and could now too be said, fattened in her ways that is, and it did all appear, or come off and as said shock to me, and of a said here fattened Alicia Silverstone that is, for I always did truly believe, she would remain as she was, and in the said here least too, and I on the otherhand, would continue to struggle, and in simply bettering my life, while thinking many a good thought of her that is.
This entry though, does now pertain, or purport, and to speak of a Subject matter in all, and which is believed said too, to speak of the said even rise of America that is, and with it all too said pertaining and to speak of Civilization in itself too, and in said Status that is, but with it all even said furtherly grounded in all, and in speak and of Love in itself that is. That the American Love Story, is truly believed said here, said Fable in itself, for it all too, is believed said to be the very basis, and by which America did in all come to be, and in said comparison here, and to speak of the American Family that is. That the American Family, does have itself defined, and in speak of Instinct, Intent, Ambition, Motive, Interest, Aim etc., and in speak now too of Success in the United States of America, and as traditionally said to speak, and of the said saying here, and of 'America; Land of the Free, Home to the Brave' that is. America though, is believed said to arise truly, and from speak of the Love Story. Something too that cannot be said readily proven that is it too can be said here, but it all too, does speak of the very manner in all, Americans, do perceive, Circumstance, and Expectation, and in their very lives too that is. That American Love, is now too said defined, and in speak of Circumstance, and of Expectation, and within the said American Family (Experience) too that is.
There is though, it is believed here, a differing definition of what American Love is said to be, for it all too, is said now grounded in all, and in speak of the Awkward/Clumsy that is. That for many an American, and as perhaps said not knowing what American Intelligence in itself, is said to be, the said belief here that, it all too, does in all even speak of Love, and as said American too, and if not of American perceptions, and of the Awkward/Clumsy that is, and as said too, to speak and of simply whom/who in all, God too, is simply said to be. That in understanding all this better, speak now too, and of associating all this talk, and with that too which does speak of Egypt/Africa, for the United States of America, and in Religion too, is said too Egyptian in all, and in regards, and to the very manner in all, one does in all even view the said following: Initiation, 'the Act', and Exaltation too. That there does exist a said difference, and between Native American Religion, and that too which does speak of the Church in the United States of America, for while Native American Religion does speak of Initiation in itself, speak of the American Church, does speak of Baptism in itself, and with it said too Initiation, somewhat said too African, and in regards to speak of Naming Ceremonies for instance. In speak of 'the Act' though, speak now, and of differing manners in all, and of viewing Egyptian History, for Egyptian History and as said Egyptian too, does too speak of Initiation in itself, while Egyptian History and as said too seemingly and if not said African (and of Africa in Egypt), can too be said to speak of Exaltation, while in speak of Egypt and as said too Greek, and if not in speak too of Moors in America, speak now too, and of 'the Act' that is.
In now too saying that, American Love, has very much always spoken of the Awkward/Clumsy, and of 'the Act' too, is to now too say that, things, or many a thing has/have changed, and in regards to speak of the very manner in all, Americans, do perceive, or define Love too that is. That it all now, is believed said to speak, and of Exaltation in itself that is. That this very entry, will attempt to define American Love, and as said as such, in speak of Exaltation, for it all too and in the very least, now too, does speak of said American definitions, and of Accommodation in itself too that is it too can best be said here [and if not in speak too of the Green Card Lottery scheme for instance].
That what now, is about to be said here, can too be said to speak of the Ramblin' Man, and not of the Tambourine Man either (and with he too, the latter, said possessing a deeper Soul to him), for it all too, now does ask and of what does pass for American Love, and as said to speak of Exaltation in itself that is [and if not of Accommodation in itself too]. That it too can for instance be said here, that American life, is believed said truly grounded in all, and in speak of Wonder in itself, and if not in speak too of NASA, and of Howard Hughes too for instance, but what if, American life, was to be said grounded in Gesture in itself: then it all too, could very well be said, to speak of Exaltation in itself that is. What of speak of Exaltation, and as said too referring, and to speak of Accommodation, and that does too, speak of American life and as said to refer, and to speak of the Rock Bottom, and not of Ground Zero truly either? What too of the said Culture of Disrespect, and that does seem defining of American life today, and away too and from speak of tabloids in themselves, and if not in speak too of the said Media Machine, and of the said Con too, and in American History, and as said furtherly too referring and to speak of said Cherokee Humour in itself for instance. What though, and of the American Law-Giver/Law-Maker, and with he too said perhaps, now said perceived too, and along speak of the American Lynx (American Big Cats). What of the said rise of Hollywood, and with it said too, to speak of just whom/who in all, Americans, are said to be, and as said too perhaps, Detectives that is [and in further speak here too, and of Survival and in the United States of America too that is]. What if, it too can be said, that American relationships/relations, and in the past, said Sexual too, are believed said grounded in all, and in speak of Blackmail in itself, and as said to refer, and to speak too of Cat Calls (Meows), and of what Dog Barks, are said to be, for it all too, now does speak of Blackmail in American society, and as said too readily espoused, and by speak of Country Rock Music too that is.
But what too, and of American Names, and of the said even Segregative Mentalities, and that do speak of American life today. That what too can be said, is that, White culture, and as versus speak now of 'White people' (Jurisprudence), or of 'White folk' (Jurisdiction) too, is believed said something truly real, and in said manifestation that is, and in regards and to speak and of those who do believe that, all said peoples, American, should readily in all mix with each other that is. That it all too, White culture (Justice), can too be said to speak of New Spain (former Spanish Colony in Florida), or of said American Anthologies (enjoyable reads) too that is, but what too can be said here is that, all the said above, now too does speak of American Settings, and if not of American Spaces truly, and as said even eroded that is [and in speak now too, and of the said erasing of past, American Ways of living too that is]. In all and again that is, talk too of, and of said Spaces too that is, of American Spaces, of said Contexts too that is, of American Contexts, or if not as said too that is, perceived, referenced, of Film, of Realms, and if not in talk too of, and of the said Pure, or of the said Abstract Sense too that is, of Dimensions, of American Dimensions, or if not in the said referring to, and to what can be as said of, and of the said Physical, or of the said Real Sense too that is, of Domains, of American Domains.
In the now saying that, the Mexican Eagle, is not said an absentee, and from a said too American past, is to now brand Hip-Hop too, and as said too here an African-American form of Expression, and that does speak too of the Ancestral in itself, and if not of African-American definitions of Love too that is [for Hip-Hop, is said too not Rap Music either].
In now attempting to get to the bottom of all this, all this Ramblin' that is, perhaps is to now say that, Blackmail, and if not in speak of American Names too, are said truly defining of American History in itself, but, what too can be said here is that, and in regards to speak of an American Love Story, is that, it is what they do call the/an American Keyboard (and not American Piano either), and that does too speak of all this, and as it is said to be today that is, American Love that is, for in speak too of Exaltation, speak now and of the very said term/word of Symptom, and as said too, to speak of Love in itself, and if not of God in himself too, and in now too attempting to brand Utah, and as said now too, the very home, and to American Love in itself that is.
American Keyboard:
Saturday, 22 August 2015
American Ethos
an American Ethos.
In this entry, we will in all, attempt to simply present, a said view, and on the very manner in all, it is believed, Americans, do in all even purview, the very said issue/matter that is, and of Judgment too. That in saying and in the very least, Judgment, and in American society, said everyday too, does in all even refer, and to speak too of, and of Condescension, Consternation, and if not of Contemptuousness in itself too that is. That it all too, is believed said to speak, and of the said Preservation that is, and of the American Way of life, and if not of American Standards of living too that is.
In saying too that, the above forementioned two, the American Way of life, and of American Standards of living, are often said acquainted in all, and with American definitions of Independence, or of Autonomy too, is to now and in all again, tie it all down, and to speak truly, and of the said Psychological Concept of Belongingness, and which does in all even present, a said even complicated manner in all, and of viewing American History, and that does too refer and to speak of Secret Societies, and if not in speak of the said rise of the South [or of the Southern Confederacy that is]. That in speak of the American Way of life, speak now too though, and of European History, and as said now very much too becoming a part of it all, and which does speak of the United States of America, and in speak too now of Belongingness, and as said having Jamaica, Haiti, and if not Cuba / Puerto Rico, and as said now truly a part, of the American Political Make-up/Landscape that is. That Europe, does in all even define Belongingness, and in a manner too, and that is said separate from Italy, for while it was mentioned that, American definitions of Belongingness, do speak of Popularization/Serialization, Belongingness, and as said Italian too, now too does refer to speak of Fascism, while that said European, now does ask of us, and of our very said definitions, and of Treatment (Preferential), Encounter/Reception, and if not of ones said definitions of Acceptance that is. It is the European definition of Belongingness though, and in speak now of Haiti, Jamaica, and of Cuba / Puerto Rico too, and if not of the Caribbean in itself that is, and that does in all even now create, a said even rather problematic Politic, often termed too, a Body Politic that is, and that does in all even go along, and with speak of Revolt, Terrorism, and if not of Anarchy in itself too. That this said Body Politic, said in all too European, now does in all even attempt to redefine American society, and in regards, and to speak and of what they do term the Status Quo that is.
It is in speak though, and of American Standards of living, and with it all even it can be said here, often believed said to go along in all, and with speak of American definitions of Belongingness, and as said too, to speak of Popularization/Serialization that is, and simply and where and in all again, it all does meet up, and to speak too, and of the said Assassination, said Killing too (Roman talk), and of the late President of the United States of America, John F. Kennedy that is. That what too is been said here is that, the European definition of Belongingness, and as said too, to speak of the History of the United States of America, does in all even it is believed here, is said tied down and so to say, and to speak too, and of the said even Political Event that is, and of Sept. 11th (2001). In saying too that, European definitions of Belongingness, and as versus that said Italian, are believed said to speak too, and of the said rise too, and of Minority Status, Identity that is, and in the United States of America too, is to now too, tie down Italian definitions of Belongingness, and with speak of Xenophobia in itself, and if not in speak of said hatred, and as said targeted, and towards speak of Jews, Islamists, Africans, 'Migs' (Migrants) etc. In all, what too can be said, is that, American definitions of Belongingness, are best said too, to not only speak and of the History of the Knight in himself, and if not of Joan of Arc too, but can too, best be said tied down, and to speak too of African-American History, and as versus that said Afro-American, or Black American too, for it all too, now does ask of one, and of their said Position, and if not Status too, and in regard, and to speak too of American Ritual/Performance that is.
In speak here though, and of what an American Ethos is simply said to be, is to now too, claim it all, and to not only speak of the said divide and between North and South, but in all truly, speak now, and of what the said Mason-Dixon line, did in all represent for, and in regards, and to speak of American life that is. That this said line, now too, does in all even tie and to speak of African-American History, for it all too, is simply said Media, and which, and in speak of the United States of America, does ask of one, to in all even probably view American Media, and as said to refer, and to speak too of Egypt, and if not of Nigeria that is. That what is been said here is that, African-American Culture, and as said to speak too of African-American Art-forms, does in all even refer, and if not infer, Nigeria in itself, and in now saying that, every other said Media in the United States of America, can too now, be said perceived, and from speak of Media and as said Egyptian that is. Something not too easy to prove, but could probably be said too, obvious in its ways, and in now associating Egypt, and in the United States of America, and with speak of Symbolism, and of Nigeria and in the United States of America, and with speak of Totemism that is.
That such a said divide, does exist, and in the United States of America today, and in now associating, speak of America's Social Ills, and as said to refer, or said to go along, and with what does pass for American Symbolism today, said in all even, and to now speak too and of industry, and as said too referring, and to speak of Rap Music, Pornography, and if not of the very said world of Fashion in the United States of America today too that is [and with the latter, said here too, believed to speak of the very term of Narcotics that is]. In speak of Totemism and in the United States of America, speak now too, and of Psychology, and as said too referring and to speak of Restrictions, and if not of Inhibitions too (and if not in further speak of, and of what is said the 'Life force' that is), and in now too, associating it all, and to speak and of what they do term Crime in America today (and if not of the American Presidential 'State of the Union' Address too), for it all does in all even tie down, and to speak of Violence, Abuse or Trauma, and as simply said tied down too, and not in speak of those said Minority, or Immigrant truly, but to those in all, and in Aesthetic too perhaps, said too mirroring, those said Caribbean, Latin, and if not those simply said on Welfare that is [and in further speak too here of the United States of America, and as said too, a Welfare State that is].
In now too saying that, there is more to all this, is to refer, and to speak of American Symbolism, and as said now too, going along in all, and with speak of the said birth of a said New America, and that can too, be simply said acquainted in all, and to speak of what Design is said to be. That the United States of America, and in its said Design of Cities, does in all even accommodate to it, or have to it truly, what one could too term a Flagship Design, for it is said a Design too, and that does in all even accommodate truly, what too can be termed Family Security, and in Image that is. In all, American Flagship Design, said too now best perceived, and from speak of those often said Redneck, White Trash, and if not said Hillbilly too that is. In now too saying that, all this, does speak of the United States of America, and in the name of National Security too, and as said too simply involved and in Militarization, is to now and in all again, not only refer, and to speak of American Symbolism, and as said tied down, and to speak of Federalism in itself, American, and of what it is simply said to represent for that is [for Federalism, and in said too here and of American Symbolism in itself, is said too, simply tied down, and to speak of Private Security / Law Enforcement in itself, and if not in speak of American definitions of Securitization/Valuation too, and as said too, to refer, and to speak too and of American Monuments it can best be said here that is].
The United States of America though, is too believed said old, but new. That it is in speak too now, and of Totemism in the United States of America, best said here too, perceived, and from speak of African-American History, and not that said Native American either, Sioux, and which does in all even now, speak, and of what is said to refer, and to American Character, American Personality, and if not of said too, Secular, American Success Images/Profiles that is. That in speak of American Character, speak too now, and of the very manner in all, it all does tie down, and to speak of a said even Sports Education, American, while in speak of Personality, speak too of American Militancy (now said too African), but in speak of Image, speak too of it all said tied down, and to speak and of said National Identity, and in the United States of America too. For in speak too now, and of National Status, it all can be said, to lead, and to speak and of whom/who in all, the Nationale, American, is simply said to be. In all, the Nationale, said too, representing the Private Institute and in the United States of America too, and in speak now and of a said differing manner in all, and of defining Valuation/Securitization, and that could too be said tied down, and to speak of Americans, and as said Inventors, and if not said Patent holders too that is.
In now attempting to conclude on all this, is to present, a said even difficult manner in all, and of viewing American life it can be said here, and that does too, speak and of just whom or who in all, the Blogger here, is said to be, and upon setting his said Foot, and for the very first time, and in the United States of America today too that is. That the United States of America, is believed said to have to it, an Immigrant problem, and that is best said often associated, and with speak of Acclimatization, Acculturation, and if not of Familialization/'Accustomed' that is. That in all, this is what is believed to speak of making it in the United States of America, and not simply succeeding either (for both terms, are believed said to differ, and in the United States of America, and as simply said even a rather Wealthy place too that is), for the History of the United States of America in all, and as said too Apache, does not often go along, and with speak and of the very manner in all, those in the United States of America today, or America truly, do in all even view, Native American Gods that is. That the United States of America, does too have a said here, Roman tradition to it, but that what can be said here is that, Americans in all, do possess, what they do term a said here American Persona, and one too, said truly associated here, and with speak of American (Commercial) Ventures & Enterprises too that is [that to in all succeed, and if not make it, and in the said even rather Competitive world of American Business, one is required to in all even possess, a said American Persona that is]. However, in now too saying that, there is said a third angle to this all, is to speak too now, and of what an American Township, is said to be. That this very entry, and if not Blog too, does in all even attempt, to resurrect, the American Township it can be said, and in now too saying that, what does pass for American Intellectualism, Sowellian too, can too be best perceived, and in speak and of what they do term the Township that is. For American Townships in all, are said too, to in all even arise, and with speak of American Oral/Folk traditions that is. That American Townships too, do in all even, have a said impactful Influence on American life it can be said here, and one too, not too easy to explain to most, for it all too, does speak of the very manner in all, Americans, or the United States of America too, and in Institution, do define what they do term Accreditation that is. That Americans in all, and at the Township level too, are believed said to have to them, many a said too notion, and of the Sacred that is, and if not of Sacred Law in itself too. Something in all, and that can too be said to clash, and with the very said manner in all, the United States of America today, does in all even define Institution, for Institution and as said Sacred, is said too Egyptian and in History, while that said American, is not believed said to answer for all that is [and with it all too, said detailed in all, and in speak of Citizenship, Accreditation, Patency/Copyrights, Nationality, Meritocracy etc.]. In all, American Townships, and as said too, defining themselves, and in speak of Institution, and that could in all even too, refer, and to speak of the very name of Rosa Parks, and if not in speak too now of American National Records/Archives that is. In saying too that, American Townships, do in all even have a said tradition, and that does too speak of the Sacred, and of 'Voicing Out' that is, is to now too speak of the United States of America, and as said defined, and as said a Territory in itself too that is. However, what can be said about American Townships, and in regards and to speak of Potential, is that, while, what they do in all term Institutional Communications, do in all even speak of American Infrastructure, it too can be said here, and in a said regard here and to speak of African-American Culture too, that the United States of America, does too, possess a said Viral Communications culture to it all, and that can too, be said to speak of the Indie ('Independent') that is [for such Communications, can too be said valid in their ways, and in an United States of America, simply too said Ivy League for instance, for they are Communications in all, and that are said even defining, and of the United States of America, and in speak now and of the Infrastructural that is].
In all, and in finalizing it all, the American Township, and in said Symbol here too, said now and to speak, and of the American Eagle in itself that is [: disclaimer notice posted here though].
Sunday, 9 August 2015
Archers in America
Archers in America.
This entry, will now attempt to look into American life, and as said too in all, detailed, and from a said perspective too, and that does speak of the American Psychological Association (APA) that is. That it in all too, and alongside speak of this Blog, and many another, and by the Blogger herein, and on the United States of America, does attempt to in all, speak of, or ground truly, American History, and as said now perceived, and from or in speak of the African-American Memory that is. That this Memory, is not well understood by most, and is now too said, to complicate many a said view, and of American life, and that does too, translate in all, and to speak of Justice in itself too that is.
That what in all again, is been said here is that, life, and as most do know it, can simply be said, driven, and by what one could too term, Political Interests, and in a said reference here too, and of a said even, Job transfer or move, and from one State to another that is. That it is in speak, and of what Political Interests are said to be, and that does too, simply in all, point out, the very manner in all again, most do in all even define Happiness in their lives, and with it all too now, best said associated, and with speak too of African-American History, and of African-Americans too, and as simply said now, making inroads, and to what too, does in all even pass for Conventional American life, and if not that said to speak too of Sacrifice and Offering, and in now simply attempting to claim that, African-American History, is in all even said Myth ridden, and in speak of Myth too, not simply said American in all, or said too, Native American and in its ways/manners too that is, but probably said, to redefine the United States of America, and in Celebration in itself that is. That African-Americans, do in all even possess Myth to them, and that does too speak of a said even, whole new America, and as said too, in place that is.
In having said the above, and in speak too now, and of simply where the United States of America, does meet Spain and in History too, is to now attempt to speak and on what does pass for Animosity/Blood, and in the United States of America, and as said even Political that is. That this too, could be said equated, and to speak too of a said even GOP Candidate poll, and in now acquainting it all, and with speak and of what does pass for, and Literally said too, and for Native American Identity in all, that said White (American) too, and if not of that simply said too, Black, Coloured, or Minority too that is.
That in speak now of Political Interests, and of Animosity/Blood, and as said Political too, and in the said speak here too, and of Native American Identity that is and as said Heritage too, is to perhaps, ask of one, and of if what they do term Initiation, and as simply said to speak of the Native American Priest, and not of Native American Religion in all, is in all believed said beneficial, and in regard, and to speak of Survival, and in the United States of America today that is. That what can too be said here, is that, it is what is said/termed in all, Native American Identity that is, and that does in all even struggle, and with the very question, and of what Technology, and in our said lives too, is in all even said to embody, or is said too, is, that is, and in further regard, and to our said viewing of life in itself, and from speak of Cycles, and not of Frequencies/Frequency either, or of said even, the viewing of life, and from said even Economic Demand/Supply Curves that is. That what is been said here, is that, Technology, can too be equated, and to a said even Egyptian way of life, Ancient too, and that does associate life, and with speak of Frequency, and in Ritual or Practise too that is [and in further speak here and of the Egyptian tradition of Chanting/Chant for instance]. In all, speak of Technology, and of Native American beliefs too in all, does in all even come down, and to speak and of what said Physical Views in all, it can be said, are to be held, and in regard, and to speak of Survival that is. That those said Native American, are said too grounded in all, and in speak of Cycles that is, while those said British/American, are said too, grounded in all, and in speak of Frequency that is.
In speak now and of Political Interests, and of Animosity/Blood, and of said even White (American) Identity in all, is to now associate it all too, and to speak of what does pass for Archetype, and in American society too that is. That it all too, now does refer, and to the said known belief that, Success and in the United States of America today, is simply said White, and in speak too now, and of said even Non-White Success in the United States of America, and as said too, to speak of those said 'left behind' that is, and in further speak here too, and of what does pass for an American Guise in all, and as said to refer, and to speak and of what does pass for American Intelligence, and as said too to speak of WASP, Anglo and said even English Identity that is. That in all, it can be said that, the forementioned three Identities in all, and that are in all even said English-speaking truly, are in all even perceived, and from said too, Lenses, and that do speak of the Anglophile that is, and that in all again, it is they, who are in all even considered, to hold or house, History to them, and that does in all even speak of Archetype in itself that is. In now attempting to deal, and with this said issue/matter in all, and that does in all even claim that, that said White (American) Identity, and as said even Superior to others, and from a said even Supremacist viewpoint, and which too is said even a part of (World) Media today, is to not ground it all, and in speak of White (American) Identity, and as said even, derogatorily enough, Redneck, Hillbilly or White Trash too, but in speak too now, and of that said White Hispanic/Latin that is. In having said that, is to perhaps make one aware of the very fact that, what does pass for Anglo, WASP or said even English Identity in all, and in regards and to the English Language, can too be said, to speak of Shakespeare, and if not of the British too, but that in all again, it is said here other forms of English in all, do in all even exist, and in regards and to dealing with this issue/matter in all, and that some too, have in all even equated, and to speak of White Privilege that is: Sherlock Holmes, Samuel Pepy's, Don Quixote, Tolkien / Lord of the Rings, Arthurian / Diana Gabaldon, 'Tony Duquette' (Hollywood) etc.
In speak too now, and of what does pass for said Black, Coloured or Minority Identity that is, and in the United States of America, and in regard and to speak of Political Interests, and if not of Animosity/Blood, and in said speak here too, and of Ambition in itself, is to perhaps ground it all, and in American definitions of Privacy that is. That Privacy, is said too, its very own term/word, and away from speak of the Private that is, and in now associating it all too, and with what too, can be said to pass for Minority Expression/Art in all, and if not of Minority Music Artforms too that is, and that do in all even see many a said Minority Artist here, struggle in all, and in defining themselves, and in regard and to speak of Privacy in itself that is [and in the said attempt here, to associate, the United States of America, and as said even by some, virulently racist, and in speak too now, of Discrimination, and not of the Discriminatory truly either, and that does in all even hint, and at what in all, is said to pass for Privacy, and in ones very life too that is].
In all, what too can be said here, is that, this very History said detailed above, and that does in all even go along in all, and with speak too and of what some do term 'American History X', is said best perceived or perused too, and from speak of African-American History that is, and if not that said British too, That many in all, do attempt to connect African-American History, and with that said Caribbean, South American / Brazil, and if not in speak here to of Africa in itself, and of the termed Third World too, and when and in all again, African-American History, does too, have a said De Facto standard to it all, and that does in all even lead, and to said beliefs here, and which do say, that the American Psyche, and in speak too of American Ruggedness for instance, is today said British, and if not said African-American too that is [that both these groups, British, and African-American, do in all even possess, Myth, or Psyche too, and that does in all today translate, and to speak and of what does pass for Struggle in all, and in the United States of America today too that is]. In all, and again, African-American History, and in further speak of American Art here, is said now, to speak of the Blues, and in speak of Physical Views and Initiations too, to speak of Jazz and in Archetype, and if not of African-American Theatre, and in Privacy too, and in further speak too now, and of American life, and as simply said perceived, and in speak of the Commercial, the Judicial, and if not of the Seasonal too that is, and which does in all even lead, and to one and as said opening up, and to recognizing, said even, Minority Success and in the United States of America too that is. For the United States of America in all and as said perceived as such, now does open one up, and to recognizing, the very manner in all, the United States of America, is said connected, and to the rest of the World that is, and in speak too of the redefining of American Affluence that is, and if not of American Voices too, and in the said here too, associating, and of the said Cities of Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia too, and with speak of Minority Identity in itself that is.
The African-American Psyche:
Saturday, 1 August 2015
American Media
American Media.
This entry, will attempt to deal, and with the said issue or matter, and that does in all even say or state that, Media, and in the United States of America today, has in all even become rather ubiquitous in its ways, and such that, it does in all even premeditate, many a question, and of what does pass for Security, Secureness, Concern, and if not of Safety, and in the United States of America too, and if not in said speak of the rest of the World too that is. That what in all, is been said here is that, it too can be said that, there is a manner in all, and of viewing History, and at the said Individual level too, and that does ask of one, or of us all, whom/who in all, we are said to be, and as said too Decision-makers that is, and such that, Media today, can be said to truly interfere, and with whom/who in all, we are said to be, Historically too, and in speak of Decision-making that is. That speak of one and as said a Decision-maker, now too, does see the said rise in all, and in regards to Media, and of a said Psychology too, and of Cravings that is, and that does speak too of the United States of America, and as said Obese, Anorexic, Bulimic, ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), Amnesia/Dementia etc.
In having said the above, is to now too, present a view, and of what does pass for Media, and in the United States of America today that is. That Media in the United States of America, can in all even be said categorized in all, and in three said Spheres of Influence, and that do speak of (Independent) Media Houses, Media Syndicates, and if not of Media Centers too that is. That in speak of Media Houses, speak too now, and of what does pass for, Independence/Autonomy, and in the United States of America too. In speak of Media Syndicates, speak too now, and of what does pass for Trust/Certainty, and in the United States of America, but in speak of Media Centers, speak now, and of what does pass for Support/Means, and in the United States of America today too. In all, and in now saying that, Media Centers, are in all even, said perceived more or less recent in their ways in all, is to speak too, and of said American perceptions, and of Government, Commerce, and if not in speak too of Federalism in itself that is. That Media Centers, now too, do arise, and in speak too of offering said Support/Means, and to just about anyone out there, and in speak too MIT Labs for instance, but in further speak of Government in the United States of America, and as said too perceived, and from speak of Congress, and if not of the House of Representatives, but in speak of American History and as said grounded in all, and in speak of Commerce, speak too now, and of the said rise too, and of the CIA in itself, but in further speak now and of Federalism in itself, speak too, and of the Pentagon too that is. In all, Media Centers, and as said offering a whole new picture it can be said, and of a changing, evolving America in all, and in speak too of a said shift in Power, and away, and from speak of Academia, or of Intelligentsia too, and onwards, and to speak too now for instance, and of Business/Corporate Leaders that is.
In helping one though, understand what Media is said to be, and in a said Regional Context, and if not that said Historic too, is to now attempt to associate, speak of Decision-making, and in American History, and not in speak of Goods and Services for instance, or of Production too, but in speak now, and of what does pass for Movement, Motion and Activity, and in society, and if not in speak of Noise too that is. That Media, can too be said basically perceived, and from speak of Noise levels, but in saying that, the United States of America, is believed said to have a Freemason History to it all, is to now understand, Movement, Motion and Activity, and as said to speak of Decision-making, Freemason, and if not in speak of Exuberance in itself too for instance [for the latter, now does place American History, and as said too, taking place, and at a said Local level too that is]. Hopefully, all this too, can be understood, and from a said perspective, and that does say, Media, and in the United States of America too, can too, be said to speak of the very said term/word of Rescue, and not of Help, Aid or Assistance truly either, but Rescue, and as something too, probably said to speak, and of the said even, rise, and of NASA, and as perceived, and from speak of Media truly that is.
In saying that, Media Houses, and in the United States of America today, can too be said attached in all, and to speak too of the NASDAQ, and if not of the NYSE too, and at a said Institutional level that is, is to now too, associate, Media Syndicates, and with speak too of Modernization, Westernization, and if not of Nationalization too, and in the United States of America that is, but in speak of Media Centers, speak too now, and of Convention, Policy and of Heritage too, and in further speak of the United States of America, and in Volunteership too for instance, but what in all, is been said here, is that, for those considered truly American, Media, and that does speak of Movement, Motion and Activity, and in Decision-making too, is said too, a said birth-right in all, and of those said American that is, but in speak of the Immigrant, speak truly, and of Media Centers, and of the Rescue too, and as said in all even offering a whole new manner in all, and of viewing Opportunity in the United States of America, and that does in all even place one, squarely too, and in speak too of Media, and that could too be said to accommodate the said presence, and of a said Grizzly, or Black Bear too that is.
Thursday, 30 July 2015
This entry, will deal with a said even, troublesome, and if not said Sore spot too, and when it does in all even come down, to speak of American relations/relationships. For it all does too, speak too now, and of a said difficulty here, and of defining American relations/relationships, and away too, and from the American Church, for it does in all even ask of Americans, and of the very manner in all, they do define Pity, Forgiveness, Absolution, and if not in speak too of American definitions of Intimacy in itself that is.
That in attempting to understand, what an Epithet, is simply said to be, is to now speak of the United States of America, and as said defined, and by speak of the said Psychological Concept of Belongingness, and as with it all even said, to differ in all, and from the said manner in all, and of creating Governance and in the World today, and as said to speak too of Community Buildup for instance, and if not of the Participatory/Participation too that is [and of many a said too, Knowledge Sharing Network that is].
That Belogingness, and as mentioned in a said here previous post, does speak truly of said Identity, American, and as said even Popularized/Serialized too, and in further speak too, and of what does too pass for many a said Presidential Campaign, and in the United States of America today too that is. That in now too saying that, those in all, aspiring to very much be American, full-blooded too perhaps, do in all even associate it all, and with speak too and of the said climbing, and of the Social Ladder and so to speak, and in further speak now and of the gaining, and of full acceptance, and into American Society, high-profile, and away too, from that said even and to speak, and of the Smithsonian that is.
In now too saying that, the above, does in all even refer, and to the very manner in all, Epithets, Racial too, have in all even come to be said, a mainstay, and of the American Experience, is to now and in all again, attempt to in all, address, the said manner in all, anyone, said attempting to fully become American, and as said Immigrant too, would go about it all that is [and in speak now, and of the said finding, and of ones Place, and in American society, and as said too, and to speak of Profiles that is].
That unknown to most, the United States of America, is not the evil place, many would think to be, and in speak too of the Epithet for instance, for the United States of America in all, does have a said long-standing History to it all, and which many today, do in all even erroneously believe, to speak of the World and as it is today, and as said too defined by speak of Citizenship that is. That one in all, could in all even climb up and in Status/Profile too, what does pass for a said American Meritocratic system that is, and as said too, defined, American Meritocracy that is, and by speak too of Modernization, Westernization, and if not of Nationalization in itself too that is [and with the latter too, simply said today, to fully be associated in all, and with the said rise of African-Americans, and away from speak of their former Slave-Status, and onwards, and to their been considered stalwarts too, and in the American Militaries for instance].
In speak of what the above does truly entail, and in speak of Epithets too that is, is to now associate speak of said American Identity, everyday, and with speak and of whom/who in all, one is, and when they do in all Attempt/Try anything that is. Hopefully, this is understood, and away from speak of Parental Mechanisms, or of Parental Obligation too, and in now too saying that, many and in the United States of America today, simply in all do not know, whom/who in all they are, and when they do Attempt/Try to do anything that is. That in the very least, it all too does speak of Captain Ahab for instance, and of Moby Dick too, and in speak too now of Identity and as said Socialized/Politicized too, and if not of it all, simply perceived, and from many a said Social Context too that is.
In now saying that, Modernization, Westernization and if not of Nationalization too, does in all even offer a said manner in all, and of one, and as said simply defining, or describing themselves too, and when they do in all Attempt/Try (out) anything that is, is to now too, associate the History of Modernization in the United States of America, and with that which does speak too of Picketing, Minority Representation, and if not of Black Empowerment too that is. In all, Modernization, and as said to speak too, and of the United States of America, and in Affirmation too that is.
In referring to the History of Westernization and in the United States of America, and in speak too of the Attempt/Try that is, and in further speak of one and as simply said attempting to find their place in all, and in American society in itself too that is, is to now associate it all, and with speak too of said American perceptions, and of Intermarriage, Melting Pot theories, and if not of Multi-Culturalism in itself too that is. And with Westernization too, said now and to refer, and to the United States of America, and in Agreement too that is.
In speak of Nationalization though, speak too now, and of what does for Segregation, Separatism, and if not of Seclusionism too, and not and in speak only of the History of the United States of America, but in speak too of the Attempt/Try that is, and in further speak too of the United States of America, and in regards and to speak of Consensus/Accordance that is. In all, it is via speak of Nationalization, and where American Political Identity today, is said too Historically, to meet that said African that is, and in speak of Africa in itself too, and in now too associating, the United States of America, and in Consensus too, and in regards to Africa, and with speak too of that said African Identity, and that is simply said Moorish too that is.
In now referring though, and to the Epithet, and as said too a Slur, is to now associate it all, distinctively, or as said uniquely too, and with speak of Americanization, and if not of Naturalization in itself too that is. In now too saying that, this does in all even speak of a said Textbook analysis, and of life and in the United States of America too, is to now associate, the Slur, and in speak of Americanization, and with American History too, and as said subjected, and to a said even Racial, Social, Local, and if not Historical profiling/treatment too that is. In speak of Naturalization as such, and in regard and to speak of the Slur, and of American History too, is to now speak of it all, perceived, and from speak of what does pass for the English, the Anglo, and if not of WASP Identity too that is. However, in claiming that American life, or said Identity too, is said deeply entrenched, and in regards to all this, the Slur that is, is to now too refer, and to the said phrase in all, and of 'American Pastoral', and that does in all even speak of American life, and as simply said perceived too, and in speak of Lenses that is, and of the United States of America, and in History too, and as simply said too Misogynist, Sexist, and if not said Feminist too that is. In all, while Americanization, does in all even speak of the Subject, Subjugation, and if not of Denomination too, is to now too say that, American Pastoral, does in all even speak of American Perspectives, Views, and of said American Lenses too, but with that said to speak of Naturalization, simply now said to speak of Constitution, the Constitutional, and of a said American Democracy too that is.
In attempting to conclude on all this, is to now refer, and to the very manner in all, said African-American Identity, and if not speak too of Technology, has in all even come, to shape, what does pass for an Epithet, and if not of the Slur in itself too that is, and in the United States of America. That in speak of the Epithet and Slur, and in American Society too, speak now, and of the said manner in all, and that African-American Music Genres/Styles in all, have come to shape said American Identity, and in regards and to speak of the Epithet and Slur, and in now associating it all too, and with speak and of the Music Genre/Style of Rag-Time that is, and if not of the name of Fats Domino too that is.
In speak though of Technology, one does see an interesting manifestation, and alongside speak of Marshall McLuhan too that is, and of the very manner in all, Technology, does in all even shape society so to say, and away and from speak of Epithets and Slurs, and onwards now, and to speak of Name-calling, and of Tagging too that is. That both are too simply said even, discriminatory in their ways, and in now associating Epithets and Slurs, and with speak too of Consciousness, generated, and by speak of the American Flag in itself, while speak of the Name-calling, can too be said to speak of Achievement, Black, African-American, Minority too, while speak of the Tagging, can too be said, to in all even speak of the Boycott in itself that is. In all, speak now, and of the Television, and as said a Technology too, and as perceived said here America's most influential or defining Technology that is, and with it all even said to speak of the United States of America, and as said generating a Consciousness to it all, and that could too be said to speak too perhaps, and of what one too could term, Great Expectations that is.
In all, and in attempting to in all even, speak of the very best manner in all, and of Sizing up, this said problem, and in comparison and to speak of Analysis, or Diagnosis too, is too perhaps, associate White Male Identity in the United States of America, and with speak too of Diversity in itself, and that said too African-American, and with Intelligence, and that does too speak of Improvisation/Versatility, and if not in attempting now, to associate African-American Identity in itself too, and as said truly American that is, and with speak too of the Wolverine that is.
[Fats Domino - Ain't That A Shame]
Saturday, 25 July 2015
of Naturalization.
This entry, perhaps said too, the most bold in all, and of all other posts by the Blogger here, will in all attempt to address, what does pass for Naturalization, and in the United States of America too, and if not speak truly, and of Americanization that is. That the United States of America, does in all even today, deal with many an Issue/Matter in all, and that can be said comparable, and to speak too of the pre-modern World, and in now associating it all too, and with the said Psychological Concept, and of Belongingness that is. That what is been said here is that, most do believe the United States of America today, highly defined, and by speak of Modernization, Westernization, and if not of Nationalization too, and as with it all even said to pre-meditate in all, talk of Socialized/Politicized Identity and so to say, and in said comparison now, and to speak of Belongingness, and which does in all even associate speak of said Identity, and in the United States of America too, and with speak too of Popularization/Serialization, and of many a thing that is.
In having said that, is to now ponder, what does in all even pass for Naturalization, and in the United States of America today. That in saying too that, the United States of America, is in all even perceived too, and as said Modern, is to not only associate the United States of America in all, and with speak too of Health Lifestyles, and if not in speak too of Sports Identity, but in speak truly now, and of what does pass for Anglicization in itself, and in the United States of America too that is. The false assumption here, and by many, that English in all, is actually said a Native Tongue, and if not Language too, and to the United States of America, and if not in speak of it all said having a Home in the place too that is.
There is also talk, and in regards to Naturalization, and that does have to do, and with the United States of America, and as said Western too. That in speak of the United States of America as such, is to speak of said Umbrella terms in all, and that do in all even speak of the Law/Justice, and in the United States of America too, and in further speak too now, and of the said terms of America, the United States, the US, the USA, the States, Stateside etc., and with they in all now, said too, and to speak too of, and of American Intelligence, and as said too best associated, and with the very term/word of Tangent that is [and in further speak too here, and of what does pass for American Custom for instance]. In all, American life, and as simply said too, viewed in all, and from speak too of Mexico in itself, Haiti, Jamaica & Puerto Rico, and if not in speak truly, and of the Gulf of Mexico in itself that is.
Thirdly, speak now too, and of what does pass for American Ritual in all, and as with it all even said to speak, of many a said American Celebration, Holiday, Festival, 'Season' etc., and as with it all even furtherly too, said even to speak of Naturalization, and in regards and to the referring of the United States of America, and as said too, a Homeland that is.
In saying that, the above three, do in all even refer, and to speak of Naturalization, is to now too, refer, and to the said meaning and of the said term of Americanization that is. That the two do in all even differ, and in speak too and of the very manner in all, Americans, do define, the Civilian, and the Resident too that is.
That Americanization in all, now too, does best speak of what does pass for speak of a said Social/Cultural Fabric in all, American, and as with it all too, best said here equated, and with the said History of New York City that is, and in further speak too now, and of what does too pass for Political, War, and even speak of, Racial, Frontlines that is, and in regards, and to speak of American livelihoods/living that is.
That Americanization, does too, speak of Religious (Social/Political/Economic) Authority, and as with it all even said too, best said associated, and with speak of the History of Chicago City that is. That it in all, now too, does ask, and of what does pass for State/Colour lines, and in the United States of America too that is.
That Americanization, does three, refer in all, and to speak too of Political/Civic Identity in all, and in the United States of America too, and as said to speak too, and of said Political Mandates for instance, or Mandate in itself too, and as best said even to speak, and of the History, and of Washington D.C. that is. In all, speak of the United States of America, and as said discerned in all, and from speak of Blocks, Neighbourhoods, Districts, Counties, City Limits, City Outskirts, Metropolitan areas etc., and in speak too of said American Constitutional Rights that is.
That fourthly, Americanization, does too, speak of American Economic/Fiscal Policy, and in said here, speak too and of the said History of Los Angeles (L.A.) for instance, and in speak too and of the American people, and as said even defined, and in speak too of Segments, Sectors, Sections, Places etc.
Tuesday, 21 July 2015
the Big Apple
The Big Apple.
In saying that, no one truly knows much of anything to do with New York, is to perhaps now attempt, to approach it all, and from speak of the Candidate, and if not of New York, and as fondly said too, referred to and as, the Big Apple that is. That it all, now does speak of New York City culture, and as perhaps said grounded in all, and in speak too, and of the Summon, and if not in speak truly, and of what does pass for the Giggle, the Gigglish, and in New York Culture too that is.
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