Sunday 14 June 2015



Could it be said, that those in America today, have in all even, lost, their true Heritage? Does it in all again though, truly even matter in all, and to say such things? The answer to this, can in the very least, be made-out, or somewhat exposed too, and in telling many that, it is American Philosophy, and more than that too, said even Egyptian, Greek or Italian, and that does in all even promise, Abundance, Plenty, Prosperity, Bountifulness, Fortune, Affluence etc., and to just about all that is. That before, one can speak or talk, and of truly designing or defining, highly said too, successful/efficient societies, and that do in all even, relegate Technology, and to its said too, proper purpose/meaning, and delegate Humans, and to speak and of what is believed said even, Significant/Important that is, one might in all, want to seek out, what is believed said to speak of an Inkling that is, and in regards now too, and to speak of American Philosophy that is. That this all, now does speak too, and to the very said events, and that did in all lead to the American Revolutionary War, and which does in all even now refer, and to the Human, and as said symbolized too, and in Action or Deed that is, and by speak too and of the Imagination in itself, and as said envisioned, and by speak of a said Spark, and into Action or Deed in itself that is.

That it is believed, that the American Philosophers of yore, and as said even Freemasons too, did in all even envision a said even Philosophy, and that did in all even mitigate, speak of Harm, Injury or Pain/Wound in itself too, and in ones life that is. That the said even, Philosophy mentioned before, now too, does speak of Americans, and in regards and to Heredity that is, and in now saying, that the American Revolutionary War, did not truly impact or influence, Americans, and in speak of Philosophy that is, the Declaration of Independence, but in all even, and in speak now and of the American Mind that is. That the American Mind, and as said borne anew, and from the events said to define the American Revolutionary War, is simply said now, simply Troubled that is.

A Trouble Mind, and that does speak too, and of those who would attempt, to in all even, destroy that is, old America so to speak, and in speak now too, and of Sentiment, and that would say, that the Divide that does lie, and between Man and God, is now too, said even, and to refer, and to speak of Race in itself that is. Hopefully, this all, can best be understood, and in speak of Man, and as said caring, to know of or understand life, and from the very said perspective, of his been said now, a Social Animal that is, and as versus speak now too, and of Media (Norms/Mores) in itself that is.

In now speaking or referring, and to speak of the Yellowstone National Park, and in Wyoming, America too, is to now truly refer, and to the very said aims/goals, and if not intent too it can best be said here, and of the Founding Fathers so to say. That for them, America, is now say Troubled, and in Mind truly, and such that, the solution to America's problem, not is believed to truly lie, and in speak of the Declaration of Independence that is, and in further speak now and of what did pass for Warfare, and in the old World that is, Restitution, but that in all again, the solution now, is believed said too, and to lie, and in speak of Natural History, American, for in explaining it all too clearly, it all does too speak, and in a simple sense too, and of the OECD for instance, and in Development that is, or in speak truly even, and for the search, and for Sanctuary in itself that is.

The above said though, might not make for much meaning or sense, and unless it is all understood, and in speak now, and of what does lead, and to the American Civil War in itself that is. That America now, and at War too, is believed said to have done away, and with the very Notion or Idea, and of Identity created, and in speak of Heredity that us, and now too, does attempt to redefine society so to say, and in speak of the Hereditary in all, and in now asking, just how in all, does one define Sex, Money and Gender, and in society too that is. That America now, is believed said operating in all, at a base level too that is, one said even rather violent, and in now saying that, Americans, and ever since the American Revolutionary War, did come to an end, have in all even failed to sufficiently/satisfactorily define themselves, and in speak of Sex, Money and Gender that is, and such that, America, is even said a Slave holding Nation so to say, and one too, said even truly Troubled, and at the mistakes of the past, and that do in all even speak of the Assassination, and of former American President, Abraham Lincoln that is.

In however, attempting to directly even, point, and at what is been said here, is to now say that, America, and from when it is said here too, the American Civil War did end, does now lay its hopes, and in Technology driven Cities/societies that is, and in further speak now, and of the very said even, false belief, that a said truly even, truly Informed society, and in further speak too of Information Technology in itself, and if not of the Television in itself too, now does in all even refer, and to a society, and that does believe, it can deal, and with many a said too Hereditary in all, problem/situation that is, and by simply seeking, to stay Informed that is.

That Man in Evolution now, is simply said too, and to be seeking out, many a said even, Experience, and if not Moment too, and that does in all even equate too, and to speak of Technology, and as said even helping to keep one, truly Informed, and on just about anything that is. America today though, is believed too, a place, or Country, said still in Turmoil, Emotional, and in now saying that, to speak of those said Troubled, or said too Insecure, now does too, speak of Political Mandate, or of the Political Manifesto too, and which does say, America, is yet to truly die and in spirit, or is yet, to truly die, and in Will that is.

However, the reason why this is all stated,does in all even now, speak too, and of the attempt to speak on, and of what is believed to constitute in itself, and for the American way of life that is, and as probably said even, not suited for all that is. That the American way of life, is perhaps best said here, envisioned, and in speak of Thomas Jefferson, President, and in now referring and to the American way of life, and as best said too, envisioned, and in speak too of Keys that is. However, and as said again, what we are trying to get at here is that, it is believed that, Egypt, did in all even hold the Keys, and to understanding life, and as said to speak of the Planet/Earth, while for the Greeks, and as said even the most reasonable, or rational of us all, did in all actually, envision life too, and in speak of it said to refer, and to speak too of Keys that is, and in further speak now though, and of the Oceans/Seas that is, while in speak of Italy, speak now and of the Keys to understanding life, and as said even to speak of Astrology/Astronomy that is. However, this is not the end to it all, for it is believed said that, that the Earth/Planet, Seas/Oceans, and in further speak now too, and Astrology/Astronomy that is, is all believed even, said brought together, and in speak too of Keys that is, and as said referring, and to speak of the Three Pyramids at Gaza that is.

The Keys to life though, are believed many, for they too, are apparently said held or hidden too, and in Tibet, and by none other, and than those said/termed Tibetan that is, and as according to the Chinese. That Americans now, are perceived too, and from their said search, and for the Keys, and which will in all even, open up all Doors, and to all said Successes sought out, for it is in all even believed too, that those who do in all even seek, to persist, and in truly finding these said Keys, might in all unexpectedly, find themselves, and in Africa in itself that is, for it is in speak of Africa, and if not of the fabled Mountains of the Moon too, and whereby, a belief does lie, and which does say that, the bringing together, of the Earth/Planet, the Seas/Oceans, and if not of the Skies too, now does speak, and of life's Experiences, and as said Perceived, and in speak of Portals, Channels, and Adjuncts too perhaps. However, to simply know what it all means, the above said that is, one must in all even, seek out the right Keys, and in opening up, or awakening too, and to such said in all Experiences that is.

American Piano:

[Guns N' Roses - November Rain]