Thursday 11 June 2015

the Observer

The Observer.

There are those, and who do in all even believe, that the American way of life, has in all even come, to be derailed, and by speak, and of what they do call/term, the Democratic process. In understanding all this too better, is for one now, to simply ask, and of where, America, does in all even stand, and in regard, and to speak of Solidarity. A question, an asking, and that does in all even now say that, despite a significant said population, and of Americans, believed even, simply talented in their ways, the Doors to Success and so to say, remain open, and to only a few, and in speak now too perhaps, and of what is believed said even, to serve, and for Example, and in American society too that is.

Does the American Dream, and in just about any said arena, or as defined, and in speak too of facets, truly exist any more? That Success in America, is believed said too, and to speak of the Abundant, or of the Prosperous too, but with it all even now, believed said even relegated, and to speak now of the 'Perks of life', and if not delegated, and to speak too of Conspiracy that is. 

That America, can in all even be said, viewed, and in two said even, distinct manners in all : Emotion, and Experience. That American life today, is believed even, truly defined, and in Emotion, and with it all even said referring, and to speak and of the very rise, and of the Media Machine in itself, and in the United States of America too, and that does in all even equate life now, and to speak and of a said too, Point-of-view/Viewpoint that is, and if not in speak and of Elation in itself, and as simply said even a sought out, everyday feeling that is. That Media, and as described as such, can too, be said to only pander, and to the interests of a few, and in now saying that, it all too, does speak, and of the very manner in all, the United States of America, now too, does have itself defined, and in speak of Sectors, Segments, and if not of Spaces in themselves too that is.

America though, and in equating it all too, and to speak too of 'the Freedom of speech', is believed said borne in all, and in speak too, and of the Experience, 'American' that is. That this very said version in all, and of American History, that which is said, and to refer, and to speak of the American Experience, does in all even it is believed, hold the very key, and to understanding, the very origins/beginnings of America, and as simply said called or defined, and as 'the New World' that is. That in all, America, and as termed, the 'New World', is not truly known to most, and other than in speak now too, and of Myth, and as believed said even referring, and to speak of Montauk too for instance, but that America, and in Experience, is believed said recognizable to most, and in speak and of the Founding Fathers, and of American life, and as said transcribed in all, and in speak now too, and of American Natural History that is. A History too, and that does in all even call out to most out there, and to read White Fang one more time, and in now saying that, the America, envisioned by the Founding Fathers, and in Experience too, did in all even ground it all, and in speak only, and of one said term/word that is: the Stricken (and at Heart too).

In helping one understand what we are trying, to get at here, or simply where we are said, to be going to, is to now refer, and to the very said manner in all, American life, has in all come down, to be tied truly, and to speak and of the very Notion, Idea or Concept too, and of Justice, and as said even, to speak, and of what does matter, and what does not, and in regards, and to speak of life in itself that is. That for the Stricken (and at Heart too), the Obstruction of Justice and so to say, is now believed too, and to call upon the very question, and of if, and if not, God, does continue to truly matter, or play a role, and in our very lives too that is. That all this too, now does speak and of the very said fact that, American life, is believed said even ordered that is, and in speak now too, and of the Observer that is. The Observer too, and as said even expressed, and in speak now and of what is said to represent and for the Just, and of the Fair, and as said further referring, and to speak of Tenets, and of Freedoms too, and as said too transcribed in all, and in American Constitution, American Law, and if not in speak of American Practice too that is. That these Tenets, and Freedoms, and that do in all even refer, and to the Amendments/Amending process, and in the United States of America as said Federal too, and as versus speak now and of the Democratic process, and of the Constitutional too, does now too, speak and of just whom/who in all, is believed said even, the Observer, and in our very lives, and in speak now too, and of giving it all, life that is, any said Meaning/Purpose, or, any said Significance/Importance too that is.

American Piano:

[Pink - Just Give Me A Reason]