Monday 22 June 2015


of Lafayette.

This entry, will deal, and with a said problem, American, and that most do in all, have no true or said real Idea, and on just how best, and to deal with it all that is. A problem in all again, simply too, proclaimed, stated or said even, to simply even refer, and on American takes, and of simply what, a Census, does in all even, truly refer to that is. That the often termed American National Census, is deemed too, a said even Contentious issue/matter of a kind, and as with it all even said associated too, and with said terms, and such as hyperbole, rigging, and if not that of impasse too that is.

Nobody does truly know, what the American National Census, is simply said to be all about, and in now saying that, for most, it does speak too, and of the Consolidating of Power for instance, the redefining of Authority, and if not in speak too now, and of the Display/Show of Might that is. In saying that, the American National Census, is believed said even driven by forces unknown/unacknowledged in all, is to now too, attempt in all again to put a spin on it all, and by truly claiming, it all today, does speak too, and of the Media Machine, and as simply said representative, and of these said forces that is: unknown/unacknowledged. In now saying that, the American National Census, does have to it all, a said even, Decree to it that is (best term chosen here), is to not only associate it all, and with speak of the Act, and in Legislature, Impropriety, and if not Violence too, but that in all again, speak now truly, and of the very said term/word in all, and of Consensus that is, and as now said even, a highly politically charged issue/matter in all, and in the United States of America too, and in regards, and to speak of America's past, and of the said best of manners in all, and of just how best present it all, but that in all again, it does too even speak, and of the said Conspiratorial belief that is, and of American Leadership, and as simply said even under threat that is, and from said here, unknown/hidden, Political Interests too that is.

This entry though, and alongside speak of Consensus and in the United States of America, now will attempt, to speak on the American National Census, and away too perhaps, technically speaking that is, away, and from speak of Measurement in itself, and towards now, and to speak of a said light approach to it all, and that will in all even, use the very name of Lafayette, Gilbert du Mortier, and as said even a kind of mantel piece or handle too, and in dealing with this very issue: that of the American National Census that is, and Census too, and which in all, and in Intelligence that is, is said even best often acquainted, and with speak truly even, and of American Countenances that is.

That the first said of manners in all, and of approaching speak now, and of the American National Census, now too, does in all even place an emphasis, and of what is believed said to constitute, and for American Local, and Regional Identities too, and as with it all best said even, associated truly, and with the known said aphorism or saying, and of 'America, Land of the Free, Home of the Brave' that is.

While the above, American Local, and Regional Identities, is pretty much known, and to speak too of said American Identity, created now, and in further speak too of American Physiognomies that is, we do in all even though, come to see or truly even understand, why the American Census, has the very word/term of National to it, and in now acquainting it all, and not only and to speak of American Dispositions, said changing too, and the said birth too of the United States of America, and as said an Immigrant Country, and not one said either, to speak of Settlers truly, but that in all again, speak now, and of African-American History, and as simply said coming to define, America in all, and in speak now of the Census too, for the United States of America today, is simply believed, and in Census too that is, National, said even divided, and into said former Slave-holding States, and those on the otherhand, which did not in all, engage, in this said practice that is. In all, the very said here, world of the American National Census, now too, said even best associated, and in speak of American Dispositions that is, changing, and alongside speak even of Immigration into America too, speak even furtherly now though, and of the very said History, and of the sinking of the Titanic that is, and as said to collude, and with speak of the American National Census that is [for the Titanic, is simply said truly, an American (Ship) Liner that is].

The American National Census today though, does in all even refer, and to speak primarily, and of American Faces (those simply too, said Friendly, and those said even Unfriendly/Hostile that is). A manner in all, and of viewing the American National Census, and that is said even representative truly, and of the very said term of Minority that is, and if not in speak too of the United States of America in all, and in regards to History too, said perceived, and from speak of American Overseas Territories, and if not of Continental America too that is. In all, History, and as said too American, and as said now referring to speak too of Minorities, very much said to speak too of the Mayflower, and of the Pilgrims too that is [Link].

In saying that, the American National Census, does too, refer, and to speak of Africa, and away from speak of African Slavery in the United States of America too, is to now too, refer, and to the very manner in all, the very said issue/matter in all, and of American Civil Liberties, and Freedoms too, has come in all, to be very much said associated, and with speak of American Heritages that is. That this too, now does interestingly enough, but it all said too, recognized, and as something said American that is, and as furtherly said referring to the Americas too, and of the said here Identifying in all, those in the United States of America, and with speak of Visages too that is. That interestingly enough, Visage, and in the United States of America, is simply even classified, and as said American, Native Indian, and that said African too that is. In all, the now said here, representation of Americans in all, and in regards to speak of Mediums that is, now does too say that, what they do call Film, is said truly a Medium, said even best associated, and with those Faces, Visages truly, termed too, American truly, Native Indian, and if not those said African too, and in speak now too perhaps, and of said here African History in the United Sates of America, now best too, not only said African-American truly, but in all even, said to speak of Heritage, and that does in all even refer, and to speak too, and of Museums and in particular too that is.

In saying that, the American National Census, does still very much remain, a matter/issue of Contention, and in just about every said manner or way in all, is to now say that, in speak of the Consensus, the American National Census, is said to truly even, dominate, American Politics in all, and in speak now and of American life that is, and as said grounded in all, and in speak now truly, and of Registries that is, but that in all again, speak now too, and of American Facial Profiles, and if not in speak furtherly now truly, and of the said OJ Simpson Trial too that is.

In all, and in concluding on all this, and in now attempting to add the very name of Lafayette to it all, speak now, and of the American National Census, and simply said to speak of American Countenances, and if not of American Polls, American Rankings/Awards, American Trends, American Exhibitionism (and of American-Canadian Political Ties too), and if not fartherly now, said here too, to speak and of the very name of Yankee Doodle too, and with he even said, helping truly give birth in all, and to the American National Census in itself, and alongside speak too, and of the very said Figure of Lafayette, and in speak now too of American Parsimony\that is.