Tuesday, 30 June 2015



This entry, will now attempt, to shine a light, on America's said Multitude of problems, and in regards, and to speak of References made, and if not in speak too of Perceptions made out too that is. A manner in all, said difficult too, and in regards and to speak of the purveying it can best be said here, and of America, and from a said even Historical sense too, and that does in all even incorporate, speak of Africa, and in regards and to speak of an American Worldview too that is. Hopefully, this is understood, and from the said even here, context that is, and that does refer and to an American Worldview, and as often too, associated today in all, and with speak too of the Middle East that is, and of a said even threat, and to the American Way of life that is. It is however, and in speak now of Africa, and as said even a part of the American Worldview, and simply where in all again, the United States of America in all, is now called upon, and to in all even answer for, and of just where again, American Ambition, Intent or Interest too, is simply said to lie that is.

In now attempting, to speak on, America's said, Multitude of problems, and as said even defining everyday American life, and if not in speak too of Workplace apathy for instance, is to now attempt to claim, it does speak too of Africa, and in the American Worldview too, and as versus speak of the Middle East, and in the American Worldview that is, and which does now truly associate speak of the United States of America, and with said even National Security Initiatives that is [and not National Security issues/matters truly either].

In saying that, America, and as most do know it today, does have its origins, and in speak of Republicanism, is to now too, claim that, views and of making it, or simply succeeding, and in the United States of America today, might in all even be said misplaced, and if speak of Republicanism in all, is simply said too rejected that is. That this all, does too speak of said American Identity, and as said grounded truly, and in speak of Family Identity/life that is, and in now saying that, it does too, speak of said American Family Identity, and of the said developing here, and of a said even high 'Sense of Responsibility' that is. That Family Virtues, are to be held in high regard, and in regards to succeeding, and in now saying too that, African-American Identity, is now too, said even Republican, and in a said America, and where, the Republican world in all, does in all even define, the United States of America that is, and in speak too now of Minorities, Immigrants, and of those too said 'Black' that is.

In now saying that, and as now too said again, that, most do have said in all, Misplaced views, and on American life, is to now too, speak of America in all, and as said even opening its doors or gates, and to said Migrants too, and into America in itself that is. A said even manner in all, and of viewing the United States of America, and that does truly speak of American Democratic Ideals, and if not of an American Democracy too that is. That America in all, has been good to many a person, and who in all, cannot be said appreciative, and of said too American Kindness that is. That this all, now too does speak truly, and of viewing American life, and from speak even of Education, Law, and Health issues/matters too that is. That what is been said here is that, America, and as said opening its doors, and to said Migrants, Foreigners too, does have its origins, and in speak of Education, and in America too that is. That America in all, is falsely believed by many, and as simply said a Country or place in all, and of Settlers into it that is, but without the acknowledging in all, that Americans today, can too, be said even perceived as race that is [and in Intellect, and Intelligence too]. However, Migrants, and into America, and as said even today, derisively, referred to as 'Migs', do in all even find themselves, placed in a World, and that does speak of an Education, American, and as sometimes referred to and in speak of the term/word it can be said, of Americana that is. The Debate, said ongoing too, and of the Status of Migrants and into America in all, does in all even shift, and to speak of Law, American, and in now associating, the Migrant world, and with the said rise of Professional Crime in America, and if not in speak too, and of the very rise and into widespread popularity, and of Rap Music too for instance. America though, does see to it too, Migrant populations to it, deal with many a said even Health risk in all, and of the said even Mental Health in all, and of many Americans too, and as now simply said to be flailing, and in regards and to many, and as said not knowing their role or position, and in American society too that is. A point made, but one not proven, and in now saying that, the United States of America, and as believed at risk today too, does speak of it, and as now said even engaged, and in speak of Conservative-Liberal-Moderate Politics, and which do in all even tie, said American Identity today too, and to speak too of, the Licentious, Perversion, Debauchery, Bodily Abuse, Molestation, 'the Serial Act' etc.

In saying that, American Democracy, has attempted to offer, news manners of living, and to Migrants, and in the name too of the American Dream, and that does speak too, and of American Stock Exchanges that is, is to now too, speak too of the United States of America, and as often said too, a Welfare State that is. That in all, what is been furtherly said here is that, the Republican world and in America, and which does too, now view the United States of America, and from speak too of Minorities, Immigrants it too can be said, and if not of those termed Black too, does now too, tie it all, and too speak too of Hollywood for instance, and in regards, and to their all said possessing that is, poor Families / Family Identity, and to them all that is.

Those who do know the United States of America, and from speak of the American Flag truly, will in all even find it referred to as, the United States, and a manner in all, and of viewing the United States of America too, and that does see it all even, perceived, and as said too, a Military-Industrial-Media ('Entertainment') Complex that is. A manner too, and of viewing the United States of America in all, and that does too, but disturbingly enough to some, simply have America in all, and as said White / Non-White too that is, and in speak too now, and of what does in all pass too for American Political Interests that is. That this all too, now does speak, and of an America, and as said too perceived, and from a said even Historical perspective, and that does associate the History of the United States of America too, and as often said a Peoples History that is (and of the United States of America), and with the said even, British Industrial Revolution too that is. In all, speak now, and of History, and as most don't know it today, and in speak and of the United States of America, and as simply said even White, and in now saying that, it is a History, and that does arise or emanate, and with speak of the American Revolutionary War too, the 1776 Declaration of Independence, and of the said work too, and by Adam Smith, and of the Wealth of Nations that is. However, unknown to most, the United States of America, and after the American Revolutionary War, does not actually develop along the lines of Adam's Smith 'Wealth of Nations', but in speak too now, and of the United States of America, and as simply often said White too, speak now, and of American Intelligence too, and as perceived in all even, and from speak of said short-range, mid-range, and even long-range views that is (and if not said Physical too), and alongside speak here too, and of said even here, far-ranging views that is [and with it all too, said to simply speak, and of American Political Interests that is]. In all, and in attempting to understand all this better, the Wealth of Nations, and by Adam Smith too, did in all even incorporate, a said here too, multitude, and of American Symbols, and into its said Doctrine that is. However, this is not easily said directly discernible, or recognizable too, and as most too, don't know too much of American Symbolism, and away from speak of the American Flag that is, but it all too now, said too, and to speak of American Identity, and as truly said too, merging with that, and which does speak too of the Agent that is.

In concluding on all this though, is to now too, speak of Tinseltown that is. That the United States of America today, is simply said developing, and as said a Military-Industrial-Media Complex that is, and that in all again, the United States of America, and as said in trouble today, and from a said even here psychic stance in all, now too, does have many asking, and with their said too living, and in the said shadow of the FBI, and IRS too, asking, and of simply where or just where, the American Dream, is in all even simply said to lie/lay that is [and as with it all even referring, and to the very name of Oprah Winfrey too that is]. A said even Mental Fatigue, and in regard to those, who have never truly adapted to American ways of living in all, and as said even Migrants too, and in speak now and of American Culture today, and of the name too of Christopher Lasch, and in his said even revealing work, 'The Culture of Narcissism' that is, and which does now link, American Culture, directly too, and to speak of Morbidity/Sex, Violence, and Abuse too that is. In all, what is been simply said here is that, Americans today, despite their been said even, simply Studious, and of whom/who in all they are, and in American society too, are believed too, and to have no new or meaningful in all, Views, and to their lives truly, Physical too, and in now simply wondering, where the enthusiasm is said to be, and in attending University for instance. However, what we are trying to get at here, and in the name of Tinseltown too, is that, there is a said View out there, and in America too, and as said Physical too that is, and that does too incorporate once more, Africa, and into the American Worldview, and as with it all even said, a Lateral View too that is. That it all too, now does too, speak and of what they do term Tinseltown, and as said even pointing out, new ways/manners in all, and if not avenues truly, and of succeeding in the United States of America, and that does in all even speak of the said here, Physical too, Lateral View that is, and which does in all even now, see the United States of America, have to it, a said even genuine/authentic, interest, and in said even genuine/authentic, African Culture too that is. In all, and in attempting to close on it all, the future of the Migrant into the United States of America, and who don't truly understand, what does pass for an American Work Ethic (and in speak too of the United States of America now, and as simply said a Military-Industrial-Media Complex that is), now too, does in all even lie, and in speak and of said even Lateral Views, and of American life, and that would in all even help, and in kick-starting Africa that is, and from the said even lethargy in all, psychic too, and that does in all even actually, Possess Africa today that is.

Monday, 22 June 2015


of Lafayette.

This entry, will deal, and with a said problem, American, and that most do in all, have no true or said real Idea, and on just how best, and to deal with it all that is. A problem in all again, simply too, proclaimed, stated or said even, to simply even refer, and on American takes, and of simply what, a Census, does in all even, truly refer to that is. That the often termed American National Census, is deemed too, a said even Contentious issue/matter of a kind, and as with it all even said associated too, and with said terms, and such as hyperbole, rigging, and if not that of impasse too that is.

Nobody does truly know, what the American National Census, is simply said to be all about, and in now saying that, for most, it does speak too, and of the Consolidating of Power for instance, the redefining of Authority, and if not in speak too now, and of the Display/Show of Might that is. In saying that, the American National Census, is believed said even driven by forces unknown/unacknowledged in all, is to now too, attempt in all again to put a spin on it all, and by truly claiming, it all today, does speak too, and of the Media Machine, and as simply said representative, and of these said forces that is: unknown/unacknowledged. In now saying that, the American National Census, does have to it all, a said even, Decree to it that is (best term chosen here), is to not only associate it all, and with speak of the Act, and in Legislature, Impropriety, and if not Violence too, but that in all again, speak now truly, and of the very said term/word in all, and of Consensus that is, and as now said even, a highly politically charged issue/matter in all, and in the United States of America too, and in regards, and to speak of America's past, and of the said best of manners in all, and of just how best present it all, but that in all again, it does too even speak, and of the said Conspiratorial belief that is, and of American Leadership, and as simply said even under threat that is, and from said here, unknown/hidden, Political Interests too that is.

This entry though, and alongside speak of Consensus and in the United States of America, now will attempt, to speak on the American National Census, and away too perhaps, technically speaking that is, away, and from speak of Measurement in itself, and towards now, and to speak of a said light approach to it all, and that will in all even, use the very name of Lafayette, Gilbert du Mortier, and as said even a kind of mantel piece or handle too, and in dealing with this very issue: that of the American National Census that is, and Census too, and which in all, and in Intelligence that is, is said even best often acquainted, and with speak truly even, and of American Countenances that is.

That the first said of manners in all, and of approaching speak now, and of the American National Census, now too, does in all even place an emphasis, and of what is believed said to constitute, and for American Local, and Regional Identities too, and as with it all best said even, associated truly, and with the known said aphorism or saying, and of 'America, Land of the Free, Home of the Brave' that is.

While the above, American Local, and Regional Identities, is pretty much known, and to speak too of said American Identity, created now, and in further speak too of American Physiognomies that is, we do in all even though, come to see or truly even understand, why the American Census, has the very word/term of National to it, and in now acquainting it all, and not only and to speak of American Dispositions, said changing too, and the said birth too of the United States of America, and as said an Immigrant Country, and not one said either, to speak of Settlers truly, but that in all again, speak now, and of African-American History, and as simply said coming to define, America in all, and in speak now of the Census too, for the United States of America today, is simply believed, and in Census too that is, National, said even divided, and into said former Slave-holding States, and those on the otherhand, which did not in all, engage, in this said practice that is. In all, the very said here, world of the American National Census, now too, said even best associated, and in speak of American Dispositions that is, changing, and alongside speak even of Immigration into America too, speak even furtherly now though, and of the very said History, and of the sinking of the Titanic that is, and as said to collude, and with speak of the American National Census that is [for the Titanic, is simply said truly, an American (Ship) Liner that is].

The American National Census today though, does in all even refer, and to speak primarily, and of American Faces (those simply too, said Friendly, and those said even Unfriendly/Hostile that is). A manner in all, and of viewing the American National Census, and that is said even representative truly, and of the very said term of Minority that is, and if not in speak too of the United States of America in all, and in regards to History too, said perceived, and from speak of American Overseas Territories, and if not of Continental America too that is. In all, History, and as said too American, and as said now referring to speak too of Minorities, very much said to speak too of the Mayflower, and of the Pilgrims too that is [Link].

In saying that, the American National Census, does too, refer, and to speak of Africa, and away from speak of African Slavery in the United States of America too, is to now too, refer, and to the very manner in all, the very said issue/matter in all, and of American Civil Liberties, and Freedoms too, has come in all, to be very much said associated, and with speak of American Heritages that is. That this too, now does interestingly enough, but it all said too, recognized, and as something said American that is, and as furtherly said referring to the Americas too, and of the said here Identifying in all, those in the United States of America, and with speak of Visages too that is. That interestingly enough, Visage, and in the United States of America, is simply even classified, and as said American, Native Indian, and that said African too that is. In all, the now said here, representation of Americans in all, and in regards to speak of Mediums that is, now does too say that, what they do call Film, is said truly a Medium, said even best associated, and with those Faces, Visages truly, termed too, American truly, Native Indian, and if not those said African too, and in speak now too perhaps, and of said here African History in the United Sates of America, now best too, not only said African-American truly, but in all even, said to speak of Heritage, and that does in all even refer, and to speak too, and of Museums and in particular too that is.

In saying that, the American National Census, does still very much remain, a matter/issue of Contention, and in just about every said manner or way in all, is to now say that, in speak of the Consensus, the American National Census, is said to truly even, dominate, American Politics in all, and in speak now and of American life that is, and as said grounded in all, and in speak now truly, and of Registries that is, but that in all again, speak now too, and of American Facial Profiles, and if not in speak furtherly now truly, and of the said OJ Simpson Trial too that is.

In all, and in concluding on all this, and in now attempting to add the very name of Lafayette to it all, speak now, and of the American National Census, and simply said to speak of American Countenances, and if not of American Polls, American Rankings/Awards, American Trends, American Exhibitionism (and of American-Canadian Political Ties too), and if not fartherly now, said here too, to speak and of the very name of Yankee Doodle too, and with he even said, helping truly give birth in all, and to the American National Census in itself, and alongside speak too, and of the very said Figure of Lafayette, and in speak now too of American Parsimony\that is.

Saturday, 20 June 2015


of American Transcendentalism.

Transcendentalism, can in all even be believed said, Indian/Asian Philosophy, but when applied, and in an American Context so to say, it now too, does speak of the United States of America, and as simply said Region in all, but as simply described or defined too, and in speak of the following term/word: an Expanse. That America in all, is simply described or denoted, and as said an Expanse truly, and in Geography that is, and such that, American life, now too, does minimally in all, mirror that, said African too, for Africa too, and as said a whole, is often too described, and as simply said Expansive that is.

In helping one though, truly understand Transcendentalism, and as said too American Philosophy, is to now too, attempt to understand, American definitions in all, and not only of Time, but speak truly too, and of perceptions made, and in regards and to speak of Societal Roles too that is. That America in all, is now referred to, and as said even, 'the New World', and in speak now, and of the very manner too in all, Americans, do define Time that is.

That in most of the World, Time is in all even, said Egyptian truly, and as said too, deciphered in all, and from the very said perspective, and of Chronology, Timelines, and if not of Historical References too that is. In now saying that, both Italy and Africa, do too, have differing manners in all, and of deciphering Time that is, is to now too, make way, and for the said possibility, that the birth of America, is said too believed, to now speak too, and of American Time, and as said even perceived truly, and from speak too of American Soil in itself that is. A History too, and that does in all even equate, and to speak too of the very term/word of Seed, but in now saying that, Italy, does perceive Time, and in a said even complex manner in all, and that is simply said equated, and to speak of the very term/word of Liturgy that is, and of said beliefs in Miracles too perhaps (or in speak too of the very belief that, only a Miracle, could save us all), is to now say too, Time in Africa, is too, experienced in complex manners in all, and which does in all again truly equate, Time and in Africa that is, and to speak too of Continuism/Continuum in itself that is.

In now though, equating, American Concepts of Time in all, and to speak too of American Soil, is to now though, speak of the said belief here that, American Time, and in accordance and to the rise of many another society/civilization out there, now too, does in all even arise, and with speak of American definitions, and of Masterly in itself that is. Masterly too, and as said even Edict, and in Religious terms too that is, and which does in all even speak now, today, and of Americans and in Masterly, and as said to refer, and to speak of the Rodeo too for instance.

America though, does truly develop, its very own said even, Notions of Time, and with they too, said now even equated in all, and to speak of Masterplans, Blueprints and if not of Directorates too that is.

When in 1981 though, MTV, is said to in all even first broadcast, and as believed even, secretly heralded, and by none other than Sumner Redstone in himself, they in all, would become a part, of American History, and in more fundamental ways in all, and than they would expect. For this all now, does too, refer, and to speak of American History, and as now said even divided into two Streams, and which does in all even speak, and of the Referendum, and if not of the Reconstruction too that is. That the Referendum, a History too, tied to the Founding Fathers, and if not in speak too, and of the conquering of the American Frontier, does not only see to it, America in all, and as now said divided into States that is, but in saying that, Quebec too, is said a part of American History, and before the Referendum that is, is to now too, speak of the difficulty, and of defining American society/life in all, and as said to refer, and to speak of Roles in society in itself, and if not in speak now, and of what does pass for the Ideal/Standard, and in American life that is. Ideals/Standards, that the Founding Fathers, would in all even equate, and to speak too, and of American Natural History that is, and as now said too, said to refer, and to speak of Presentation (Ideals), and of the Feature (Standards) too that is. In saying that, American History, does in all even get sidetracked as such, is to now speak too of Reconstruction, and which does in all even now, equate, Success and in America and so to say, and with speak of Behaviour in itself, and which does in all even eventually, lead, and to the said birth here, and of MTV too that is.

In now attempting to conclude on all this is, is to now speak, and of the said here great Debate, and between Referendum, and Reconstruction too, and which can easily too, be termed, the American Civil War that is. A Civil War, and which does in all even engage, America, and in speak too and of the said State of the Union Address that is, and to very much Debate, American Identity in all it is said here, and in regards, and to speak of Parenting/Family in itself, and as said now equated, and to speak of Trigger Mechanisms, and if not of Stimulus too that is. That America in all, now too, does come to be equated, and with speak and not only of Policing truly, but in speak too and of Law Enforcement in itself, and which in Time, does very much too, see the very birth, and of the CIA, and of the FBI too that is.

American Piano:


[Aerosmith - Dream On (with Southern California Children's Chorus)]

Sunday, 14 June 2015



Could it be said, that those in America today, have in all even, lost, their true Heritage? Does it in all again though, truly even matter in all, and to say such things? The answer to this, can in the very least, be made-out, or somewhat exposed too, and in telling many that, it is American Philosophy, and more than that too, said even Egyptian, Greek or Italian, and that does in all even promise, Abundance, Plenty, Prosperity, Bountifulness, Fortune, Affluence etc., and to just about all that is. That before, one can speak or talk, and of truly designing or defining, highly said too, successful/efficient societies, and that do in all even, relegate Technology, and to its said too, proper purpose/meaning, and delegate Humans, and to speak and of what is believed said even, Significant/Important that is, one might in all, want to seek out, what is believed said to speak of an Inkling that is, and in regards now too, and to speak of American Philosophy that is. That this all, now does speak too, and to the very said events, and that did in all lead to the American Revolutionary War, and which does in all even now refer, and to the Human, and as said symbolized too, and in Action or Deed that is, and by speak too and of the Imagination in itself, and as said envisioned, and by speak of a said Spark, and into Action or Deed in itself that is.

That it is believed, that the American Philosophers of yore, and as said even Freemasons too, did in all even envision a said even Philosophy, and that did in all even mitigate, speak of Harm, Injury or Pain/Wound in itself too, and in ones life that is. That the said even, Philosophy mentioned before, now too, does speak of Americans, and in regards and to Heredity that is, and in now saying, that the American Revolutionary War, did not truly impact or influence, Americans, and in speak of Philosophy that is, the Declaration of Independence, but in all even, and in speak now and of the American Mind that is. That the American Mind, and as said borne anew, and from the events said to define the American Revolutionary War, is simply said now, simply Troubled that is.

A Trouble Mind, and that does speak too, and of those who would attempt, to in all even, destroy that is, old America so to speak, and in speak now too, and of Sentiment, and that would say, that the Divide that does lie, and between Man and God, is now too, said even, and to refer, and to speak of Race in itself that is. Hopefully, this all, can best be understood, and in speak of Man, and as said caring, to know of or understand life, and from the very said perspective, of his been said now, a Social Animal that is, and as versus speak now too, and of Media (Norms/Mores) in itself that is.

In now speaking or referring, and to speak of the Yellowstone National Park, and in Wyoming, America too, is to now truly refer, and to the very said aims/goals, and if not intent too it can best be said here, and of the Founding Fathers so to say. That for them, America, is now say Troubled, and in Mind truly, and such that, the solution to America's problem, not is believed to truly lie, and in speak of the Declaration of Independence that is, and in further speak now and of what did pass for Warfare, and in the old World that is, Restitution, but that in all again, the solution now, is believed said too, and to lie, and in speak of Natural History, American, for in explaining it all too clearly, it all does too speak, and in a simple sense too, and of the OECD for instance, and in Development that is, or in speak truly even, and for the search, and for Sanctuary in itself that is.

The above said though, might not make for much meaning or sense, and unless it is all understood, and in speak now, and of what does lead, and to the American Civil War in itself that is. That America now, and at War too, is believed said to have done away, and with the very Notion or Idea, and of Identity created, and in speak of Heredity that us, and now too, does attempt to redefine society so to say, and in speak of the Hereditary in all, and in now asking, just how in all, does one define Sex, Money and Gender, and in society too that is. That America now, is believed said operating in all, at a base level too that is, one said even rather violent, and in now saying that, Americans, and ever since the American Revolutionary War, did come to an end, have in all even failed to sufficiently/satisfactorily define themselves, and in speak of Sex, Money and Gender that is, and such that, America, is even said a Slave holding Nation so to say, and one too, said even truly Troubled, and at the mistakes of the past, and that do in all even speak of the Assassination, and of former American President, Abraham Lincoln that is.

In however, attempting to directly even, point, and at what is been said here, is to now say that, America, and from when it is said here too, the American Civil War did end, does now lay its hopes, and in Technology driven Cities/societies that is, and in further speak now, and of the very said even, false belief, that a said truly even, truly Informed society, and in further speak too of Information Technology in itself, and if not of the Television in itself too, now does in all even refer, and to a society, and that does believe, it can deal, and with many a said too Hereditary in all, problem/situation that is, and by simply seeking, to stay Informed that is.

That Man in Evolution now, is simply said too, and to be seeking out, many a said even, Experience, and if not Moment too, and that does in all even equate too, and to speak of Technology, and as said even helping to keep one, truly Informed, and on just about anything that is. America today though, is believed too, a place, or Country, said still in Turmoil, Emotional, and in now saying that, to speak of those said Troubled, or said too Insecure, now does too, speak of Political Mandate, or of the Political Manifesto too, and which does say, America, is yet to truly die and in spirit, or is yet, to truly die, and in Will that is.

However, the reason why this is all stated,does in all even now, speak too, and of the attempt to speak on, and of what is believed to constitute in itself, and for the American way of life that is, and as probably said even, not suited for all that is. That the American way of life, is perhaps best said here, envisioned, and in speak of Thomas Jefferson, President, and in now referring and to the American way of life, and as best said too, envisioned, and in speak too of Keys that is. However, and as said again, what we are trying to get at here is that, it is believed that, Egypt, did in all even hold the Keys, and to understanding life, and as said to speak of the Planet/Earth, while for the Greeks, and as said even the most reasonable, or rational of us all, did in all actually, envision life too, and in speak of it said to refer, and to speak too of Keys that is, and in further speak now though, and of the Oceans/Seas that is, while in speak of Italy, speak now and of the Keys to understanding life, and as said even to speak of Astrology/Astronomy that is. However, this is not the end to it all, for it is believed said that, that the Earth/Planet, Seas/Oceans, and in further speak now too, and Astrology/Astronomy that is, is all believed even, said brought together, and in speak too of Keys that is, and as said referring, and to speak of the Three Pyramids at Gaza that is.

The Keys to life though, are believed many, for they too, are apparently said held or hidden too, and in Tibet, and by none other, and than those said/termed Tibetan that is, and as according to the Chinese. That Americans now, are perceived too, and from their said search, and for the Keys, and which will in all even, open up all Doors, and to all said Successes sought out, for it is in all even believed too, that those who do in all even seek, to persist, and in truly finding these said Keys, might in all unexpectedly, find themselves, and in Africa in itself that is, for it is in speak of Africa, and if not of the fabled Mountains of the Moon too, and whereby, a belief does lie, and which does say that, the bringing together, of the Earth/Planet, the Seas/Oceans, and if not of the Skies too, now does speak, and of life's Experiences, and as said Perceived, and in speak of Portals, Channels, and Adjuncts too perhaps. However, to simply know what it all means, the above said that is, one must in all even, seek out the right Keys, and in opening up, or awakening too, and to such said in all Experiences that is.

American Piano:


[Guns N' Roses - November Rain]

Thursday, 11 June 2015

the Observer

The Observer.

There are those, and who do in all even believe, that the American way of life, has in all even come, to be derailed, and by speak, and of what they do call/term, the Democratic process. In understanding all this too better, is for one now, to simply ask, and of where, America, does in all even stand, and in regard, and to speak of Solidarity. A question, an asking, and that does in all even now say that, despite a significant said population, and of Americans, believed even, simply talented in their ways, the Doors to Success and so to say, remain open, and to only a few, and in speak now too perhaps, and of what is believed said even, to serve, and for Example, and in American society too that is.

Does the American Dream, and in just about any said arena, or as defined, and in speak too of facets, truly exist any more? That Success in America, is believed said too, and to speak of the Abundant, or of the Prosperous too, but with it all even now, believed said even relegated, and to speak now of the 'Perks of life', and if not delegated, and to speak too of Conspiracy that is. 

That America, can in all even be said, viewed, and in two said even, distinct manners in all : Emotion, and Experience. That American life today, is believed even, truly defined, and in Emotion, and with it all even said referring, and to speak and of the very rise, and of the Media Machine in itself, and in the United States of America too, and that does in all even equate life now, and to speak and of a said too, Point-of-view/Viewpoint that is, and if not in speak and of Elation in itself, and as simply said even a sought out, everyday feeling that is. That Media, and as described as such, can too, be said to only pander, and to the interests of a few, and in now saying that, it all too, does speak, and of the very manner in all, the United States of America, now too, does have itself defined, and in speak of Sectors, Segments, and if not of Spaces in themselves too that is.

America though, and in equating it all too, and to speak too of 'the Freedom of speech', is believed said borne in all, and in speak too, and of the Experience, 'American' that is. That this very said version in all, and of American History, that which is said, and to refer, and to speak of the American Experience, does in all even it is believed, hold the very key, and to understanding, the very origins/beginnings of America, and as simply said called or defined, and as 'the New World' that is. That in all, America, and as termed, the 'New World', is not truly known to most, and other than in speak now too, and of Myth, and as believed said even referring, and to speak of Montauk too for instance, but that America, and in Experience, is believed said recognizable to most, and in speak and of the Founding Fathers, and of American life, and as said transcribed in all, and in speak now too, and of American Natural History that is. A History too, and that does in all even call out to most out there, and to read White Fang one more time, and in now saying that, the America, envisioned by the Founding Fathers, and in Experience too, did in all even ground it all, and in speak only, and of one said term/word that is: the Stricken (and at Heart too).

In helping one understand what we are trying, to get at here, or simply where we are said, to be going to, is to now refer, and to the very said manner in all, American life, has in all come down, to be tied truly, and to speak and of the very Notion, Idea or Concept too, and of Justice, and as said even, to speak, and of what does matter, and what does not, and in regards, and to speak of life in itself that is. That for the Stricken (and at Heart too), the Obstruction of Justice and so to say, is now believed too, and to call upon the very question, and of if, and if not, God, does continue to truly matter, or play a role, and in our very lives too that is. That all this too, now does speak and of the very said fact that, American life, is believed said even ordered that is, and in speak now too, and of the Observer that is. The Observer too, and as said even expressed, and in speak now and of what is said to represent and for the Just, and of the Fair, and as said further referring, and to speak of Tenets, and of Freedoms too, and as said too transcribed in all, and in American Constitution, American Law, and if not in speak of American Practice too that is. That these Tenets, and Freedoms, and that do in all even refer, and to the Amendments/Amending process, and in the United States of America as said Federal too, and as versus speak now and of the Democratic process, and of the Constitutional too, does now too, speak and of just whom/who in all, is believed said even, the Observer, and in our very lives, and in speak now too, and of giving it all, life that is, any said Meaning/Purpose, or, any said Significance/Importance too that is.

American Piano:


[Pink - Just Give Me A Reason]