Friday 10 April 2015

Washington D.C.

of Washington D.C.

If one was to place a said emphasis, and on very much viewing the United States of America in all, and in speak too now, and of one and as said coming in from California in all, and if not in speak of Los Angeles in particular, eventually, the very said acronym/abbreviation in all, and of D.C. that is, and if not speak of Washington too, does in all even come to be heard, and in a now said Political, Religious or speak even of Social ('Indian') Circles that is.

In saying though, that Washington or D.C., is believed said to mean many a thing, is to now speak and of it all, and from a Californian perspective, and as said referring to Washington D.C. in all, of Washington, of In-Lightenment, and in speak too of Monuments and Memorials truly, and not in speak of the American Presidency either, the White House, Architecture in Washington, or speak truly too, and of Hospitality in Washington in all, and as said differing from that seen in the rest of the United States of America, and in speak now and of only California in all perhaps, and as truly said believed capable of matching Washington in all, and in Hospitality too, and not speak of New York truly either.

In having said the above, is to now refer, and to the very manner in all, the rest of the United States of America, does in all differ from Washington D.C., and in speak now, and of what is believed said to speak of American Politics that is. That American Politics, have in all even come and to speak too, of what is believed said to stand for, or represent for in all again, and for the American Spirit so to speak, and as with it all even now said too, referring, and to the impact/influence in all, that Hollywood, and as said a Political Entity in itself too, has had on the United States of America that is, and in Presentation/Representation, and away too perhaps, and from speak now and of the American Spirit in itself, and as often said and to speak too of the Grand Canyon, and if not of Mount Rushmore in itself too that is.

In saying now that, the Politics of Hollywood in all, can be in all even said, to have helped give strength perhaps, and to the Politics of McCarthyism in all, and if not in speak too, and of the Politics of Feminism, Terrorism, and if not of 'Reaganism' too that is.

In saying that, the United States of America, and outside speak of Washington D.C. too, does in all even seek to in all, engage, and in the above said Politics that is, is to now refer, and to the very said known fact that, Washington in all, of Washington D.C., of En-Lightenment, has always very much had its own Politics that is, complicated in their ways, and as said to speak too, and of the Founding Fathers in themselves that is, and as with it all even said now to speak, and of the Natural History of America in all [or speak too that is, and of American Natural History]. That American Natural History, now does find itself intertwined in all, and with speak of the United States of America, and in speak too now, and of the Smithsonian Institute, the Library of Congress, and of the National Archives (NARA) too that is.

That all this now, and in the best of manners in all again, and as it can all be said, now does speak too, American Natural History that is, and as said associated in all, and with speak of the following terms/words: Invention, Media and Culture.

That in speak of Invention, and of Washington D.C. too, speak now perhaps, and of the Smithsonian Institute in itself, but in speak too now, and of Invention in the United States of America, it now best said represented for in all perhaps, and in speak too of the History of Flight in the United States of America that is, that said Propelled too, and as versus speak now and of Guns, Trains and Televisions too that is. That Propelled Flight, and not that said to speak of Combustible Engines either truly, now does in all even speak truly and of the rather said here, interesting world, and of Avionics that is (for Avionics in all, is believed said too, a Field, and that does harbour in all again, to many a Clue, Idea or Concept to it all that is).

That in speak too of Media now, and of Washington D.C., speak now and not only of the National Archives (NARA) in all, but that Media and in the United States of America, and as said something for one to truly ponder out, and in speak too here and of it all simply perceived, and from the United States of America's rather dynamic Magazine Industry too, now does in all even it can be said here, to in all even, speak of NASA in itself, and if not of it all said grounded in all again, and in speak too of American Naval History that is.

In speak of Culture, and of Washington's (D.C.) known attempts in all, and in truly regulating Culture and in the United States of America, and as now said to speak too of it all geared and towards speak of Family in itself too, speak now perhaps, and of the Library of Congress in itself, and if not speak too of American Memorials in all, for the American Presidency on the otherhand, is believed to speak of American Monuments that is, for American Memorials in all again, do in all even speak of Washington D.C., and if not of the Northeastern States too that is.

In all, the above three mentioned that is, Invention, Media and Culture, said to speak of the Politics of Washington, and as now said referring, and to the Natural History of America in itself too, and in speak too now and of the said believed fact that, the United States of America and as centered, and in speak too of New York, and if not of the NYSE too, does in all even speak of the American Spirit that is, and in speak too now of American Politics and as said as such, and in speak now and of the American Spirit that is, and as said highly driven in all and by a Media Machine too, and that does in all even find aspiration, and in speak and of Hollywood and as said an Entity, but that in all again, speak of the United States of America, and as said discerned in all, and from speak too of Hospitality in itself so to speak, and as versus speak of the United States of America, and of Washington, and as generically in all even defined, and by speak of Policy, and that which does too, speak of Closed and Opened Doors that is.

American Piano.

[Labrinth - Beneath Your Beautiful]