Monday 6 April 2015

The Breaks

The Breaks.

This entry, will carry with it a theme, and that does in all even say that, American Piano, is in all even best said, a true representative in all, or definer too, and of what does pass in all, and for Success in America, and in itself too, Success, and in any given field of endeavour that is (and whether it be Science, Sports, Academia, Industry, Debate/Religion etc.).

In starting off on all this, now is to ponder, what does pass for Success, or 'Making it' truly, and in America today that is. That for many, Success in all, and and as said having a Monetary in all, attachment to it, Big, but with it all even believed though, falsely too, and to speak and of the said belief that, Money, will indeed solve all of ones problems that is. Those who do in all even, understand Money, and of how does in all even, impact their very lives, can in all even be said to have a Public, Private and Personal life to them, and which does in all even speak too, and of truly enjoying, life, and in speak too now, minimally that is and of the very term disposal too perhaps.

It is believed though, while many do define Success in all, and as said above, it is believed by some though, that the mark of having truly made it, and in America too, does in all even speak now, and of the ability to define oneself in all, and as said an Intellect too, and in Solitude, Silence, but in Quiet too that is.

American Piano:

Many out there, would probably argue, that America today, does still very much offer the best of living, and to anyone, and who does in all even, ascribe in all and to its Ideals (and whatever they might be). This in all, is believed too, to speak and of the very name of America in itself, but it is believed by many, that America in all, has truly lost its Soul, and in speak and of American life now, and as now said defined truly, and by speak and of the very term Liable/Liability that is. That this very term, Liable/Liability, has in all even come to define, the very manner in all, Americans, do perceive Money, Wealth or Property in itself too, and as with it all even now said to speak too, and of the very word Escapism in itself that is. That in understanding all this better, perhaps now, an attempt here, and to very much tell, what Wealth, Property or Money, is believed said to be. That the first of these attempts, now does speak and of the term Asset, and as with it all even not often acquainted, and to speak too of Talent that is. What of those, who would tell one that, Money, Wealth or Property, could very well be said a Bond that is. Something most would in all even associate, and with a said corrupt mindset, but what if, it could be told, that Money, Wealth or Property, and as defined as such, simply does speak of life in all, and as defined and in one term truly: the Upbeat. That every single moment lived, does speak of the Upbeat in itself, and that in all even, it does speak too and of the said Secret History of the United States of America in all, and that does refer and to the very fact that, most in all, are not truly aware, and of the very manner in all again, they are bonded to their environs that is, and in speak too now, and of the very term of Upbeat in itself that is. What of those said Entrusted? That it does now speak truly, and of Money, Wealth and Property in the United States of America, and as said defined, and in speak of Profiles / Profiling in all, and as with it all even and in its most base of ways, associated, and with speak too of Welfare, and if not of the Salvation Army too that is. Finally, America, and as in all even said, not having reached its full potential here, but could have, and in saying that, life could be more enjoyable than it is, and in an America, and that does now too, define Money, Wealth or Property, and in a said Symbolic manner in all, and that does speak too, and of simply how in all, Americans, do define Shields for instance.

There are those though, who do claim life in America, to be truly fast-paced in its ways, and such that, it does speak and of a problematic view, and of American life, and as said referring too, and to the very word Esteem, and in further speak too of Parents, Politicians, and of the Police too that is. That Esteem in America now, is simply said to speak of mindsets in all, and that do refer, and to speak too of Profiteering, Liquidation, and of Imbursements/Embursements that is. That America now, is now said too associated, and with those said succeeding, or truly said having made an impact or noise of a kind, and in speak here of Recognition in all, and not of Fame truly either. That what we are trying to say here, is that, whom/who in all are Americans said to be, and in speak of Estate, Inheritance and Endowments too in all, and away too, and from speak now perhaps, and of Museums, Libraries or speak too of Mausoleums that is.


[Mariah Carey - Bye Bye]