Wednesday 1 April 2015

American Piano

of American Piano.

This entry, will serve as a forum or space of a kind, and in now presenting a said controversial in all, look, and into American History, and that does speak too and of the Wild Wild West so to speak. That this in all, now does speak and of a complicated manner in all again, and of studying society, and if not History in itself too, and that does in all even ask, and of the very manner in all, Americans, do in all perceive the (Physical) Human Body that is.

That America in all, and Historically too, and in speak now and of the term (Human) Mimicry too, now said perceiving the (Physical) Human Body, and in Authority too, and in speak now and of Physiques that is. A manner in all, and of viewing the Body, Human, and that does in all even project itself so to speak, and into speak and of both, the American Revolutionary War, and the American Civil War too that is. That both said Events here in all, and as said to speak too and of the History of Slavery and as an Institution, and in the United States too, do speak now and of the very belief that, the said events and in many a way too, and that do in all lead and to the American Revolutionary War in itself, now do speak and of American Bodies, and as defined in all even, and not in speak of Physique truly, but in speak too of the Lover, and as said to speak of the (Physical) Body too, and as furtherly said Archetypal, Alchemical or even and as said Astronomical too that is.

In attempting to explain what the above does exactly mean, that the (Physical) Body, Human, American, is now and in the very least here, associated, and with speak of the word Lover, it now and in the very least, does refer, and to the rather popular even, said here, view, and of American (Popular) Music that is, and as said in the very least, to appeal to all audiences that is. For it now too, does say that, those who in all did live in old America so to speak, and as said here believed in all, not technological in their ways, but not perceived as such either, did in all even though, possess Bodies, Physical, and in speak too of the Lover, and as often too, falsely believed said Archetype that is, and that did allow for them to enjoy life, and that did speak too and of being entombed, or further speak even and of a sarcophagus that is. Something in all again, perhaps, not well understood by most, and unless the Astronomical is in all, understood, and as said even to speak and of the very word Felicity that is.

In now attempting, to show it all, the above, and as it is said here believed as it is, is to speak now and of the Figure, and of Abraham Lincoln, and on the American Political Stage that is. That Lincoln in all, is actually said a Figure, and not a Physique either, and who in all now does truly help usher in, a whole new America in all perhaps, and one too, and that can be said here, to house or harbour, many an American Democratic Ideal to it that is.

The Story of America in all, and as perceived and from the above, does not end here, and as speak of those termed the Founding Fathers in all, now does speak too, and of American History, and as said somewhat branching away, and from speak of (Human) Mimicry, or Constitution too (and of the Figure), and onwards now, and to speak simply, and of the very word of Corpus that is [and as said Habeas Corpus too in all]. A History, not well understood, and by most, but one too, and that does in all even lead and to speak of the Wild Wild West that is, and as with it all even said now to speak of Angels, and in Mercy, or of Distress, and in Prayer too that is.

In finality though, the view here that, America today, does not actually see its problems and as they truly are, and in speak now and of its Institutions, and as in all even perceiving the Body, Human, and as said Figure or Physique too, while speak of the American Streets and so to speak, now does speak too of their being ruled over in all, and by the Corpus in itself that is.