Sunday 8 January 2017

the Feynman Universe

The Feynman Universe.

This entry and on what too is said aptly titled here, the said Feynman Universe too, will too not have a said bold approach to it all, and in said regard and to what Physics is in all even said all about, but that in all again, will in all too, attempt to in all tackle the very said theories of Richard Feynman, Physicist, and from talk too now, and of what are said Logicisms too that is. That it is believed here and in many a way, that the said Feynman Universe, is too and in all believed said grounded in all, and in talk and of what Realms are in all said to be, an in too claiming that, it all does too hint, and at what too, Parallel Universes, are in all even said all about that is.

The very name though and of Physicist Richard Feynman, is too said in all, acquainted, and with the said even invention or development too, and of the said Atomic Bomb that is, and in now too attempting to in all even speak, and of what is said a Constructed Object, and of what too is said a Constructed Reality that is. That in simple said talk now, and of what a Constructed Object is in all even said to be, now is to in all even throw in, the very said terming and of 'old America' too that is, believed said too grounded in all, and in talk and of the said even history and of Churches in America too, but that in all again, and in talk too now and of what is said Legacy, and if not of Heritage too, that very said model in all, and of the said even constructed Church too, now said even to serve as a said basis that is, and of what too would come to speak, and of the said even American University System too that is, and as said too here, and to speak and of the said Ivy League too that is. In many a way, it all too simply said to speak, and of the very said term of Americana for instance, and in said Image too that is.

When we do here though, talk and on said Constructed Realities, now is to in all even throw in many a said too Physics or Physicist Experiment, but in saying it all too as said Politics that is, now is to in all even speak and of what is said American Pride, and if not of said American Divide too, and of the very said too name of Bostonian America too for instance, but that in all again, Constructed Realities, do in all even speak, and of what are said Parallel Universes too, and if not in said speak too now, and of said even American Security Systems too for instance.

In claiming that, the Feynman Universe is too believed said easily understood, now is to in all even speak, and of what a Stencil, is in all even said all about that is. In said talk too now, and of a said even Physicist or Physics Experiment, believed said too a Physical Realm of a kind, now is to in all even speak, and of what are said Fixtures too that is. In now too asking and of what a said even Physical Realm and of a said kind, and in said regard and to what a Physics Experiment is in all even said to be, now is to in all even speak and of what are said as of Tracts that is, and if not of the said Logicisms too, and of said Retraction, or of said Detraction too that is. In said talk though, and of what Fixtures might be said to be, and in said regard too, and to a said even Feynman Physics Experiment, now is to in all even speak and of what Intervals in themselves, are in all even said to be, and if not in said speak too now, and of the said Feynman Photon, Electron, Atom or even Positron too, and as simply too said now defined in all, and in speak of Interval, and that does too speak now of, and of what is said as of Behaviour in itself, and/or of what is said as of Response in itself too that is.

In too now saying that, what can be said even a Feynman Stencil, can too be said even to speak, and of what Time Tracts are in all even said to be, and if not of said too Experimental Data that is, now is to in all even associate such said Time Tracts, and with talk too and of Time, and as said even to Skip that is, or of said too skipped Time too that is, and in now too associating such said talk, and with said too Awareness, and that does too ask and of what is said Repetition, and if not of what is said Recurrency too that is. In too saying that Time Tracts, or of said skipped Time, does too speak and of what a said Point System, is in all even said all about, now is to in all even associate the said even Counting System, and with talk too of Time Sections, and if not of said Numbering Systems, and with said talk too now, and of said Time Segments too that is. That it all too, what is said a Point System, a Counting System and if not of the said Numbering System too, now does too speak and of the said even difference and between what is said Repetition, and of what is said too Recurrency that is, and in now simply associating talk of said Time Tracts, and with what is said Personification too, or of what too is believed said far-off, or said far-removed too, and in now simply claiming the Feynman Universe, and to in all even speak, and of the said even Trickster in 'himself' too that is.

In saying that, the Feynman Universe, can be said merely and not simply perceived, and from talk and of what is said Reflective, and of what is said Repetitive too, now is to in all even refer, and to what are said Brackets, and if not of what is said Bracketed too, and in said regard now, and to speak and of what is said even a Transversal too that is.