Motley Crue.

This entry, can be said to in all deal with, and with what can be said a Picture that is, and of life in the United States of America, North America, and if not Canada too, and as said even Political, and in said comparison now, and to speak, and of what is said a Political View that is. That the said even now, World probably, and of what is said to speak of Political Views, could too be said even to refer, and to those said referred to as the Historian that is, but that in all again, what they do term History, and in said regard to speak and of North America for instance, and as said even a said Independent Political Entity that is, now does too translate, and to History, and as said even perceived from talk of the said even Scientific Revolution that is, and that has too come to find or see, the World today, said even defined in all, and in talk and of what is said to speak of the Technical, of the Scientific, and if not of Measure, and of what are said Metrics too that is. That in understanding all this better, now is too claim, that what they do term a said even Political Picture that is, could too be said even perceived, and from talk too and of what is said a Standard that is, but of a Standard too, and that would too hint and at what a Response, is in all even said to be, and not in speak truly, and of what Intelligence in itself, is actually said to be that is.
For Intelligence, does in all even point at, he or she, and who is in all said even Historian that is, and can too now, be said even to point at, what is said tradition that is, and of the World today, and as said even perceived from talk and of what some have too termed the Materialist tradition, said even Western that is, and in now too saying that, such said tradition, Materialist, is too best said here perceived, and from talk and of that tradition said Egyptian, and in said comparison and to that tradition said English, and if not as said European too that is. That the said Egyptian tradition, and from said even European perspectives, can too be said even perceived and via speak and of the very name of Haydn that is, and of said even Masonic Music fame that is, but that in all again, while the Materialist tradition, said even Western, has in all even come to truly define the World today, and from speak truly and of what is said to speak of the Background, and of ones Ancestry and as said too perceived as such, the said Egyptian tradition though, can too now be said even perceived and from talk, and of those said Guardian that is. That in the said understanding of History as such, life, and on this said Earth too, and in its said even origins, and if not in speak of said awakenings too that is, is said even perceived from talk and of what are said even Guardian spirits, but that in said Time, and if not of it as said elapsed too that is, we do find or see the very said rise of what are said Guardian angels for instance, and if not of the said even Roman tradition too, and as said too Egyptian that is, but that in all again, life today, and from the said even Egyptian tradition, is best said even perceived, and from talk too now, and what is said to speak of Guardian ancestors for instance.
In saying that, life and in North America, and if not in said speak and of what one could too term Northern America too that is, can be said even perceived as said distorted in its ways, now is to in all even speak, and of what are said Political Views, and of what is said to speak of a said Political Picture too that is, and of what is believed said to speak, and of coherency, and in said regard and to speak and of American lives that is. That the Political View, can too now be said even, and from a said too Mathematical, Architectural or even Geometrical, tradition that is, be said, and to speak and of what are said Diagrams that is, and as said even to hint at, what is said Direction, what is said Tangent, and if not of what is said Target in itself too that is. That what is said to speak of the Political Picture, does now too speak and of life and in North America, and from what is said too Time, Object and Image that is, and of Time and as said now perceived, from talk and of what are said Oscillations that is, and if not as said perceived from talk of what is said Generation too that is, and of the said Generative too, but that in talk of Object, speak too and of the said even 'Meaning of things' that is, but that in talk of Image too, now is to refer, and to said even now North American definitions of the very term of Sameness that is, and if not of the said Politics of North America too that is, said too Protestant, and as said even now to refer, and to what is said Apostate that is.
In saying that, speak of the Political Picture, can too be said even to speak, and of life in North America, and as said even centered and in talk of Ottawa, and in Canada too, and if not of Washington D.C., and in the United States of America too, it all too can now be said even Structured that is, Politically too, and in talk and of the said American Intelligentsia that is, and as said even North American too, of the said even American Vanguard, and as said to speak and of the United States that is, but with it all too said even now, to speak, and of the very manner in all, Canada, does too now it can be said, connect, and to the United States of America that is, and in said speak too of a said draft, and such as that said NAFTA too for instance.
The very said Sport of Basketball, often said a Game too, has in all even come to in all, redefine American life, and from what is said Ceremony, and if not of the said even Ceremonious too that is. Ceremony too, and that would too speak of American life, and as said even perceived and from talk and of what is said Publicly that is. The said Rock Music Band of Motley Crue though, can too be said even to present, a said differing Picture and of life and in North America, and as said even now perceived from talk and of what is said Concert, and as said too now, and in speak too and of what is said a Picture, for the Picture, does too and in all even ask of many out there, in North America too that is, and of the very manner in all, they do perceive Distance that is, and as said even truly impacting, or as truly said Impactful that is, and of ones said life too that is. That the above said, and of Basketball, and of Motley Crue too, does too now have one perceiving, what they do term North America and as said even a Political Entity that is, and from talk of what is said Socialized/Politicized, and of Canada and as said perceived as such, what is said Construct, and of the United States too, and of its said even Infrastructure that is, and if not in said speak too now, and of what is said 'spirit', and of the said even 'American spirit' too for instance, and of the said even Volunteer too, and as said now too, defining, and of life, and in North America in itself too that is.
In now too saying that, life, and as said even perceived from talk and of what is said a Political Picture, can too now be said even perceived from talk and of what can be said termed here Contextual Mappings that is, and as said even Concept too that is, and that would too ask, and of the very manner in all, the said even 'American way of life' that is, has in all even come to impact, or influence too, the said even 'rest of the World' that is. That it all too, would be said now, to refer, and to life and in North America that is, and if not in the United States of America today too, said truly now perceived, and from talk and of what is said Traditional, and of the said National Holiday of Thanksgiving too for instance, and if not of what is said Ancestral, and of the said even significance that is, and of the name of Boston and in American History too, and of the said even Independence Day Holiday too that is, and in the United States of America too, but that in all again, speak too now, and of the United States of America, or of America truly, and as said even Colonial, or Settler too, and in it said History, and in said speak too now, and of a said Holiday, Public too, and such as that of Mother's Day, or of Father's Day too that is.
That in speak of Contextual Mappings, talk too now, and of New York, and as said even the probable Center of the World that is, and in said regard now, and to a World today, said even defined in all, and by talk too and of what are said Communications, Modern that is, and with they too simply said perceived as said Contact, and with Contact too, simply said now even and to speak, and of New York, and in American, or World History too that is. In saying that, Contextual Mappings, do too now, or can be said, to in all even place a said emphasis, and on those said Writer, or of Writers too that is, and in said comparison, and to speak and of the Historian in 'himself' that is, now is to speak and of a said even America, or United States of America too, and as said even centered in all, and in probable talk of what some have termed the Self-Help Industry that is, and as said Industry too, and that does too appear to encompass every said facet of American life that is, and as said even now to furtherly encompass, the said even Views that is, Political too, and of the said Egyptian, Roman, Jewish, British, Arab, African that is, Historian, and if not of the said even American Historian too that is. That we do now live lives, today, said in all best described that is, and by talk and of the Writer, and not of the Historian truly either, and in now too claiming that, in speak of American History, and as said even perceived from talk of the Writer, we do too now speak of American roots, and as said even perceived from those who are said Kinspersons that is, but that in speak of the Historian, American History, said now to speak, and of those said Kith that is.
In too claiming that, Washington D.C., can too be said even to have to it, a said even distinct History to it all, and that does too speak of the American Historian in 'himself', now is to in all even claim that, and in said speak too of controversy that is, and of said Views and that do associate talk of the United States of America, and in History, and from what is believed said White that is, and by attempting here to in all even define Whiteness, and in a said manner in all, the said American Historian, would too be said even approving of that is. That it all does too speak, and of Whiteness, and outside North America too that is, said even defined in all, and by talk of what is said White, and of South America too, of what is said Caucasian, and of England too, of what is said Aryan, and of Asian perceptions of Whiteness too, and if not of Whiteness, and as said too Classical that is, and in speak too now and of Italy too for instance. In saying that, the United States of America, does in all even possess differing, or said even alternate Views of Whiteness, now is to in all even claim it all, to refer, and to Whiteness, and as said even to speak and of it all and as said even to speak of Russia that is, of China too, of Turkey, and if not of what is said American that is, and in said speak too now, and of the said even Founding Fathers that is, and of Washington D.C., and in History too that is.
In said speak too now, and of said too, Canadian perceptions, and of North America that is, and as said even a Political Entity, we too could be best said even to in all even point at, North America, and as said even perceived, and from talk of Political Factions that is, said even Canadian too that is. That it all too, and from speak and of what is said Intelligence, and as said even now to refer and to what is said Response, can too now be in all even said to speak, and of what is said to speak and of the Spine, the Spinal, and of the said too Backbone that is. That Intelligence, and as said to speak of the Picture, the Political Picture that is, and in said comparison to the View, and of Intelligence now and as said too Cognition that is, does too now associate talk of the Spine, of Intelligence and as said to refer and to the Picture that is, and with what some have too termed, the Body Electric that is, but in talk of the Spinal, talk too of one and as said even programmable that is, but in talk of the Backbone, talk too now, and of what Response in itself, is in all even actually said to be that is. That in speak of said Canadian Political Factions, they too can now be said even Indian, or Native American,Canadian too that is, and if not as said White or Anglo too, and if not of the said Minority too that is, but that in all again, it all can be said to speak and of said even Religious Factions that is, and of Canada, and as said even perceived, and from talk of what are said Conferences, said even Political, and of Western Canada too, and of the said Provinces of British Columbia, of Alberta, and of Saskatchewan too that is, all said too a Political Conference to themselves, but of Ontario, Quebec, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and if not of Newfoundland & Labrador too, they too said even a Conference to themselves, Political, and of Eastern Canada too, but with Manitoba, and if not of the said Yukon Territories too, said even now perceived, and as said too Historic Canada that is. That in speak of Canadian Political Factions, and as said too Social, and if not Elitist too, speak only now and of Ontario, and of Quebec too, but that in too saying that, and again, that Canadian Political Factions, are said too Indian, Anglo and Minority too, now is to probably approach what is said Identity and in Canada too, and from what is said too Scandal that is, and in said speak too now, and of what is said too Friendship, Companionship, and of Relationships too, and as said even now perceived, and from talk and of what is said Indian, Anglo and Minority too, and as said too respectively that is.
In saying that, there is a said even 5th that is, manner in all, and if not as said Dimensions too, and of the said even 5th Dimension too for instance, and of perceiving life in North America, and as said too Political Entity, and that would too now speak of the United States, and of what is too said Infrastructure and in North America too, of North America, and of Political Structure and in Northern America too that is, and if not of Canada, and as said even now Sovereign too that is, now is to speak, and of what is said Political Engagement, of Political Studies, and if not of Political Theory too that is. That in talk of Political Engagement, talk too now and of what is said believed to speak of Italy, and into North America too, of Political Studies, and of American Relations too, and with Mexico too that is, but of Political Theory, speak too now, and of what is said even to speak of, or refer to, and to what is said African-American History that is. That it all too, could be said to refer, and to what the said term of Mode that is, does in all even speak of, and as said to speak of Modes of Expression too for instance, and that would too and in said eventuality, lead, and to speak and of American life, and as said even now perceived, and from talk and of what the Music Video, is in all even said to be that is. Modes of Expression, and as said too now Political, and in said speak too and of the very name of Will.I.Am for instance, and of the said even Obama Presidency Campaign that is, but that in speak of what is said Political Engagement, and of Italians and into the United States of America too, often said too Ethnic, speak too now and of an America, the United States of America that is, said even perceived and as said too White, Brown and Black that is, and if not as believed said Immigrant too that is, but that in speak of this very Blog, the Candidate, it all too can now be said even best probably perceived, and from talk and of what are said Political Studies that is, and the said Americas too that is, and as often said perceived as said White, Indian and African too, and into Brazil too that is, but that in all again, it is what one would term Political Theory, and that does in all even authenticate, what is said African-American History that is, and as probably said too American in itself that is, and in now too saying that, while African-Americans, can too be said even distinguished, from other said Africans, or of said African presences, and in the Americas too that is, and in said talk now and of what are said Modes of Expression that is, and if not of what is said Hip-Hop for instance, and not Rap Music either, and as said even a part of what is said to speak of American Solidarity for instance, and of Rhythm 'N' Blues, and not RnB either, and of what is said to speak of American Populism too that is, and if not of what is said Jazz that is, and of what is too said even to speak and of American Nationalism in itself too that is. In claiming that, African-Americans, are said even a Political force of their own, or to their own, is to now claim their History, part of American History, and as said even to speak, and of what is said termed the Trans-Atlantic that is, and of the said even American Inventor too for instance, and in now associating talk of Europe, and of North America too, and with talk too of the said even Politics of the Caribbean, and of what is said too, and to speak of Continental America that is, and as said even now to speak of the West Indies too for instance, and if not as said the British West Indies too that is, and of what too is said even now to speak of Whiteness, of Blackness, of Colonials too, and into Northern South America, often said too Dutch, and if not of that Identity, said too American, and that is said too Creole, and in said speak too of the very said name of Louisiana that is. In many a said way, probable talk too now, and of the said even Politics of the World Bank, and of the said even Western Hemisphere too, and of a said too Sub-Saharan Africa that is, and if not of the said Politics of the UN, the United Nations that is, and of the said too IMF that is, the International Monetary Fund, and of the World, and as even perceived, and from speak and of what some have termed the Northern Hemisphere, and of an Africa too, said even perceived and from its said Colonial History, and if not as said too, a 'Continent in the Dark' for instance.
In concluding on all this, and in said speak too now, and of what is said even Response in itself, is to now speak and of a said even, United States of America that is, and in the said too that is, aftermath, and of the Sept. 11th Bombings that is, now is to in all probably claim that, the Final Response, and in said Attitude or Mood, and to the aforementioned Terrorist Bombing attack, and in a said too now Post-Confederate United States of America that is, now is to in all probably claim that, it all probably does or did lie, and with speak, and of the Bush Administration in itself that is.
American Keyboard:
[Bryan Adams - Somebody]