Monday 12 September 2016

3rd Degree America

3rd Degree America.

American Ecologies
Composers, Conductors
Cries, Moans
The People's Republic of America
Shadow Archetype
The American Memory
Western Configurations
Energy Vortices

of 3rd Degree America,
or of the said American Poltergeist too.

This said entry, does have a said listing to it, above, and that does too now refer, and to the very manner in all, the Blogger here, does in all too, very much detail that is, any said entry written, and on this very said Blog too that is. That in understanding the said process at hand here, now is to say that, it is the said listing 'The Peoples Republic of America' above, and that is too said here, paramount, or said even fundamental too, and in the said writing of this entry. That every other said listing and on the said list above, will in all even be said perceived in all, and from talk too and of the said listing, of 'The Peoples Republic of America' that is. Sounds farfetched? That it could all very well be said as such, is what could be said probable, and in now too saying that, the said now 'Peoples Republic of America', is in all even believed said inexistent by most, and if not all, Historians included too, but that in all again, the Blogger here, does in all even believed it all said a new, novel and if not said an interesting manner in all too, and of viewing America, and in a manner too, most would in all even proclaim, unequaled that is.

When we do in all refer, and to speak and of a said 3rd Degree America, of Film, American, we are too said to refer, and to a said too manner in all, and of very much perceiving or presenting too, the United States of America, and that could too speak, and of a said Edu-Documentary, or Educational Documentary too that is, and such as Michael Moore's, Fahrenheit 911 that is. A said even unrecognized in all, manner, and of documenting the United States of America in itself, and as probably best said here, to speak too, and of what the Peoples Republic of America, is said all about, and if not of what Texturization, is too said to be all about that is. That it all too, Texturization too that is, would too be said even to refer, and to said American perceptions in all, and of what Satisfaction in itself, is actually said to be that is.

When we do here refer though, and to speak of American Ecologies, and in said regard, and to speak and of what is too said here, 'The People's Republic of America', now is too differentiate it all, and from talk too and of Colonial America that is, and of the American Colonies too, and of what is too said to speak now, and of the said even 'spirit of Independence' that is, and in the United States of America too, and onwards now, and to an America, said too now defined, and in talk too, and of what are said American Practises that is. That we could in all even, be said to very much throw in, the very said term of Montauk that is, and if not of the said History of America, and as said too perceived now, and from talk too, and of the said too erecting that is, and of the said Statue of Liberty in itself that is. That we could in all even be said here, to speak, and of what are said Practises, but that such said Practises, do in all even speak now, and of what the said 'Peoples Republic of America' in itself, is too said even to actually be all about that is.

That it too can be said, and in said regard too, and to what does too speak and of a said American Philharmonic Orchestra, and if not of Carnegie Hall too, that the said here belief that, America's said Philharmonic Music tradition, and as said too built around speak of the Composer, is not actually said true as such, for this said Composer, is actually truly believed, said a Music Conductor that is. A said Music Conductor too, and in said Practise that is, and that does to point and to the very belief that, America's Historical roots, are in all even believed said to lie, and in speak too of Egypt, and in said Practise too, and if and only if, it is recognized that, the said Conducting of Music, is actually more or less said an African or Egyptian practise, and not that said Western either, or in said speak too now, and of Italy in itself too that is.

In speak now though, and and of this very Blog, and of 'The Candidate', and if not of said travails and into the American Frontier, is to now too say that, the said 'Peoples Republic of America', can too be said even to speak, and of what Adventurism, and into Northern America in itself, is too actually said all about, and could to be said even, to speak, and of the very said Practises, and that do too speak, and of the said American Poltergeist that is.

In attempting though, to in all even give, a said structural formation, and to what does too speak and of the said 'Peoples Republic of America', is to now base it all, and on a said two-part formation, and that does too speak of the Human Voice, and as simply believed said defined in all, and in talk and of the Cry, and of the Moan too that is. That in regard and to the said inhabitants, and of the said 'Peoples Republic of America', the very belief too that, all there is to life, is a said Cry, or said Moan too, and that would too and in all, and from a said even Local or Folk perspective too perhaps, be said equated, and to talk too of, and of said Rattlesnakes in America too that is, of Latin America.

In claiming that, the said 'Peoples Republic of America', is too now said having to it, no proper said home to it all, and in speak too and of the said even significance and in meaning, and of many a place and in the United States of America too, and such as Texas, Boston, New York, Washington D.C., California, is to now too attempt to in all even speak and of the United States of America today, or of America truly, and in said Practises, and that do in all even speak of Survival in itself, and with probable talk too now, and of the said State of Alaska too that is. 

That it does too now, lead, and to speak, and of what does too speak of, the said Shadow Archetype, and as said American too, and of the United States of America today, and as said too in trouble, or of America truly, and of the said American Presidential State of Union Address too that is, and in said speak too, and of what does too pass for talk, and of Practises in America today, said too Lawful, and if not and of what does too speak, and of a said even Polar Bear, or Grizzly Bear attack, and as said up on there, and into Alaska too that is. That it all too, does speak and of American life, and as said even perceived and from talk of 'breaking into a Sweat', and if not of what too, does speak and of the United States of America, and not in Dream either, but in probable said Unison too that is.

In talk now and of a said too 3rd Degree America, and of those simply said even, to truly belong, and to a said even 'Peoples Republic of America', is to now associate it all, and with talk and of what are said Head Busts, and as said too Sculptural works, and of their said too been perceived in all, as said a Mold too, and one too, and that would too point at, and to a said even belief that, said American Molds, and of the said American Physical Character too, would in all even speak, and not only of their been perceived said too now Roman that is, but Roman too, and in said speak too, and of what is said to speak of Italy, Egypt, and if not of Africa too that is. A said even controversial statement it can be said here, that does speak of American Head Busts, and as said even perceived African that is, and in speak of what are said Molds too, but that it all could very well too be said to speak of Africa that is, and in said regard, and to what too does speak of American History in itself that is, but that in all again, it is believed to in all even call into view, the very said too Roman belief, and that does too now associate talk of Italy, and with talk of Morals too, of Egypt and Character, and if not of Africa, and in said Intellect too, or Wisdom too that is.

In now getting, and to the said heart of the matter, and in said regard, and to the said even existence, and of a said 'Peoples Republic of America' that is, is to now attempt, to in all even correlate it all, and to talk too, and of what is said to speak, and of the American Memory, and if not of America and in said Memory too that is. That the said latter of these, of America and in said Memory too, would in all even refer, and to what too a Back-hand Memory of things, is said to be, and in now too, associate talk and of the American Memory, and with talk too of the said Holiday of Thanksgiving in itself, but in speak of the 'Peoples Republic of America', now is to speak too, and of the very said term of the Alamo that is.

In speak now though, and of the said 'Peoples Republic of America', and in said Intelligence, or in said speak too and of Theory in itself, is to now refer, and to what too Manifolds, are in all even said to be, and if not of what the said Politics of Presentation/Representation, and of said even State Representatives too, and of the American Congress too that is, are in all even said all about that is.

In talk though, and of the very manner in all, the 'Peoples Republic of America', would in all even be said to perceive itself, and in a said even Political Context, and if not on a said even Global scale too that is, is to now too talk, and of what are said too, Western Configurations that is. That the first of these, do too refer, and to the said even Western World, and of Europe, Northern America, and South America too, and as said even now centered, and in talk too of Europe, but in talk of the 'Peoples Republic of America', the very belief that, the Western World, is best said centered in all, and in talk of the State of California, and as said too, an Economy that is. That in talk too and of the said English-speaking World, and as said to constitute and for talk of the United Kingdom, Canada, the United States of America, and of Australia too, the very belief that, it is all believed said best centered in all, and in talk too of Canada, and not in speak of the United Kingdom either. That in talk of the said even Western Hemisphere, best said too perceived, and from talk of Revolution in Haiti, or of Hayiti, and in History too, speak now and of it all said even best centered in all, and in talk of Russia, and not Italy either. That in speak and of what is said to constitute, and for talk of a said even Western Order, it to now best said in all, to speak too and of the name of Constantinople, and in History too, is to now say it all grounded in all, and not in talk of Egypt, or of Libya either, but in many, it all said now, best probably perceived, and in talk too now, and of Morocco in History, of Casablanca, and if not into Spain, and of Barcelona too that is.

In the attempt now, and to in all even finalize on all this, on what is too said 'The People's Republic of America', said even entity, Political, and in said speak too now and of what is too said to speak, and of Capitol Hill that is, is to now talk and of what are too are even, Energy Vortices, or of the Energy Vortex too, and in the said attempt now, to in all even give it all, a said even Cultural framework that is, and that can too be said to speak, and of the said 'Powers that be', and that would too speak, and of Washington D.C., Philadelphia, and if not of New York City too, and as probably said too now, in said Unison too that is.

In now truly finalizing on all this, and in now too claiming that, it all would be said finding its inspiration, all this said written that is, and from talk too, and of the very name of Manly P. Hall that is, is to now attempt to in all even speak of it all, and from the said even Game here, or Play too, said even Canadian, and of Bars too that is. That Bars, is said too a Game, said too unknown to most in the United States of America that is, and would too be said even defining in all, and of life in the 'Peoples Republic of America', and in said regard and to what too, does too speak, and of said even Endeavour in itself that is. That this said Game of Bars, could too be said even, coded as follows:

Bars := Push + Shove + Butt

Bars :- Push/Shove/Butt

Bars : Play

American Chamber Music:

[Bank of America Chamber Music]

[ChamberMusic - American Summer]