Friday 12 August 2016


of American Spaces.

This said entry, and on what too is said termed here, Spaces that is, can too be said, to in all even attempt, to very much get to the heart, and of what too, is believed said even, to in all ail, the United States of America today, and in said reference, and to speak too and of America, and in Image, Success, Prestige, Value etc. That the United States of America, is too believed said even, ailing, and in said regard, and in said speak and of the very said Images, it does too project, and to the rest of the said World that is, and that do too speak, and of the said 'American Way of life', and if not of the American people too, and as believed said even, Historically, said distinct, separate, different, unique etc., and from other said peoples of the World too, and in said regard, and to what too does pass for speak, and of what are said Statutes, and in further said regard, and to what too, does speak and of what is said to refer, and to speak too and of American Political life that is. That this very said entry, will too now, attempt to deal, and on the said eroding, and of the 'American Way of life' that is, and in said speak too now, and of what too, are said American Spaces, and as said too Sacred that is.

That American Spaces, and as said too Sacred, have traditionally been said defined, and in said speak too, and of what Ritual/Performance, is in all even said to actually be. That what can too be said, is that, the United States of America, and in said speak too, and of what are termed Democratic Ideals, does see to it now, said even defined in all, and in talk, and of what is said Cosmopolitan, Egalitarian, and if not of the Worldly too, and in said regard too, and to it and as said even, possessing an International Image that is, and which does too perceive talk and of the United States of America, and from what is said Global, International, and if not Worldly too, and of the said even, Immigrant Experience and into America too that is. That this said entry, will in all even, attempt to present, speak of American Spaces, and from the said trend, and of perceiving the United States of America that is, and from what is Anglo, Indian/Native, and if not African too, and away from the said even popular or dominant view, and by the Media, and that does too present the United States of America, and in said speak too and of American Spaces, and as said too perceived, and from talk, and of those said WASP, Immigrant, Migrant, Minority, Ethnic etc.

That in said talk, and of American Spaces, and of the said redefining and of American life as such, from speak of American Spaces that is, and of the said too American Public, we do now truly see, the said evolution of American Political life, and as said too, truly incorporating, the said Asian-American Immigrant Experience for instance, and in said comparison, and to that said African-American too that is. That it is the said Asian-American Immigrant Experience, and that is too believed, said to redefine, speak, and of American Social life in itself, and from what it is believed said to be, and towards a said view that is, and that would too associate, speak of China for instance, and with speak too of those said Outsiders, and to American Social life that is, speak of India, and of those said Alien, speak too of Australia, and of said too Ancestral Relations and in the United States of America too, and if not of Africa, and of the United States of America, and as said too perceived, and from talk of Blood Relations that is.

In claiming that, talk of said National Security issues, and in the United States of America today, do too and in all, come down that is, and to talk and of said American Spaces, redefined, is to now too, perceive it all, and from talk, and of what is too said to refer, and to talk of Confidentiality, and within said American Spaces too, and if not of the United States of America, and as said too defined, and in talk, and of what is said Esteem, Confidence and if not of the Astute too that is. That such said talk, is said too, to refer, and to said even definitions, and of Race in America today, and of what too, does too speak and of said American Public life that is, and as said even to refer, and to speak of American Social Spaces, and if not of what too is said to pass for in all, and for speak of Discriminatory Attitudes, and in the United States of America today, and of what too is believed said to in all pass for, and for speak, and of Discrimination, Rejection, Exclusion, Abandonment etc., and in said regard too, and to what too does pass for speak of Perception in itself, and in the United States of America today, and as said even to refer, and to talk and of the Mainstream, and if not of what too, were once said termed, American Public streams of life that is.

In claiming that, talk and of what are said American Spaces, can too be said equated, and to talk and of what are said Environments, Existences and Settings too, and if not of it all too said even perceived, and from what too is said Anglo, Amerindian and if not African too, is to now too claim that, American Spaces, said too Sacred, can too be said even perceived, and from talk and of what is said Motif, and of what is said Politic, and if not of what too is said Duality, and if not of what too is said Archetype that is. That in speak of Archetype for instance, now is to speak too, and of that Archetype said the Fool, and as said even defining Americans, and in talk and of Native American Myth, and of what too is said Naughty, of Trickery, and if not of Mischief too that is. That in speak of Duality, speak of American life, and if not of American Spaces too, said even perceived, and from talk and of what is said Black & White for instance, and if not of what too, does pass for speak of Time Measures, and Time Intervals, and in said American society too that is. That in speak and of what is said Politic. American Spaces, and as said too redefined, and in talk and of what is said even Entertainment, what is said Graphic, and if not of what is said too Social Myth, and as said even pertaining, and to the said even Immigrant Experience that is. It is in speak though, and of what is said Motif, and of American Spaces too, and as said even Sacred, said too now perceived as such, in speak of Motif that is, and by which we do in all arrive, and to speak, and of American History, said even American History X, and of it all said too, said traced back, and to speak too and of the said even, erecting, and of the said State of Liberty too for instance.

The Politics of Hollywood:

It can be said that, the said emergence and of Hollywood, and into the said American Public life stream that is, can too be said even to speak, and of the said even redefining of American Spaces, and as said even to now, touch on many a said even, sensitive subject or topic that is, and that does too deal, and with talk, and of the said too Politics, American, and of what is said to speak too of Presentation/Representation that is. That it all too, is said even believed to talk, and of what is said to speak and of Equality and in American society for instance, and if not of what is said Stereotype too that is, and in said too, American Political Realms that is.

That in said speak, and of the said 'Politics of Hollywood', and which do now too, associate speak and of said American Identity, and as said too perceived  and from talk of said American citizenship for instance, and if not of what is said too Ethnicism, and in said regard too perhaps, and to talk and of the United States of America, and as said too Constitutional, is to now associate talk of Stereotype, and with talk too of the United States of America, and as said even perceived, and from talk of North America that is, and of what too, is said even to in all pass for talk, and of what is said gender typing for instance, race baiting, colour lines, class barriers, the 'white washed', 'white worship' etc., and within said too, American Cultural Spaces that is, and as said even now equated, and to talk too and of said Japanese Identity, believed said even Historical, and in the United States of America today too that is. In speak of Equality though, and in said regard, and to the said 'Politics of Hollywood', now is to refer, and to talk too, and of Northern America in itself, and if not of the said differences, and between, the said even, Civil Rights Movement that is, and of what too, is said Affirmative Action for instance, and with the former too, said finding credence and in its said mandate, and in talk too of said Grass-Roots Movements, and in said American History too, but with the latter, Affirmative Action, said even finding its said validity, and in talk too, and of American Authors, and as said even to refer, and to talk, and of Alexis de Tocqueville too for instance.

In claiming that, Hollywood, does too attempt to redefine American Spaces, and away from their said past that is, and as said too to refer, and to what are said Scared Spaces in themselves, is to now simply claim that, Hollywood, does in all even redefine American Spaces, and from past said Cultural Existences, and as said even to refer, and to speak of Native American culture that is, and now does too squarely place them, and in talk too of Performance Halls, Stages, and if not of said Public American Spaces, and that do too talk of said American Urban Design for instance, and if not of American Modern Design too that is. In all, Hollywood, said too here accused, and of the said even view, and of the said wiping away that is, and of said, American Heritage that is, and towards now, a said view, of Heritage in the United States of America, and that is too deemed International, and if not as said Historic and as such too that is.

American Piano: