Tuesday 31 March 2015

the Candidate

The Candidate.

This Blog, will in all attempt to present America in all again, or speak too of the United States of America that is, and away from speak of Philosophy in itself, and onwards, and to speak of Symbolism and in itself too that is. That the Blogger here, holds no aspirations, or pretensions truly either, and in saying that, the study of American Symbols in all, or Symbol too, or speak truly even and of Symbolism in itself truly, is believed said more than a passing interest here in all, and in speak too for instance, and of American Folkmusic, and as said now meeting National Performance for instance.

In having said the above, the attempt here, and to introduce America in all, and in a whole new light, and other than that, and which does in all even pass for speak too, and of American Borders that is. That American life and as deciphered as such, in speak now and of its Borders that is, has in all even come to be truly associated, and with the very word of Linchpin for instance, and in speak too now, and of the very rise of American life, and as said primarily in all even defined, and in speak too that is, and of said Celebrities, Stars & Performers too that is. In saying that all this does speak too, and of Democracy and as said Philosophy, and in the United States of America today that is, speak now and of Republicanism on the otherhand, does in all again speak too, and of the very attempt to present the United States of America, and from speak of its Notary and Notable Figures that is.

This Blog though, does in all even hold a differing approach, and in speak and of what does constitute and for American life [and of the American Experience too]. For most in all, and who do in all even read into American History that is, the discovery now, that American Political life, is not actually defined and by speak of the Candidate and as most do believe it to be, but in all truly even, and by speak of the Nominee that is [that the Candidate in all again, is believed said a Character or Figure too, and who/whom in all even, is best perceived, and from speak too, and of the American Frontier that is].

In speak though, and of American everyday life in all, or in speak too of its Social life, speak now too, and of it said to speak of the Circuit so to speak, and as said even having gone International for instance (and if not in speak now and of vacationing, holidaying or of Home Ownership too, and in South America or Europe that is), but that in all even, American Social life in all, and outside speak of the Circuit, can in all even be envisioned, and in a manner in all again, and that does refer, and to the Candidate too, and that does in all even furtherly refer, and to speak too of Passwords that is [that in all, simply know whom/who in all you truly are, and before you do speak to anyone, and in America, and on just about anything you would fancy that is].