The American Frontier.
When we do in all even speak of the American Frontier, we are no longer here in all, referring and to Geography in itself, but in speak now truly, and of the very belief here and that does in all probably wonder, if and if not American relations/relationships, and in speak too of Symbolism, can in all even be said embodied in all, and in speak only and of the Statue of Liberty that is. A controversial musing to most perhaps, if that is, American life in all, is said to exist outside speak of the Statue of Liberty, and in speak too now perhaps, and of American life, and as meeting that which does in all too, speak of Natural Selection, or of Evolutionary Theory, and as versus speak of Human Mimicry too that is.
In attempting to make clear all this, is to now present American History, and in a said now too, Symbolical representation that is, and that does differ and from speak too of Convention/Conventionalism in all. That American History in all again, and as viewed from the latter, does speak too, and of the rise of American Agriculture for instance, and if not speak too, and of the erecting in all, and of the Statue of Liberty in itself that is. This is America, and as now said purveyed in all, and if not perceived truly, and in speak too of American Blood that is, and if not in speak too of the American Memory in itself in all.
When we do speak here though, and of a said Symbolical representation, and of the rise and birth of America in all, we are in the very least, referring, and to speak of America, and from speak of its Shores that is. That this all too, now does speak of America in all again, and as discerned in all, and from speak of the Cry of the Wolf for instance, and if not in speak of Dress/Custom in all again, and in further speak too and of Enterprise, and of Guilds, Unions & Lodges too that is.
In having said all this, now speak too, and of what a Symbolical representation of America in all, does truly actually mean. That there are several ways of viewing America, and as said to speak too of it as said Civilization in all, and in speak too now, and of Egypt in all, and as said represented in all again and in Symbolical manner that is, and in speak of the Sphinx in all. That the Sphinx, is in all even said associated, and with what it did in all take and for Civilization to in all manifest, and in many another part of the World, and in speak now and of the very term of Embodiment that is. America though, is not believed to arise as such, in speak of Embodiment in all truly, and in speak too of Ritual & Rite, but in speak too now, and of the Elements so to speak.
In having said all this, a view now here in all, and that does say, America in all again, can be said 9 things that is. Something in all again, one could not in all even simply say to be agreeable truly and in its ways, and in saying that, it could all even be said 5 things in all, America that is. However, this post, will attempt to present America in all again, and as said a World Civilization of a kind, but still very much truly inherently American that is.
In starting of on all this, the very view here that, America in all, does in all even arise, and in speak too, and of Enterprise in itself, but in further speak here in all, and of American Knowledge Bodies too that is, and as versus speak too, and of the rise of Civilization elsewhere, and as said to speak in all again, fundamentally too, and of Custom, and if not in speak of Ritual & Worship in itself that is. Another view of America though, now does associate it all, and with its very own Scripts so to speak, and which do in all even associate the rise of civilization in America, and with its Music traditions for instance, and that does in all even speak too, and of the very rise of Byzantine Civilization too that is.
Another view though and of America and as said held in all, now does speak too, and of the very word of Parallels that is. That this view in all, now does associate American History and with the Political Event in itself so to speak, and such that, American History is in all said to have already happened so to speak, and with those said American, now defined by it all, the Political Event, and in Character/Ethos too that is. In helping see all this too clearly in all, is to now speak too, and of the previously posted entry, and which does have to it, an image/reference to it all, and that of the very work of Undaunted Courage, and by Stephen F. Ambrose too that is. That this very work in all again, can best be perceived, and from speak and of the very word Parallel/Parallels in all, and as now said to speak too of the American word Colossus that is. That in speak now, and of the image/reference, and of the very work too of the Founding Brothers, previous entry, and by Joseph J. Ellis too, speak now and of it said finding Parallels in all, and to speak too, and of America, and of the word Monumental too, and if not in speak and of the Year 1776 that is. It is however, and in reference now, and to the above image posted and of the works of Jack London in all, that we do now in all even find American life, and as said to Parallel in all again, that said to speak of the American/Canadian Prairies in all, and in speak now and of America too, and as perceived, and from speak of the Canoe, and as versus speak of the Bison that is.
In now saying that, the above manner in all, is the very manner in all again, and that this very Blog, does wish to present America that is, and as with it all even said to speak of the Candidate, and of Passwords too, is to now though, speak of America in all again, and as said in all even perhaps, viewed, and in speak of its Presidential cultures for instance, and if not in speak too of American Academia, or of Americana too that is.
That the term Americana in all, now does view America too, and from three said perspectives that is. That it all, now does speak, and of where it is said, America in all, does stand, and in speak now and of it said Civilization that is (and in Architecture too), and if not of it said as an Edifice (and in speak of Philosophy) too that is. That the first of these, now does speak too and of America in all, and as said possessing unique Spiritualism to it, and away in all, and from the rest of the World, and who in all even do associate Spiritualism, minimally too, and with India, and as said the Mother of Civilization that is. The second of these, now does speak too of America in all, and in speak of Spiritism, and which does in all even now say, that, while most of the World, now does view speak of Ancestors in all, and with speak of Egypt too, and of the Pyramids in Egypt that is, America in all again, is believed said somewhat to differ, and in speak now and of the Symbol of the Torch too that is [and as often truly said representative, and of American Ancestors that is]. Thirdly, and in speak too of China, and as often said a World Civilization in itself too, speak now and of it all and in Spirituality/Mysticism too that is, and which does in all even say that, Mysticism, and around the World, can be said Chinese too in all, and in speak too now, and of Chinese Characters, and as versus speak of Hieroglyphs too in all, but that in all even, America in all again, and as now defined too, and by a Freemasonry tradition, and that does in all even speak too and of the very birth and of the American Dollar for instance, and in its paper form too that is.
In finishing up, is to now say that, America, and in Evolution, is not something too hard to make out, and when perceived, and from speak of Symbolical representation that is [it is believed here too]. That America and as most do know it, does in all even associate it all, and with speak of (Human) Mimicry, and of the term American Pastoral too (and of the American Intellect in all), and which does in all even speak of Americans, and as said knowledgeable of Telepathy for instance, and in speak now too perhaps, and of the said agreeable nature and of the Wolf too that is.
However, this Blog, does not track American Evolution, and from speak of (Human) Mimicry in all, but that in all even, and in speak too now and of said theories in all again, and that do speak of Natural Selection and of Evolutionary Theory too in all, and in speak now and of Evolution, and as often truly associated in all, and with often said Higher Beings that is, and with Angels in all again, said the most acknowledgeable/acknowledged in all, and in regards and to speak of such Beliefs that is. In all, the Angel, and in the very form of the Angelus too, and as now said to speak of Evolution and in America, and that does in all even go along and with speak too of Canoes in America that is.
The Angelus:
(and in the Win, or Defeat)
[Enrique Iglesias - Hero]
[Mariah Carey - I Want To Know What Love is]