Sunday, 15 July 2018

the Beaver

the American Beaver.


Canadian, American, and of other said Beaver too. A said here coupling, and in speak, and of the said even now Abode in itself too that is.


wink-wink, nudge-nudge

Friday, 13 July 2018


of American Vicissitudes.


of Robin Dude, and of William Shakesbeare, and of the said Anglo-, and (of) the said Chinas' too.

a said of here couplet, and in the said poesy too.

Bow to Bow
Shaft to Shaft
Cheek to Cheek

In the said here referring and to, and to speak and of said Vicissitudes that is, now is to and in all even say or claim that, America, and in its said becoming too, would too be as said, as to and in all even refer to, and to speak and of said Mexico, and in the said Dimensional too, and if not of the said Indian, and in the said Contextual too that is, and with all this said, and of the said too Contents and of this very said Blog of the Candidate too that is, as said, and in speak now and of the said Interspersal that is, and of said American Humour too that is, and if not of a said American Time that is, and of the said even now Lost Kingdoms of the Americas too that is, and with all this now and as said, as said, and in speak and of said American Myth too that is, and of said American borders, and boundaries too, and of it all and as said as one, and in speak now and of one that is, and as in all said as 'Into America' that is.

Tuesday, 3 July 2018

the Great Seal

the Great Seal of the United States.

American National Seals.