the American Unicode.
This entry, and on what can be said as the Unicode, will too and in all, speak of, or as said refer to, and to what can be said as, American, and in said Practice too that is, and if not of the said American Practice that is, and as in all said as deciphered too that is, and from what can in all be said as a Mainframe that is. Of the said Mainframe, and if not of the said Mainframe Computer too, and that would too now be said, and to in all even speak of, and of what can be said as, an Unicode that is, of the said Algorithm too, and if not of the said Cipher too that is.
That in saying, that the said Mainframe, can too be said, and to in all even speak of, and of what can in all be said as a Stream that is, now is to and in all even refer, and to what can in all be said, as the Public Stream that is, and if not of the said Mainstream too that is. That it all can be said, what is in all said as the Mainframe, and to in all even speak of, and of the said "American Way of life", and as in all said as encoded too that is, and in speak, and of what can in all be said as the Unicode, of the said Algorithm too, and if not of the said Cipher too that is.
That in speak, and of what can in all, be said as the Unicode [
Link] that is, we can too now be said, and to in all even ascribe, and to speak too of, and of said now, American Classics that is, and that would too and in all be said, and to in all even perceive, speak, and of the said 'American Way of life', and from speak too, and of the said even now, American, Canadian Prairies that is, of said American Nativity too, and if not of the said Grand Canyon too that is, and of the said even now 'Shores of America' that is, and that would too now, offhandedly too be said, and to in all even lead, and to speak and of, and of the said even now, American Modern Village Setting that is [
That in speak and of the said Algorithm, probable talk too now, and of said American Traditional Government that is, and in now associating talk and of the said Cipher, and with talk too, and of said even now American Community 'Models' that is.
That in too saying that, the above said, and on what can be said as the Mainframe, did in all even refer, and to what are said as the Public Stream, and of the said Mainstream too that is, we can too now associate talk and of the said Public Stream, and with talk, and of the said CIA [Central Intelligence Agency] that is, the FBI, the DEA etc., and in too saying that, it all does too and in all even refer, and to what can be said as American Domestic Security, National that is, and if not in said even regard now, and to who are in all, said as Immigrants, or of said Minorities too that is. Of the said American Public Stream, and if not of the said United States of America, and of its said even now Political relations that is, and that would too be said, and to in all even speak of, and of said NATO too for instance, and that can too be said, and to in all even point at, and at speak, and of said Armenia, of the said Balkans too, and if not of said Turkey too that is, and in said even regard, and to the said even name and of 'Lawrence of Arabia' that is.
That in speak and of the said Mainstream, and of the said even now United States that is, or of said even now, America, and as in all said as referred to and as such, and if not in said even regard, and to said even now American History, and as in all said as perceived, and from what can in all be said as Conspiracy, of said Militancy too, and if not of said even now Competency too that is, and in said even regard, and to what can be said as American National Security, and as in all said as International, and if not as said as Homeland Security too that is.
That it all too, of the said Mainstream that is, can too, be said and to speak and of who, or of not who, is in all said as African-American, of said even now Amerindians that is, and if not of said 'White Americans' too that is, and if not of said even now American National Security, and as in all said as perceived, and from speak of, or from the said even now, direction that is, and of the said UN Security Council for instance, and if not and of the said Sudan, and of said Nigeria too that is.
"It is said that, in traditional African societies', the Men speak before, and the Women, after".
It is said believed by some, and not many or all, that the said even origins and of America, are in all said as 'White', 'Indian', and if not as said as "African" too that is, and in said even regard now, and to what can in all, be said as, Gesture, and in said American society too that is.
All this and as said, and in said even regard, and to what can be said as American National Security, and of the said Security Breach too, and if not in said even regard now, and to what can be said as Protocol, and in said American History too, and if not in said even regard too, and to speak of, and of said even now, NAFTA too that is.
All the above just said, and in said even regard, and to the said even now complex nature, and of what can in all be said as African Identity, and in the said Americas too, and if not in the said United States of America in itself that is, and that would too be said, and to in all even refer to, and to speak and of said American Policy, and as in all said as to extend, and to speak too and of the said G12 for instance, and if not in said regard, and to what can in all be said as safety, and if not of said security tin itself too that is.
That in speak and of said African Identity, and in the said United States of America, we can too now say it, and as in all said as African-American, Afro-American, Multi-Racial, and if not of the said Bi-Racial too that is.
That in speak, and of those said as African-American, and as in all said as descendants, and of said even slaves, and if not of said slavery, and in the said United States of America too, we can too be said, and to in all even point at, and at the said Politics of Colour, and in the said United States of America that is, of those said as Coloured too, and if not and of what is in all, said as Practise that is, and in the said United States of America, and as in all said as American, Western, Modern, Traditional, Foreign etc.
That in speak and of those said as Afro-American, and as in all said as descendants, and of said even now, immigrants, African, and into the said United States of America that is, we can too speak of, and of what is in all said as an African Heritage that is, and if not in said even regard now, and to what can in all be said as dehumanization, decriminalization, decolonization, desexualization etc., and if not of Africa, and as in all said as perceived, and from its said even now, recent History that is.
That in speak, and of those said as Multi-Racial, and not of the said Mixed race truly either, we can too speak and of said American Identity, and as in all said as perceived, and from what can in all be said as Native, Resident, Citizen, National etc.
That in speak, and of those said as Bi-Racial, talk too now, and of said even now American Political Systems, and if not and as in all, said as, systematized that is, and in said regard, and to speak and of those said as 'Aliens' that is, and to said even now American Soil that is, and in said even further regard now, and to those and as in all said as 'Workers' too that is.
In closing up, and on all this said, now is to and in all even refer, and to the said even now American Public that is, and if not of its said Politics too, and as in all said as Liberal, Moderate, Conservative that is, and if not in said even regard that is, and to what can be said as "the American Public Record" that is, and in said clause, or privacy too, and if not of the said even now United States of America, and in said Constitution too, or of said America and as such, and if not of the said even now, American "Psychological Complex" that is, and that would too be said, and to in all even speak of, and of the said American Political Arena that is, of said even now American, Standards, and Ideals too that is, and if not of said even now, and again, of said American Public Identities that is, and of what is in all said as in direct line that is, and if not and of the said fault too that is, and that would too now be said, and to in all even speak and of, and of the said American Political Setting, and of said America, and as in all said as aligned, and to its said even now Allies that is.
"John Americani"