Wednesday 29 November 2017

the Peaks

the American-Peaks.

Of Cornell University, and of America, and if not in said probable, or possible, Peak(s) that is, and in said even reference, and to speak and of said Jackrabbits <in Place>, Huskies <in House>, and if not of said Pigs <in Door>, and in said America too that is.

All this as said, and in said even regard, and to speak and of the said even now, position or place, that said Mayan Civilization, and if not of said Mexico too, might in all be said to have, or hold, or even bear or carry that is, and in said even regard and to speak and of America, and in said now Experience that is, and if not of said birth-death-rebirth Cycles that is, and as in all believed said definitive in all, and of life in itself that is, in said Experience too, and if not in said even respect now, and to what is in all said as Horror in itself, or of said Terror too, but if not in said regard that is, and to speak and of said Dread in itself that is, and as said too as descriptive in all, and of the said even Experience in itself that is.