the Pugilist.
Friday, 23 June 2017
Sunday, 4 June 2017
the Supra
the Supra.
In the said even, wording, and of this said entry, now is to and in all even appeal, and not aspire truly, and to what are in all said as Estoric writings that is, and that do too and in all, represent for, what in all Clarity, is in all too said to be that is. That this said entry, will not and in all, attempt to in all too deal with that is, and with what is in all said in Existence that is, and if not of Africa and as said perceived as such, in Existence that is, and along said speak here that is, and of what is said Identity and in a said Modern Egypt today too, and if not of what is said Egyptian Identity today too, and in said regard now, and to speak of Africa, and as said too and in all, in said Existence that is. That it all will too attempt, to in all present Africa, and in a said new light, and that does too and in all even refer, or point at, and at what a said even African Physical Identity, is in all even said to be that is.
That in too claiming that, what can be said here termed, as said a Physical African Identity, can too be said to speak and of said even African presences, and in the said United States of America too that is, for it is too believed here and as in all said that is, that in said regard to what can be said termed here as said, a Concordant approach, and in regard to the said even United States of America, and of its said even relations, International, or as said too Foreign, and with Africa, what can too be said to in all even speak, and of said too Physical Bodies, and if not of said too Knowledge Bodies that is, can too and in all even be said descriptive in all, and of the very manner in all, Americans, would too and in all be said, to in all too engage Africans that is, and in said even regard, to what a Political exchange for instance, is in all too said to be that is. That what can too be simply be said here, is that, it is what is said termed as Egyptian, and that has too and in all helped give birth, and to the said even Image, and of Africa, and outside Egypt too that is, and as said too a 'Dark Continent' that is, and in said even regard, and to what does too speak and of said even African Physical Identities that is.
That in said too regard now, and to what is believed said in Existence, and of Africa and as said too perceived as such, we must in all too refer or hint at, the very said idea, and of what in all, is said too as the Public, or as simply said Public, and if not of said too Publicity that is, and that does in all too have one, perceive the said United States of America, and as said too North America, and if not as said Northern America too, and in said even regard now, and to a said Federal Mexico too, or as said too as Mehico that is, and whereby the said even United States of America, is said too perceived in all, and from talk and of what is said populace, inhabitant, resident, native, the general public, nation etc., and if not as said to in all too lead, and to talk too, and of what is said Democracy today, and as said too Western, Modern, World, American etc. That in many a way, talk and of Africa and as said in Existence, can and in all not, be said to in all even refer, and to what is said Public that is, but that in many a said way, what can be said and of Africa and in said Existence, does too now and in all even refer, and to what are said as African Physical Identities, and that would too speak and of said even African Bodies that is, said too now perceived here, and in speak of what is too said in Existence that is, and from a said too right-hand approach that is, and of what is said Worry, of a said even left-hand approach too, and of what is said Fear in itself, and if not of it all as said one, and as said to in all to even speak, and of what is said Physical Identity in itself that is.
That in said too regard now, and on what was said to speak, above, and of what is said too as Identity and in Egypt today, we can too now merely and simply, associate talk and of what is said Identity and in Modern Egypt today, and with talk too and of what is said Paradigm, and of said too Egyptian Paradigms that is, and of Egypt and as said perceived Dynastic, Muslim Caliphate, Arab, Modern etc., and in its said History too, but in talk and of what are said as Egyptian Identities, talk too of said even Egyptian, and if not of said African, Timelines too that is, Historical, and if not in said regard to speak, and of Africa, and as merely said perceived in all, and as said Vast that is, and in said size too, and in said even regard now, and to talk too and of what is said to speak and of Egypt, and as it is that is.
The rest of this said entry, will in all attempt, to present, what is said to speak of Egypt, and from talk too and of its said History, and in said even regard, and to what is said Embodiment, and if not as said Totem too that is. A said even here approach, and that will too attempt to in all even connect, talk of Egypt, and with talk too of Africa, and in said even regard now, and to speak, and not only of what is said Identity, but as said Physical too, or of the said even Physical Body in itself too, but in many a said way, the said even here perspective, and of what is said a Puzzle, or of what is said Puzzling, and in said too regard and to speak, and of said even now perceptions and of Egypt, and of said Africa too, and as said too perceived and as said one that is. That it all too, is believed to in all even simply refer, and to what too is said Language in itself, and as said too African that is.
In claiming here that, a said even future that is, does too exist, and in said too regard and to speak and of Egypt, and if not of said Africa too, and as said perceived as one, now is to and in all even refer, and to what is said Commentation that is, and if not of the said too Existential that is. That in talk and of the said Existential, we can too now and in all even refer, and to what is said Trajectory, what is said Continuity, and if not of said even Discourse in itself too, and in too saying that, the said even Existence and of Egypt, and of said Africa too, and as said one, does too and in all even refer, or speak, and of the said Existential in itself that is, and not in all of what is said as Continuity in itself too that is. In said regard though, and to what is said Commentation, now is to and in all even speak, and of what is said Authority and in the World today, and as said too perceived, from said even futuristic Projections that is, and of a said even better Future for all, and that is too best said here as perceived, and not only from talk, and of said even World, International or Foreign Affairs that is, or as said Relations too, but in many a said way, Authority, and that does too and in all even serve as said an Observer, and into the said even lives, and of the said even Populations of the World today, but that in said regard and to speak of Africa, such said Authority, said too Observer, said too here best perceived from talk, and of both the said United States of America, and if not of the said Kingdom of Saudi Arabia too, and in said even regard now, and to what is said Commentation in itself that is.
In too saying that, this very entry, can too be said perceived, and from talk and of what is said Language in itself, and in said regard and to speak, and of Africa and as said too in Existence that is, now is to and in all even speak, and of an Africa, and as said too perceived, and from talk and of what too is said Puzzle, and if not of what is said as Puzzling too that is. That in speak of the Puzzling, and if not of what is said Language in itself, and in Africa too, talk too now, and of the said even Sahara Desert, of the said too Nile River that is, and if not of the said too Great Pyramid, and as said to be found in Egypt, Giza that is, and if not of it all as said too perceived, and from what too is said Myth in itself that is. That it all, does too refer, and to the very said manner in all that is, Africans, would too be in all said, to in all even perceive, what is said Identity, and as said too Physical that is, and if not as said African too, and from said even perspectives that is, and of what is said the Physical Body in itself, and if not of said too Knowledge Bodies that is, and if not in said regard now, and to what an Awakening, is in all even said to be, or as said even all about that is. That the said Awakening here, does too speak, and of a said Egypt, and as said too connected now, and to speak and of Africa in itself that is, but in said regard to the said rest of the World, talk too now, and of what is said engagement that is, and in said regard to speak of Egypt too. That in too claiming that, it is those said African, and that are too said now perceived, said even facing, a said too Identity crisis and of a said too kind that is, now is to in all even speak, and of said even perceptions of Africa, and of what too is believed said in Existence, and in said too regard, and to talk too and of the said Puzzling that is. Of the Puzzling, and as said too now, to speak and of that said Egyptian mystical symbol that is, often said too as 'the Wadjet', and not of it as said 'the All seeing Eye' truly either that is, and in said regard and to what is said African Language in itself for instance, but that in all again, it all said to in all even refer, and to speak too and of what is said Reflection, Doubt, Ignorance, Pity, Rage etc., and in said even regard now, and to what is said as 'the Wadjet', and not of the 'the All seeing Eye' truly either that is, and that does too now refer, and to speak of what is said Puzzle, and if not of what is said African Language in itself, and if not of Egypt and Africa and as said too perceived in all and as said one that is, and of Egypt and as said connected to Africa too that is, and in said too regard now, and to speak and of the said Wadjet, or of 'the Wadjet' that is, and as said too Totem, Symbol or as said too Glyph that is. That in talk and of what is said Glyph, and if not of said even Hieroglyphs for instance, talk too now and of the said even believed, unknown origins, and of what is said here as said Civilization in Egypt that is, but in talk of 'the Wadjet' and as said Symbol too, talk too of the said even Egyptian Physical Body that is, but in all again, it is in said regard to speak of 'the Wadjet', and as said too Totem that is, and whereby, we do in all even have a said too picture, and of Egypt or Africa today, and that does in all even border, and to talk and of what is said Worry in itself, or of said Fear in itself too, of said even African or Egyptian Physical Identities, and if not of what is said too as Education, Health, Law, Nationalism, Regionalism, Politics, Governance etc., and in said even regard, and to speak and of Identity, said African or Egyptian too, and as said too perceived from what are said Physical Bodies that is, and if not in said even regard now, and to what too was in all said as an Awakening that is, and in speak and of said too Knowledge Bodies that is.
In having said the above, now is to and in all even refer, and to the said too gist, and of what is in all even been said here, and in said regard and to the said even best of manners in all, and in perceiving talk and of Egypt, and of Africa, and as said too perceived as one, said too connected as such that is, and in said even regard now, and to what, is said Egyptian History in itself that is. A History that does too and in all even expose, the very said fact that, the Egyptian World has in all even been said to play, a said even minimal role that is, and in the said even rise of many another said Civilization that is, and within said limits or boundaries too that is, and that does too have some in all, perceive what is said Egyptian History, and of said Egyptian Civilization too, and as said perceived from talk, and of what is said Great, for it too can be said that, it is the Greeks, and that did in all even perceive Egypt, and as said too a Grand Civilization that is, but in too saying that, talk of Egypt and of Italy, and if not of a said Italy, and as said too connected and to talk too of Europe in itself too that is, it all does too now hint at what is too said a High Civilization that is, for it is in talk though, and of Egypt, of the said even Near East region and as said too centered in talk of Israel that is, and into Central Asia, and of said Armenia too, and if not of the said even Middle East region in itself, as said too perceived and as said Arab too that is, and whereby and in all, we do in all even see hints that is, and of what is said a Super Civilization for instance. All this too said discerned, and from talk and of what is said Identity, and as said too perceived and from what some have termed as said, the Human Stain that is, for it can too now be said to in all even speak, and of a said Egypt, and as said too connected and to speak of Africa, and in said regard now, and to what is said Supra that is.
In making further said Sense of all the above said, now is to and in all even speak, and of Egypt, and in History, and as said too perceived in all, and from talk and of what is said Embodiment in itself, and if not of what is said Projected that is, and of the said too 'Projection of Power' for instance, and in too saying that, talk too of Egypt and of Africa, and as in all said now perceived as said one, does too and in all talk and of it all as said now perceived, and in talk of Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Chad, the Sudan, Djibouti, Eritrea, and if not of said even Northern Ethiopia too that is, and if not as said into Somalia too that is, and with what is said Embodiment, said to in all too speak and of what is said the Center, and of it all as said to speak, and of the said Country of Chad, and of Embodiment in itself, and as said too now perceived in all, and from talk of what is said Barren, Waste, Empty etc. In saying that, all this said, and as said to in all too speak, and of the said Supra that is, now is to and in all even speak, and of what is said Egyptian Identity today, and if not of said Identity in Egypt today, and in said regard and to what is said Projection, and of the said too 'Projection of Power' that is, and with what is said to speak of Identity and in Egypt today, said to in all even refer, and to said too Egyptian Paradigms, and of the said even 'the Wadjet' that is, as said too perceived in all as such, and if not in said regard, and to what are said Genetic Codes for instance, and in said even regard, to what is said Physical Identity, and of the said too Physical Body, and in said even regard now, and to what an Awakening, is in all even said to be that is. In talk though, and of what is said as Egyptian Identity today, talk too now, and of said even connections, and to Africa and as it is, or of Africa today too that is, and that would too be said to in all even speak, and of what is said Puzzling, of the said even 'the Wadjet' too that is, and in said regard now to what is said connection, and as said too perceived now, and from talk too of what are in all said as Genetic Links for instance, of what too is said Gorilla for instance, and if not in said regard now to speak and of who is in all said as God in 'himself' that is.
In all and in many a way, the said too above, said now to in all even speak, and of an Egypt, and in said Evolution too that is, and if not of such said Evolution, as said merely now perceived, and as said too, as said a Puzzle in itself too that is.
Thursday, 1 June 2017
American Culturism
American Culturism ! Cultural Politics.
This entry, does very much have to do, and with the said even, survey of Forms that is, and as said to in all too speak, and of what is said Abstraction in itself that is. That in many a way, it will too put to the fore, the said too now Study of Forms that is, and in said comparison here, and in said regard to what is said at the back, the said too now Knowledge of Forms that is. That in the said too asking and of what are said Forms, now will too be said even, a said too here, American approach and in the said too Studying of Forms that is, and if not that as said too, African, and in the said approach that is, and in the said too here Study of Forms that is. That in the said too understanding here, and of what American Cultural Politics, are in all even said to be, now is to speak and of that Setting said American, as said too perceived now, and from what is said reminiscent that is, and if not of that said Context said American, said too now probably best said perceived from talk, and of what too is said Far-removed that is. In too claiming that the said American Setting, and as said too American truly, and if not of the said American Context too, and as said too perceived from talk of the said Otherly, does too now associate it all, talk of the said American Setting, and with talk too of said American Crosses that is, but in speak of the said American Context, now is to in all too refer, and to the said even paradigm, and that is too said, the Holy Trinity in itself for instance.
In now referring and to the very said reason, this very entry, is said deemed too relevant that is, and in said regard to all the other said entries on this very Blog, now is to and in all even ask, and of the very said reason in all, and of just why and in all again, the said even Study of Forms, is too deemed here as said of Importance, and to the said even now, American Conscience in itself that is. That it all too does too speak, and of the said even Obama Presidency that is, and of he too, formerly said President of the United States of America Barack Obama that is, and as said too perceived in all, and in said regard now, and to speak and of what is said American Identity in itself that is, and as said too perceived from talk, and of what is said Quintessential that is. That what is said Quintessential, and in said too regard, and to what is said to speak and of the said too American Psyche that is, does too now refer and to speak and of said too American Cultural Politics that is, and as probably said now not as said perceived from said Constructs that is, and that do too speak of what is said Gender, Race, Age, Class, Ethnicity, Image, History etc. that is, but in many a said too way, speak too now, and of what is too said as Fear in itself that is, of the said too Psychological Condition that is, and as probably best said too Co-Dependency for instance, and if not of the said even search now, and for what is said Quintessential that is, and as said to in all even refer, and to the said even here Psychology that is, and of what is said too as Projection that is. That in saying that, it can be said that, the said even Obama Presidency, might too not be said in line, and with talk too of what is said Quintessential, and in said regard to speak, and of the said even American Public Image for instance, now is to not only throw in talk, and of what is said Legitimacy that is, and if not in said too regard, and to speak, and of the said too here, Literary Form in itself that is.
That while the said Obama Presidency, can too be said even perceived, or said too accounted for, and from what is said the American Psyche, and as said to in all even cut down, or as said too perceived from what, is deemed said as the American Vein that is, and in said talk too now, and of the said even Literary Form that is, American, many a question and of what is said Legitimacy and in said regard to what is said to speak of the Obama Presidency that is, and of he too as said the United States of America first African-American President that is, does too arise, and in the said now Study that is, and of what are said Forms in themselves, and if not of what are said African Forms too that is. That what is said to speak, and of what is said Form that is, is too said Intellect, and in too saying that, in the said even study of African Forms, the said even now difficult acknowledgement that is, that they would too be in all said to in all too drastically that is, differ, and from what is said too Acceptable, and in said regard to speak, and of what are said American Forms that is.
In the said too now asking, and of what are said American Forms that is, now is to and in all even associate any said talk of such said Forms, American, and with the said even Knowledge of Forms that is, and of what is too said as Pure Form that is, and not of the said even Study of Forms in itself, and which does too and in all even point at, what is said African-American Identity for instance, and within the said United States of America too that is. In too associating all this said, and by the Blogger here, and with talk too of the said Proper Form that is, and of the said too Migrant for instance, and into the said United States too that is, now is to revert, and to the said even here, issue or matter that is, and of the said even question of Legitimacy that is, and in said regard to the said too Obama Presidency that is, and as said too perceived, and from the said too African Mind for instance, and in the said too attempt, to in all too present what is said African-American Identity that is, and from said talk too, and of said even African-American Forms that is, and of what too is said as African Health that is, and if not of what is said African Language in itself too that is. That in many a said way, the said even Obama Presidency that is, might too be said even not well deciphered, and in its said intention too that is, and in too now associating what is said African-American Form, and with talk and of the said even Artform of Jazz for instance, and of the said too Free Form that is, but in referring to what is believed said African and in said regard to what is said African-American Identity that is, and of it as said too perceived in all, and from talk and of what is said African Health that is, now is to and in all even refer, and to the said even Artform, and of the Blues that is, and if not in said outline too that is, and in now too claiming that, the said even Obama Presidency, does too appear in all, hemmed in that is, and by talk too, and of what is said African Language in itself that is.
That in said regard to what is said African Language, and in said regard and to what are said Forms, now is to and in all even refer, and to talk and of what are said Formations that is, and in too saying that, what does too pass for talk and of Continuity, and in American life today, does too and in all even appear, to in all too hinge at that is, and on talk and of what does too pass for in all, and for talk and of Language in itself, and within the said United States of America today too that is, and in the said too attempt here, to in all too associate what is said African Language, and not only within the said United States of America too, but in talk and of the said too Americas that is, it all too said now perceived, and alongside said talk of said even African Religion that is, and such as Santeria too, and in the Americas that is, and if not of said too interpretations, and of the said even Ifa Religion/tradition that is, and of the said Yoruba peoples of Nigeria, and as said too perceived now from talk, and of it too as said Imoye that is, and as said to in all even refer, and to a said even noted work that is, and by one said Baba Ifa Karade too that is.
In my too now saying that, the said even Obama presidency, does too now and readily present itself and as said too African-American truly that is, now is to and in all even associate the very said name of President Barack Obama, and with talk too of the said even region of East Africa that is, and in Africa too, and not of Kenya truly, and if not in said too regard now, and to his said too Identifying that is, minimally, and with the said too Language and of Kiswahili that is, and if not that said Luo too. Perhaps it all as said something not easily or readily perceived that is, and away too from talk, of what are said Forms that is, and in said even regard to talk, and of the said even Liberal Arts that is, and in too now claiming that, any said issue or matter and of contention, and in said regard to speak, and of President Barack Obama, and as said too perceived and as said the United States of America first African-American President that is, does too now it can be said, speak and of what is said Form, and as probably said in all as American Indian, and if not as said Historic too that is. A said too Form, the latterly said, as said too Historic that is, and that does too and in all even associate itself, and with the said even stirring that is, and of the said Soul too, and if not of what is said Consciousness too, and in said regard and to speak too and of said American Public Speakers for instance, it all too said tradition that is, but if not of it all and as said too readily accessed, this said Form, said too American Indian that is, and if not as said Psychological too, and from speak too of that said Psychological Condition, and that would too and in all even refer, and to what is said Blockage that is, and as said too Emotional for instance.
In too saying that, the said even Study of Forms, is not something said readily acknowledged, and as said too evident that is, and if not as said self-evident too that is, now is to and in all even attempt to in all too associate, the said even Study of Forms, and in said too Northern America that is, as said too now encompassing talk of Mexico, of Haiti too, and if not of said Jamaica too that is, and with it all as said American Indian that is, said too African-American, it said too American, and if not of it as said too African that is. That in the said now, Study of Forms, and as said pertaining to what is said African-American that is, now is to and in all even present a said too picture and of Africa, said too now Western Africa, and of said Central Africa too, and that does too simply speak, and of African-American Identity, and in said too Historic Form, and that would too refer, and to speak and of what is said as Kongo, Congo, Bantu, Igbo, Yoruba, and if not of the said too here and as said Otherish that is, and in said regard and to speak of African slaves and as said too arriving and into a said now Slave holding United States of America that is, and as believed said too as Mandingo that is, the said Otherish that is. In however too claiming that, the said even African-American Form is too said even accommodated for, and in the said even American Liberal Arts Field that is, now is to and in all even associate it all, and with talk too of the said even National Museum in itself, and within the said United States of America too that is.
In said regard though, and to speak and of what is said Form, and as said too American, and if not of the said American Form in itself that is, now is to and in all even refer, and to the said too Knowledge of Forms that is, and in said comparison and to the said too Study of Forms that is. That in speak of the former, of the said Knowledge of Forms that is, it now can too be said to in all even refer and as it was mentioned before that is, and to what is said to speak of the said Pure Form for instance, and if not of what is said American History too, and in its said founding too that is, but that in all again, speak too now and of what is said American History, and as said too now perceived from talk, and of the said even History of Michigan that is, and if not of said Detroit, and of the United States of America too that is, and as said too now perceived from talk, and of its said even an Industrial Powerhouse that is. In saying that, the said even Study of Forms, and as said too now incorporated that is, and into talk and of the said too Knowledge of Forms, now does too say American Forms, to be said too perceived, and as said Traditional Forms, and if not of their said too perceived as said 'White Forms' that is. That in talk and of what are said Traditional Forms, American, we can too now refer, and to their said too believed as truly said Regional that is, but in too saying there is more to this all said, of what now are said as Traditional American Forms, and not as said American Traditional Forms too, it all would too it is believed, lead one in all, and to talk of Brazil for instance, and of said even now Traditional American Forms that is, and if not of Brazil and of America too, and as said too perceived in Vogue that is, but of said American Traditional Forms, they too now believed said in all accessed that is, and from talk too and of Mexico in itself that is. In talk though, and of what was said referred to as 'White Forms', and in said too regard, and to what is said American Identity, now is to and in all even throw in, and from what too is said to speak and of the said even Knowledge of Forms that is, throw in talk and of what is said Discipline, Habit, Attitude, Mettle etc., and in the said associating of it all, and with talk too and of what is said the Apex, or of the said Peak too that is, and in said regard now to those who would too be said termed, as said too Libertines for instance, and if not of what is said too Protestant, and of the said Catholic too, and in the said United States of America today too that is, but that in the said even now Study of Forms that is, and as said too pertaining to talk and of said "White Forms' that is, in too saying that, it all too would be said to lead, and to talk of those who are in all said as Indian, African or Immigrant too, it then too can fartherly be said that, it is in all even said believed here, that it is the said even Study of Forms, said too African-American, but as said too perceived and as said Bantu that is, and whereby it is believed, a said even light is said shone upon, what is believed said to speak, and of said even "White Forms', and in the said United States of America today too, but if not in said speak and of said North America in itself too that is. That it is what can be said termed as Bantu Expression, and into the said United States of America, and from talk too of the said even entry of Slaves, African, and into the said too American Public Spheres that is, and which does too and in all even see, said even African-American Identity, and as said centered and in talk of the very names, States, and of Virginia, and if not of that said West Virginia too that is. Expression too, that said Bantu, and into America, and as said too now perceived, America that is, as said Confederate, and if not as said Southern too, but if not as said too personified that is, Bantu Expression, and in talk too and of said even late Blues Guitarist/Musician that is, Robert Johnson that is, and if not of that said even now name of Nat Turner too that is, and if not in said too regard now and to speak, and of that band said Westlife, and as said too singing, performing that is, the said even hit song of Soledad too that is, for it can be said that it is what is termed Bantu Expression and into America too, and that is best said to in all too expose to many, what are in all said as 'White Forms' that is, and in the said too American Public Sphere that is, and if not of what is said White Expression in itself that is, and that one can too and in all even here, and as in all said too improper that is, associate, and with talk too, and of what are said Hurricanes, and of what are said too Tornadoes, and of what is said White Male, and of what is said White Female, Expression, and as said too respectively that is. In now referring though, and to what are believed said as American Forms in themselves that is, as best aptly put, we can too now speak and of their said even, said perceived as said Civilizational that is, and from talk too, and of what a Mathematical Progression, and as said too Arithmetic or Geometric, is in all even said to be, and if not in said regard to speak too of what is said Pi that is, for such said Progressions, are too said not and in all defining that is, and of the American Form in itself, but Progressions too, and that do too speak and of the said even United States of America, and in said regard and to what is said Government, Commerce, Business, Trade, Industry, War etc. that is. In many a said way too, and in said even regard and to what is said Mexican Identity that is, and of the said too Mexican Flag for instance, the said even American Form, and as said to in all too point at that is, speak of Canada in itself, but as said in all, the American Form that is, now known, and to in all even Surrender to itself that is, and amongst said talk, and of what too is said Release that is, and as said too Psychology in itself that is.
U.S. President Barack Obama |
U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama.
In now saying that, it is the said even Study of Forms, and from talk of their said been African, and that does too and in all even present, a said too picture, and of what are said Forms in themselves, and from talk too and of what is said Abstraction in itself that is, and if not of said American Cultural Politics too, and as said too now discerned, and from a said even here and now, Barack Obama nomination, and as said twice over too that is. In saying that, the said even now Study of Forms, and from said even now African perspectives that is, does too and in all even present, a said even differing Picture and of life and in the United States of America today too, now is to and in all even question, the said even existence, and of what is said African Civilization in itself that is. That in the said Study of Forms, and from their said too as perceived African that is, we can too now be said to in all even refer or ask, and of what is said as the African Form that is, of said too here Viral Forms, of the said Physical Form, and if not of the said too Abstract Form that is. That what is believed said to speak of Africa, is believed said too not well understood, and in said regard now and to what is said the African Form, and of the said too Abstract Form that is, but as said African that is, for in said regard to speak, and of the said American Context that is, it all does too call into question for instance, the very best of said manners in all, and in the said even perceiving of first Lady Michelle Obama that is, and in too claiming that, the said even African Form, and in said regard to speak of what does pass for the said American 'Way of life' that is, does too now point at talk of Haiti for instance, but of what are said African Viral Forms, and of said even African Tribal Markers/Identifiers that is, it all can be said to in all point at Jamaica for instance, for while it can too be said that, talk of the said Physical Form, would too point at what is said African-American that is, for the said Abstract Form, and as said too African that is, now is too believed said to speak of that said term of Negro, and as believed said too descriptive in all, and of those said African, Haitian, and in Canada, Quebec too that is. In too saying that there is more to all this said, of what are said Forms, but as said too perceived from talk of Africa that is, it can be said that, the said even Natural Form that is, does too and in all even exist, and in said even reference now, and to talk of said Moors and into Europe too, and if not of that said name of Dumas too that is, but in too saying that, the said even Core Form is to in all even believed said to exist, talk too now, and of that said Civilization, said too Egyptian, and as said too now perceived and as said too African that is.
In referring though, and to the previous said paragraph, and of what is said Form, and as said too African that is, now is to and in all even, question, and if not refute, said even perceptions, and of Africa, and as said too perceived from talk, and of what is said Civilization, Kingship, Society, Heritage etc., and in too claiming that, Africa, it is believed here, is said in all, to solely exist, and in said talk, and of what are said Cultural Politics in themselves, and in said too regard, and to talk of the said even Abstraction of Forms that is. That Africa, is best said too now perceived from talk, and of what is said Odu Ifa that is, and in the said even Yoruba Ifa tradition that is, and that does too ask and if or if not, a said even African, Open, and Closed, Form, does in all even exist that is. That in many a way, those who would too attempt to speak of Africa today, and from talk too of said even African Forms, of said Viral Forms, of said Physical Forms too, and if not of the said even Abstract Form, will too find their said selves, enmseshed, and if not as said engulfed, and into talk of what are said African Politics that is, and if not in said regard to speak, and of what is said African Identity that is, and as said too now perceived, and from its said too politicized, and in the said too Annals of History that is. In saying that, the said even Open or Closed Form, does too speak, and of what is said Improvisational, and if not of the said Versatile, it all too though can now be said even, perceived in all, and from talk too, and of what is said Libertarianism that is. In too now claiming that, it is in the said perceiving of Africa, and from talk and of what is said Odu Ifa that is, and whereby, many a said question of said former President Barack Obama, and as said too perceived as said African, and if not as said African-American too, do too and in all arise, and in too claiming that, what is said perceived as said the African Form, and from talk too of said even American Settings that is, does too point at the said even State of Mississippi that is, but of the said Viral Form, and of said too American Settings, talk too now and of the said State of Georgia that is, of the said Physical Form, as said African, and of said American Settings, talk too now and of Tennessee, but of the said Abstract Form, as said African, talk too of said Alabama that is, but if not of the said too now Closed Form, and of said even History of Slavery and into said Florida State too, and of the said too Open Form, and as said too now approximating talk of Louisiana in itself, and of said too New Orleans that is. In said regard though, and to speak and of what is said Form, and in said farther regard and to speak of the said History, and of said Migrants, European, and into what is said today as the United States of America, and if not of said too White Slavery, and in both said too Carolinas, North and South, it all can too be said even centered, and in said too post-revolutionary American History that is, and as said too perceived from talk, and of the said even State of Vermont, and of Montpelier too, and if not in said speak too, and of the said even American State of Maine that is.
Michaelle Jean.
Canadian Governor General ---- QC, Canada.
Michaelle Jean.
Canadian Governor General ---- QC, Canada.
In saying that, perceptions of an Africa, and as simply said too defined in all, and from talk of said even Cultural Politics in themselves, and if not of what is said Abstraction in itself too, do too speak and of an America, and as said too perceived solely, and as said too Republic that is, and in its said even History too that is, now is to and in all even speak, and of the said too here, Shamanic Form that is. That it all too, does point at said even American Identity, and as said too Native American that is, and if not as said Mohican too that is, but can too and in all even be said to speak, and of what is said to in all even refer, and to said too American Literature in itself, said too Classic, and that would too point at a said even work, American, and such as Moby Dick too for instance, and by one said Herman Melville too that is. In too saying that, this said Shamanic Form, and not of what is said Shamanism in itself, and in said regard and to speak of said Native American Identity, and as said too perceived from talk and of Mexico that is, and if not as said Mayan too that is, now does too speak and of America, as said too North America that is, of Canada and of the said United States of America too, and as often said perceived by some, and from that said even ethnographic term and of 'the Woodworks' that is, and that would too and in all even speak, and of the United States of America, and as said too perceived and as said Indian, White and African too that is, and in too now simply saying, it is here believed that, the said even Shamanic Form, and as said too personified, and in talk too of what a Staff, Wooden, is in all even said all about, does too and in all even find a said home, and in said North America too, and if and in all it is said too perceived from talk, and of what is said Proper Form in itself that is, and of said even American Knowledge Systems too, and as said too Traditional that is, but of it all as said a Form, that said Shamanic, and as in all said Proper too that is, and that is too said to in all even speak, of the said even Histories of Scotland for instance, and of that said name of Isaac Newton too that is, that of Germany too, of the said Near East, and as said too perceived in talk of Israel, and of the said Bible in itself too, of Egypt too, and of that said Title of the Vizier for instance, of said Sainthood, and in Italy too that is, of the said too San peoples of Botswana for instance, and if not of what is said Aborigine, and in said regard and to speak too of Australia in itself that is. In many a said too way, the said even belief here that, the said Shamanic Form, and as said too perceived from talk, and of what is said Classic American Literature that is, would too be said even representative, and of the said even Make-up/Profile that is, Historical, and of the said even State of Massachusetts, and if not as said Boston too that is.
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