the American Liberal Arts.
Wednesday, 17 May 2017
Monday, 15 May 2017
of America - Libertarianism.
On Libertarianism, and if not as said now discerned in all, and from the said even Egyptian Memory that is, and as said too a Memory, and that is believed said even encompassing, but if not as said expansive too, and in probable said regard now, and to what is believed said Free Will in itself too that is.
the Liberty Tree
The Liberty Tree.
The Liberty Tree, and of said too American Revolutionaries, Patriots, Icons, Heroes etc., and in probably said regard, and to what does too speak, and of a said even American Imagination that is.
[Sam Smith - Lay Me Down]
on Liberty
on American Liberty.
This very entry, does have to do, and with talk, and of what does too and in all even, entail, or detail too that is, what is in all said Liberty that is. That it all too, will and in all even speak too and of, what is believed said to in all even refer, and to what is said Fear in itself that is, and in said regard to our very said lives today, and as said even, best too approximated in all, and to talk, and of the very said even term of Conspiracy in itself that is. Conspiracy, and as said too probably believed, one of the far more said even disregarded of terms, and in said too regard and to what is said Liberty in itself, and from the said too perspective that is, and of what is said Fear in itself too, but could in all even be said too exposed that is, what is said Conspiracy, and from the said even stance, and of what a Candidacy in itself, is in all even said all about that is.
In asking and if, or if not, there is said too, a said Higher Ideal, and to the said even 'American Way of life' that is, and if not of what it does too mean to be said in all, American that is, and in said regard now, and to the said Individual too, and of what too is said Image, Personality, Character, Profile etc., now is to and in all again, not only refer, and to what a Candidacy in itself, is too said to be, but that in all again, in speak too now, and of ones very said ideas that is, and of what Liberty in itself, is actually and in all said all about that is.
In claiming that, the United States of America, and if not of America in itself, can too be in all said even perceived, and from what are said here as Institutions and Systems that is, the question and if or if not, what does too speak, and of what is said to in all even refer, and to speak too and of life in itself, and in America today that is, does in all even exist that is, and outside such a said Construct, best said as an Edifice too, the USA, and if not in a said comparison to, and to said Americana too for instance, and of what are said Institutions and Systems too that is, but as said too Americana and in said example, does in all even now remain to most it can be said, and as said a question too that is, and of what are best probably said here as Civil Liberties that is, but if not of what is said to speak, and in said even regard and to said too daily American Existences that is, and of what is said Body, State, and if not of ________ that is, and in said even regard now, and to what a Candidacy in itself, is in all even said to be all about that is.
In probably attempting now, to make of, a said even clearer explanation, and of the above said paragraph that is, now is to and in all again, refer, and to what is or was said Conspiracy that is, and as said too now structured in all, and in probable talk too, and of what is said Presidency, what is said Papacy, and if not of what is said Agency in itself too that is. That in simply now presenting, what is too believed said to speak, and of what is said Body, State, and of ________ that is, and in said regard to speak, and of what does too pass and for a said even American life that is, now is to and in all even chart it all out, and in speak too and of what is said Congruency, and if not of Canada too, of what is said Normalcy, and if not of what does too speak, and of what is believed said African, and in America today too that is, but if not of what is said Agency, and of Mexico too, and if not of what is said Indian too that is, and within the said United States of America too that is. Perhaps, one could too be accused here, and of not getting straight or right to the point that is, and in said regard to all this said, it all too said Conspiracy that is, but, what can too be said here is that, what is believed said to speak and of the said Individual, and in its said self too that is, and if not of what is said Liberty in itself too that is, and in said regard to speak and of America today, can too be said even best perused or discerned that is, and from talk too and of what is said Congruency, and if not of said too Nevada State that is, and as probably said too 'the Wild Wild West' that is, of what is said Normalcy, and of said even Texas State too, but if not of what is said Agency, and of said too New Mexico State that is, and in said even regard now, and to what are too said Models of Existence that is.
In reverting though, and to speak too and again, and of what is believed said Conspiracy, and as said too believed even, defining in all, and of Fear in itself, and in our very lives today too, now is to and in all even claim that, in speak and of what is said Body, State, and if not of ________, and as said to in all even now refer, and to what does too speak and of what is said Liberty in itself, and if not of what is said Individual in itself, has in all even come to be said defining that is, and of what are too said Politics, and as said too truly American that is. Politics too, and that do and in all even appear, simply put, to in all even span the Globe that is, for we can too now pretend, to in all too present, what are said Politics, and as said too American that is, and from said even perspectives, and that do and in all even refer, and to speak too and in all, and of Africa and in said Myth too that is, and not of Africa, and as said too Continent that is. That in speak, and of what is said Body, State, and of ________ that is, and in said regard to what is said Liberty in itself, and as said too Ideal, and if not of what is said Individual in itself, and of the said too here Citizen for instance, of Vacuity, we can too say that, what are said too as American Politics that is, do in all even now refer, and to speak too and of Africa and in said Myth, and in said regard now, and to speak too of the name of Egypt, that of Africa in itself, and if not that of India in itself too that is. That in said regard to speak of Egypt, and if not of those said African too, we do too now see, a said even Model that is, and of what is said Individual too, and that does associate, simply put, talk of the Body, and with talk too and of the said even Politics of Egypt, Israel and the Near East, Italy, Greece, and if not of Morocco too that is. That in talk of Egypt and as such, talk too and of the said even Ancients, in talk of Israel and the Near East, and of what is said Body, and if not as said Individual too, talk too of the very name of God that is, of Italy, talk too now and of who is simply said Christ, of Greece, speak now and of Angels too, but of Morocco, speak too now and of a said even Christian Spain that is, and if not of a said too Moorish Morocco that is.
In saying that there is more to all this said, of what too are said Politics, and as said American too, but as said to speak and of Africa and in Myth too, and if not of Africa in itself too, now is to and in all even refer, and to the said even Politics and of Whiteness that is, and in the said United States of America too that is, and at what is said Melanin too that is, and of what too Blackness, what is said Black, of Darkness, and of the Dark, and if not of said too Black Matter that is, are in all even said to be, or as said even all about, or as said to in all even detail that is, and as said to in all even now refer, and to the said too Spirituality, and of a said too here Ancient Egypt that is. In too saying that, there is a said even here, Indian component, and in speak too and of the very name of India in itself, and in said regard to all this said, of Africa and in said Myth too that is, and if not of what is said Individual in itself too, now is to speak and of what is said Body, and of the said Gods/Goddesses too, of what is said Neuro-Melanin that is, of what is said Sexuality and as said too Kundalini, and if not as said Serpent too that is, but if not in said regard too, and in said speak and of the said Caribbean here too that is, and of the said even Politics and of what is said Hair that is, and of said too African Hair that is.
In too claiming that, what is said to speak and of what is said Body, State, and if not of _______, does too speak now, and of what is said Liberty, and as said an Ideal to itself too, and one too, one does in all even that is, simply ascribe to in all, now is to not only refer, and to what are said American Voices that is, but in many a way, a said even here probable reference, and to what is said American Intelligence, and in said regard now and to what are said Tessellations that is, of Proof, the said even Connecting of Dots, of Delineations, of said even Sketches etc., and in said even now regard and to what is said Body, State, and of ________, but in too now saying it all, to speak and of what is said Liberty in itself, and as said Ideal in itself too, and if not of the said Candidacy in itself too, and of what is said Individual in itself too, now is to and in all even appeal, and to the said too Southern tradition that is, and in said regard to all this, but if not in said regard too, or in said speak too, and to the said even Literary world and of the said Latin-Greek scholar that is, and that would too and in all even speak and of the names of Horace, and if not of Canada too, Aristotle too, Arrian, Homer, Plato, Athanasius etc., and in too saying that, America, and if not of the said United States of America too, North America too, do in all even appear said to be in all, as Wealthy that is, and as one would too and in all imagine it all to be, and if it too can be said that, what is said Body, State, and if not of the _______, does too speak now and of the said blank in it that is, and as probably said to in all even now refer, and to what is said Liberty in itself, and as said to in all even simply refer, and to what too a Mausoleum, is in all even said all about that is.
[Sam Smith - Stay With Me]
Sunday, 14 May 2017
Friday, 12 May 2017
"Animal spirits"
"Animal spirits".
This entry, can too be said to in all even speak, and of what are said Structures, and if not of the said even, best of manners in all, and in perceiving Structures too that is. That it can too be said that, if any of the said entries and on this very Blog, can too be said in all perceived, and from what is said Structure that is, Political too, then it too can be said that, this very entry, can too now be simply said perceived, and as said the Mainstay too, and in said regard and to the other said entries and on this very Blog too, and in said regard too, and to what is said Structure in itself that is.
In too saying that, what is said Structure, can too be said even Theory, or as said Theoretical, now is too loosely, or simply too, throw in talk, and of what is said Structural mechanics for instance, of said even Nanoscience too that is, and if not of what are said too termed Data structures for instance, and in said too Software Engineering that is. In saying that Structure, is said too a Topic and of Study that is, now is to and in all even ask and of what is said Light, and if not of said Eyes too, and if not and again, of what is said Sound, and if not of said Ears too that is. In however saying that, this very entry. and in said regard to all the others and on this very Blog too, does too associate talk and of Structure, and with it said even a Subject, said too Political, now is to and in all even, simply refer or speak and of what is said Sight, and if not of a said Owl too, and of what is said Hearing that is, and of a said too Possum for instance.
In saying that, this very Blog and in intention, does too speak and of Structure, and as probably said too a Political Subject that is, now is to and in all even claim that, what can be said termed Human Structures, do too and in all even speak, and of the said even History and of North America in itself too, and not of Canada and the United states of America truly either that is. That in asking and of what are said Human Structures, now is to and in all even best refer, and to what is said Language in itself, but if not of Language, and as said too now perceived and as said American too, and if not as said too Chinese that is. In however too saying that, Human Structures, and as said pertaining to talk and of Canada, the United states of America, and if not of said Mexico too, can too be said even termed or deemed classified, and under talk and of what is said Federalism that is, we can too now be said even to in all even attempt, to in all too paint, a said even complicated Picture that is, and of said even American Geo-Political Existences that is, and that would too refer and to talk and of that said Structure, said Political too, often deemed termed as said 'The US' too that is, and that can too be said even to speak or refer, and to American life, and as said perceived from talk and of a said even American Ethnicism that is, and if not of what is said African, Indian, or as said too Anglo or White, and in said even American life today too that is. In too saying that, Federalism can too be said even perceived from talk, and of what is said deemed termed here as 'The United States' that is, now is to and in all even speak and of a said too American Elitism that is, but in talk and of it all as said perceived from talk and of Mexico that is, talk too now and of what is said American Soil that is, but in said regard to what is said Federalism, and of Canada too, speak of it all and as said too perceived, and from talk and of said too American Regionalism that is.
In however too saying that, there is more to what is said Federalism, and in said reference and to speak and of the said even now region and of Northern America too that is, said even inclusive and of speak, and of both said Jamaica and Haiti for instance, now is to and in all even perceive it all and from talk and of what are said Symbol, Insignia and of Emblem too that is, and if not of said even Political Institutions and such as the FBI that is, or of the said even Federal Reserve too, but if not of it all as said even now perceived from talk, and of what too is said too Localized that is. In now claiming that, Federalism and as said even perceived from what has just been said above, is the very manner in all, most do in all even perceive what is said Federal, and in the United States of America too, Canada, and if not of Mexico that is, now is to and in all even claim it, as simply said Representative that is and of life and in America today too, and in too claiming that, History in itself, does too have a say to all this, and in talk too and of what is said Solidification, and of Identity in America today, and with said talk too of the said even Histories of Spain and Egypt too, of what is said Materialism and of Identity in America today too, and with talk and of both Italy, and if not of Mexico too, of what is said Context, and of Italy, Spain and America too, and if not of the said name of Christopher Columbus too that is, but of what is said Society, and of Identity in America today too, talk too and of Spain, Germany and America too that is, and if not of what is said Monarch, and of Identity in America today too, and of the said even now British Isles, France, and if not of Canada too that is.
In claiming that, the above said even additional structures and to what does too pass for Identity and in America today, does too speak and of what is said Minority, and if not as said Immigrant too, and within the said United States of America too that is, now is to and in all even speak, and of what are said "Animal spirits" that is. That in many a way, it does too and in all refer, and to speak and of the very best said of manners in all, and of perceiving life and in America today, and with what is said Federalism that is, said to in all even speak and of what is said Media, but of what is said Language in itself and in America today, it all said even now best perceived and from talk and of said even North America too that is, now is too say it all even best perceived that is, and from talk and of what is said Anthology that is. In too saying that, talk and of "Animal spirits", of Totemism, can too be said even to speak and of what is said American History, and of said too National Emblems that is, we can too and in all even now say that, what is said Media, does too speak and of said even Historical Records that is, and as said too documentation, but in talk, and of said "Animal spirits", of Animism, of said too Anthology, but if not of said even National Emblems that is, we can too now speak or talk and of, and of what is merely or simply said, as Dated that is. In all, "Animal spirits", of Totems, now said to in all even speak, and of said even American Existences, and if not of a said American Time too that is, as said even now perceived in all. and from talk and of what is said Solar, and if not of what is said Lunar too, and of the said even 'Full Moon' too that is, but if not and in all again, and of what are said Trails too that is.
In many a way, in talk too and of what is said Dated, talk too and of the said even Histories of Egypt, the said even Near East, and if not of Austria too that is, and all and in said example too that is, but in talk of Trails, probable speak too, and of said even North American History that is, and as said too perceived and from talk and of the said Japans, the British Isles, and if not of said Greenland too that is.
Saturday, 6 May 2017
" A Civilization of the spirit "
This entry, was never meant to be, but in many a way, it too can be said to in all even serve and as said Appendage, and not only to the very said entries and of this very Blog too, but in many a way, to that said even entry titled American Statehood, and on this very Blog [Link] too that is. In many a way, it will in all even attempt, to in all too, upraise, and if not appraise, the said even Continent of Africa, and in said too Image, as said too Political, and if not in said Inference too that is.
In too saying that, Africa, and as said too a Continent, is too often believed as said best approached in all, and in said talk, and of what is said Human Geography that is, and as said to in all even now refer, and to probable speak and of Africa, and in said Condition too that is, of what too is said Wealth, Prospect, and if not of said even Dissidence too that is, and as fartherly said to in all even now speak, and of Africa, Politically, and as said too now perceived, and from what is said Assembly, and if not of what is said to speak, and of a said Assemblage in itself too that is.
In reference though, and to what can be said to speak, and of a said "Civilization of the spirit", we can too now speak and of the very best said of manners in all, and in the said appraising of Africa, and in said too regard, and to speak, and of what are said Modes of Communication that is, of what is said Topography, and if not of what a Scan, is in all too said to be that is. That in said regard, and to such a said "Civilization of the spirit", now is to and in all even attempt to in all too claim that, Africa, can in all even be said upraised that is, and in said too Judgment, and in speak, and of what is said a Glance that is, and in said comparison, and to what is said Sentiment too that is. That the Glance, does too speak and of what is said even, and as said too readily or immediately discernible or recognizable too that is, but in too saying that, many would too readily and in all perceive any said place or Geographical location too, and in talk and of what is said Look, Perspective, View, Belief etc., it can too be in all said that, in talk of Africa, it all too is said even now best perceived in all, and from talk, and of what a Scan is in all even said all about that is. In speak and of what is said Topography though, talk too now and of Africa and in said Name too that is, but in talk too here, and of what are said Modes of Communication that is, a said too now here Mapping and of Africa, and that would too and in all even refer, and to that said even American term, and of Bullion too, and as said to in all even refer, and to what is said Discipline, and of a said too American Discipline that is, and of Africa now, and as said too perceived in all, and in said Context too, now said too simply and in all even, as said too perceived in all and from talk of the said name of old Ghana that is, and if not of said too here old England too that is, that of Egypt and of Italy, and if not in speak and of the said too names of Portugal, Iberia, but if not that of Spain too, and of the said even now, African Coastline in itself too that is.
In too saying that, the very said belief here that, Africa today and in said Interpretation, is too best said perceived in all, and from talk and of the very said names of Ghana, and if not that of the Sudan too, now is to and in all even attempt to associate such said talk, and of a said even "Civilization of the spirit" that is, and with talk too, and of the said even act, and of what is said Godliness that is, and in said even regard, and to what too is said Motivation, and that does too now and in all even interpret, talk and of Africa, and with talk too and of said even African 'people', and with talk too and of what is said Olmec for instance, and if not of the said Caribbean too, and from a supposedly said even here, Ghanaian Interpretation that is, and that would too and in all even refer, and to the said even Afrocentric Debate that is, but in talk and of what is said too Afrocentrism in itself, talk too and of the Sudan and of its said too here Interpretation and of what is said African that is, and with it all too said even Swahili in itself, what would too be said Arabic and in Africa too, and if not of said even African presences that is, and away and into the said even Indian Subcontinent that is, and as said too the Bay of Bengal in itself that is. In saying that, all the above just said, and on what too is said Godliness, and as said too Motivation, could too and in all even be said to in all speak, and of the very said manner, said too African 'people', would too be said to in all even perceive themselves, or each other too probably, now is to and in all even speak, and of the very manner in all, the said even Movie Industry, is in all too, said even descriptive that is, and of the said too here African Condition that is. That in said regard and to what too does pass for speak, and of Attitude, and in the said even Americas, and towards those said African too, it too could now be said to in all even speak, and of Africa, and in said Interpretation too, but of the said even now Movie Industry, speak and of Africa, and in said too now Insinuation in itself that is.
In the said even attempt here, and to in all even give credence, and to the said too existence, and of a said too "Civilization of the spirit", and that would too encompass talk and of Africa in itself, and in probable best said here Glance too that is, we too could be said to in all even speak, and of what is said a Childhood, and if not of the said even Yoruba term, and in said regard and to the said even Yoruba Ifa tradition, and of what is said Ori too that is. That in talk and of what is said African, and in the said even United States of America too, now is to and in all even refer, and to the said even American Statehood [Link] entry that is, and on this very Blog too, and in too claiming that, what is said even perceived in all, and as said too African, and in the said too Americas that is, could too be said here and to in all even refer, and to what does and in all even speak, and of a said Childhood that is, and of said even here African lives that is, and in the said Americas too, and in the said even here attempt, to in all too associate talk and of Africa in itself, and with that very said term, Yoruba, and of Ori too that is. That in many a way, the said even here belief that, such said term, of what is said Ori, does too now best speak, and of Africa too, and as best said too fartherly Mapped out, and in talk of both said Nigeria, and if not of said East Africa too that is. In however, having one to in all even arrive, and at what the said even here "Civilization of the spirit", or of what it all does too now and in all even entail that is, now is to and in all, not, attempt to in all too, define what is said spirit in itself, but in many a way, talk too now and of Africa, and in said Topology too that is, and not of Topography or of Geography in itself either that is, and with what too is best said here, and to in all even speak or refer. and to said even African Forests that is.
In the said attempt to in all too claim that, the said even "Civilization of the spirit", does too have a said even existent, Structure, and to it all, now is to and in all even claim that, what is said Ori, and as said to in all too speak and of Nigeria, could too now be said even to refer, and to what is said Oshogbo that is, and in said even Yoruba Religion too that is, and if not of said even here 'Forest spirits' that is, and of one and as said too lost, and as said too finding their said even way out, and out of a rather said even Dark Forest too for instance, but in talk and of Ori, and as said even understandable to most, it too probably best in all, described that is, and from talk and of what is said Christianity, African, and of the said even here terms and of 'Ori', 'Ori tutu', and if not of 'Ori buruku' too that is, [: Link], but in too saying that, it all does too speak and of Christianity, and in the said even East African region and of Africa too that is.
In saying that, this said even "Civilization of the spirit", does too now and in all even carry, or have to it, a said even Memory and as said attached to it all that is, now is to and in all even speak and of the very said terms and of Structure in itself, of Model too, and if not of what is said Synergy too that is. That in too saying that, it all can be said to in all even now refer, and to the very said even terms of Localisation, Centering, Placement, Site etc., we can too now attempt to in all even reference it all, this said "Civilization of the spirit" that is, and in said Memory too that is, and in talk, and of what is said Structure in itself, and from said too now, talk, and of the said region of Central America, and of said Nicaragua too, and of its said even History that is, Central America, and as said too perceived in all and from what is said Structure in itself, and as said to speak and of what is said Appraisal in itself too that is, but in said regard to what is said Model, now is to speak and of the said even Histories and of Egypt, and of the said Near East too, and of what is said Co-existence, or of said Co-adaptation too, but if not of it all said even merely perceived as said Synergy that is, and that does too claim that, Nigeria it can be said, does too and in all even share a said even here, Ori that is, and of what is said too Title that is, and with talk too and of the name of Togo that is, but in too associating talk of both East Africa, and the said here Swahili World too, and with talk too of Synergy, Africa in itself, is too now said even merely perceived, and from talk too and of what is said Synergy that is, and in said regard and to speak, and of said even African Forests that is.
In too saying that, there is more to all this, the said even credence, and of a said even "Civilization of the spirit" that is, and that does too encompass talk and of Africa and as said a whole, it too does not only refer, and to what was said, earlier on, above, and in speak, and of what is said Godliness, and in the said Act too, and between all said even African 'people' that is, but that in too saying that, it all does too refer and to a World today, and as said even perceived and from talk, and of the said even Language of English, a said too here, crucible it can best be said, and of what this said "Civilization of the spirit", does too and in all even approximate to, and in said detail too that is, we can too now approach it all and from speak, and of the said even Swahili World, and of what is said Sacrifice that is, of said too East Africa, and with talk too of said even Literary Works that is, or of what is simply said Literary that is, of said even now Sub-Saharan Africa, and as said too centered in all, and in talk too and of Nigeria, and with talk too now and of what are said Dwellings that is, and if not of a said too African Architecture for instance, but in talk and of Africa and as said a whole, now is to and in all even refer, and to speak and of said African 'people' that is, and in the said Americas too that is, of African presences, and into the said even Indian Subcontinent too that is, but of it all as said too perceived as one, talk too now and of what is said Lingualism, and of what too is often perceived as said African Language in itself, but if not of it all as said that is, Lingualism, a said too term and that does in all even refer, and to what is said too In-depth, or of the said even Intensive too, and of African Language and as said too now perceived, and from talk of the said even Languages of West Africa, and if not of the said Niger too that is.
In completion though, now is to and in all even refer, and to such a said even "Civilization of the spirit" that is, and as said encompassing talk and of Africa in itself, and with the very said name too, and in said example too, and of Youssou N'Dour [Link] that is.
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