The Countryman.
Wednesday, 21 December 2016
Monday, 19 December 2016
Spectrums (2)
Spectrums (2).
This said entry, and as said too serving, and as said a follow-through too, and to the said last or previous entry, and on Spectrums, will too now, attempt to in all claim that, the said American Future, and as said too aligned and to speak too and of the said 1776 American Declaration of Independence, does too now ask, and of what does too pass, and as said minimally too, and for that said Identity, said too Minority, and in said regard now, and to what too, does too pass for speak and for speak and of what is said Independence, Rights, Liberty, Equality, Freedom etc. That almost, and if not all said Americans that is, and as best said perceived as said Modern too, do in all even it can be said, struggle, with these said issues that is, and issues too and unknown to most, and that do in all even speak, and and of the said United States of America, and in said Constitution too that is, and not said Identity truly either that is.
In saying that, the above said, can too be said even perceived, and from talk and of the said even Centering of American lives, and not of their said Grounding either that is, and in now too simply saying that, the previous entry on Spectrums, did in all even claim that, that the United States of America, and in probable said Shackles too that is, does too speak or refer, and to the very best said of manners in all, and in perceiving what they do term Identity that is, said too now Media-driven too perhaps, and that the said too defining in all, and of what is said Identity in the United States of America, is believed said too now, and to speak, and of what too Policing Systems, are in all even said to be, or in said speak and of what does too serve for, or pass for speak and of Country, Nation, Land, or of the People too, and if not in said speak too now, and of what is said Identity and in the United States of America, and as said too now perceived, and from probable talk and of what is said Idiosyncratic, and as said even now to speak and of simply perceived, the Idiosyncratic that is, and from talk of the said even history, and in said American lives too, and of the said too P.A. System that is, Public Announcement System, and if not of the said even Gramophone too that is.
That in claiming that, the United States of America, does too differ and from speak and of Brazil for instance, it all does too now refer, and to this said Blog, the Candidate, and on what too does pass for that is, Awareness, and in said regard and to speak and of said even Modern American lives that is, and that would too claim that, speak of Brazil, and if not of this said Blog too, does too now refer and to said perceptions of American life, said even perceived and from talk of what is said 'White', African, and Indian too, but in too saying that, the forementioned said three and on what is too said 'White' etc., can too be said to speak of the Syncretic that is, and in Brazil too, but that in all again, the United States of America, can be said in all, to in all even fair better that is, and in said regard and to speak of race relations, and in the said regard and to speak and of the Americas too, and from said too speak, and of what the Idiosyncratic, is in all even said all about that is.
In now referring and to the first paragraph, and on what is said to speak too of an American life, and as believed said to truly in all refer, and to what is said Constitution, and not Identity truly either, now is to claim that, the said even understanding and of what is said Identity, and in the United States of America too, or is in all even said to be, does too now speak, and of the said even Centering of American lives, and in said regard and to speak, and of what is said American Identity in itself, it probably said too Indian, speak and of the said Democratic, it probably said to speak and of what is said African, and if not of the Constitutional, and with it all said even to speak, and of what is said too 'White' that is. In now too saying that, the said even Centering of American lives, could too be said to speak, and of what the Yard, and as said a Measure too, is in all even said all about, now is to remind one that, that the said even search for Freedom that is, and as probably best said too, is too believed said tied down, and not to talk and of what is said Constitution in itself that is, but in all again, of the said even Role that Technology, would in all even be said to play, and in said regard to all this said that is.
In saying that, what is said to speak and of Identity and in the United States of America, has too and in all come to be said, tied down, and to what Decency, Honesty, Value, Scandal etcetc., are in all even said all about that is, now is to claim that, from speak and of what Technology is in all even said to be, it too probably can be said that, it is that said Identity, and that would too be said even Protestant, and that would help one in all understand, what Technology and in the United States of America, is said even all about, and from said speak too and of what are said Frameworks, or speak too, and of what is said Fabric that is, and in now too simply claiming that, it all does too speak, and of those said even, to be said a Layman, or as said a Layperson too that is. That it is this said Identity, and of the Layperson, or Layman too, and that could too be said even best associated, and with the said too Centering of American lives, and in said comparison now, and to that said to speak, Identity that is, and of the said even Grounding of Identity and in the United States of America too, and which too can be said even now tied down that is, and to speak too of Catholicism in the United States of America, and if not of what is said to speak, and of the said even Countryman that is.
The Layman, and as said even centering what does too speak of American lives, and Historically too, and to speak and of what is said the Townhall for instance, but that in said regard to the very manner in all, it is believed here and in all, the Layman, does too perceive Technology that is, is to now speak and of what are said even American Core Values, American Virtues, American Ethics etc. In however attempting to now, associating such said Values, and with the said even search for Identity, and in the United States of America too, and of what does too speak and of the Layman, now is too attempt to in all even associate the rest of this said entry, and with talk of Technology, and as said even now perceived, and from talk of the said following 5 said Core American Values [Link] that is, and in said regard now, and to what is too said Policy in the United States of America, and if not of just who in all, the Minority, is in all even actually said to be that is. That hopefully, all this said is understood, and from talk too, and of the United States of America, and as believed said to in all even offer, and in said opportunity too, speak of the everything, and to those said even merely or simply in all, ascribing to it all that is, and in said Policy too, and if not in said speak too now, and in said regard and to the said link above, and in this very said paragraph that is, and on what Constitutional Conservatism, Limited Government, Limited Taxation Fiscal Responsibility, Traditional American Family Values, and if not of the said Right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness too, are in all even now said all about that is.
That this said entry on Spectrums, now does too attempt and to in all associate talk and of what is said Technology, and from talk too and of what is said to speak, and of Light, Wave and Colour Spectrums that is, and if not what are said Systems in the United States of America too, or of said American Systems too perhaps, and as said now perceived, and from talk and of what are too said here Sonar, Optic and Traffic Systems that is.
Sonar Systems:
That in said talk too now, and of what Sonar Systems, could too be said even all about, and in said regard to what a Wave Spectrum in all even said to be, now is to refer and to the said even Values mentioned above or before, and of the very manner too, they would too be said even perceived, and from talk and of what Technology, is in all even said to entail that is, and in now associating talk of Constitutional Conservatism, and with talk too of what is said Discipline, what is said Limited Government, and of what is said Technicality that is, of what is said Limited Taxation Fiscal Responsibility, and with what is said Notice, what are said Traditional American Family Values, and with talk of what is said Mandate, and of the said even now Right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, and with talk of what is said Contact that is.
Optic Systems:
In the said shedding of a said light, and on the previous said, or as said above, Paragraph or Section too probably, and on Sonar Systems, now is to openly say that, all these said Systems, Sonar, Optic and Traffic, do in all even refer, and to what does too speak and of American life and as said even perceived from talk of Facets that is, and in now associating talk of Optic Systems, and with talk too of the said even Light Spectrum that is, and in now saying it all said even Technology, and that would too be said to associate, talk of said even American Core Values, and with talk of the following said that is: Habit, Measurability, Directive, Command, and if not of what is said the *Call* too that is.
Traffic Systems:
In said talk too now, and of Traffic Systems, and as said even matched, and to what a Colour Spectrum is in all even said to be, and if not of all this said, the above said two sections that is, and on Optic Systems, and on Sonar Systems too, said too now perceived and from a said even backward trend that is, and that would too now be said even, to in all even match, what is said now, and in said regard to what Traffic Systems are in all even said all about, what is said Attitude, Functionality, Warning, Protocol, and Message, and to the above said even 5 American Core Values, and of what is said Constitutional Conservatism, Limited Government, Limited Taxation Fiscal Responsibility, Traditional American Family Values, and of the said Right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, and as said respectively too that is, and that would too now associate speak and of the said even Colour Spectrum, and with talk too and of what Admixture in itself, is in all even actually said to be that is.
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