Saturday 16 July 2016

the Torch

The Torch.

The Torch, might be said, one of the United States of America's, and if not America truly, more enduring that is, and if not recognizable, and of Symbols, American, and that does too include, speak, and of the Beacon, the Liberty Bell, and if not of the American Flag in itself too that is. That it is the Torch though, and that does too now, offer a said even, unique perspective, and on American life, and in said speak too now, and of just whom in all, Americans are said to be, and in disappointment, disillusionment, and if not disorientation too, but with it all said even, the Torch that is, to speak ,and of just who in all, Americans, are too said to be, and in said Distaste too that is.

In the said pondering of, and of what could and in all be as said of, and of said Identity , American, or if not of said identity too, of American identity, is to now refer to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Bonding too, of Attachment, of Bondings, or Attachments, or if not as said, nowly, perceived, referenced, or if not in talk too of, and of what would too and in all, be as said of, and of a said Linked-List too that is, of Linkings, of Linkage, or if not of the said following too that is.

Of Harbours, of America, of Americans, of Harbourings, of Migrants, of Immigrants, the Shores of America, of America, the United States of America, the United States, of American Nations.

Of Store, of Storage, of America, of Americans, of Indians, of Ameri-Indians, of American Country, of American Soil, of American Nativity, of America, the U.S., the U.S.A, the American People.

That in understanding the said Symbol of the Torch, and of its said even, impact, and on the said American psyche, is to now too, present, American life, and as said even perceived, and from talk, and of what is said too Absence, what is too said Presence, and if not of what is said Betwixt them both that is, and in now claiming that, it all too, does speak, and of what is said Distaste, of what is said Interpretation, and of probably what is said Psychic, and as said even to speak, and of America, and in Blood, or Family too that is.

That it is the Torch, and that is too believed to explain, and for the said Existence and of the United States of America, and away too, and from talk, and of what is said History, for while the Beacon, does too now speak and of the United States of America, and as said even perceived, and from talk and of the said 'shores of America' that is, and of the 'Liberty Bell', said too now and to speak and of America, and in its said Founding, and if not of the said name and of Christopher Columbus too, and in American History that is, for it too can furtherly be said that, the American Flag, is now simply said even representative, and of the United States of America, and in said Context too, but with the Torch now, said too now, and to speak, and of the said even 'New World' Myth, and of the said origins and of America too, of the said too, sailing of the Mayflower, and of the very said name of 'New England' that is, but if not of the United States of America today, and as simply too said, perceived, and from talk and of the very said term, and of Habour, and of what is too said Harboured, and if not of what is too said Habouring that is.