Monday, 25 April 2016

the Calvinist "Manifesto"

The Calvinist "Manifesto".

It was mentioned and in the previous entry, and on the American Jesuits that is, that the American Jesuits, and in Creed too, could too be said to approximate in all, Belief, and that is too said Calvinist that is. That this all, was too made even, apparently clear that is, and when said too aligned in all, and to that Identity, and in the United States of America too, said too now, and of African descent truly, and not of African ancestry truly either, and in now associating said American Jesuit Identity, and with speak too and of Ethic in itself, while that said Calvinist, could too now be said to refer, and to what Talent in itself, is actually said to be, and if not in said speak too, and of what is said Idea too that is.

It was too though, said, or mentioned, and in the previous entry, and on the American Jesuits that is, that the American Jesuit Creed, and as said even interpolated, and from the said regard and of said too, African-American Identity that is, could too be said to speak, and of Indiscretion in itself, and with it all too said even to refer, and to an America, or United States of America too, said even defined, and in speak too and of what Luck, Opportunity, Chance, Choice, Probability etcetc., are in all even said to be, and if not in said speak too, and of the Con in itself too that is. That in saying that, those said too of African descent, and not ancestry truly either, could too be said aligned in all, and in speak and of a said spectrum too, and a formation, that would align African-American identity, and on one end of the Spectrum, and with speak too of Indiscretion in itself, and with those too said of African descent now, said even struggling to perceive themselves in all, and in said speak too and of what does too pass for Opportunity and in the United States of America too, it then can too be said that, that at the other said end, does lie, Calvinist Belief, and that does to now ask of one, to be in all even said Bold, Brash, Confident, Out-spoken etc., and in regard, and to the said even voicing, and of ones said Opinion too that is. 

In now equating, speak and of a said here, Calvinist 'Manifesto', and with speak too, and of what World Politics, are in all even said all about, is to now refer and to it all, and in said regard, and to the said realms and of World Politics too, and as said even now encroaching, and to the very Doorstep, and of said American and Canadian everyday life too that is, for it is to now and again, point out, and at what too is said to speak, and of Multi-Cultural, and Melting Pot Theories too, and in both Canada, and the United States of America too that is, and as respectively said too, but that in all again, the very attempt here, to claim that, both Canada, and the United States of America, and as often perceived sharing, similar Infrastructure that is, now too can be said distinguished, and in said speak too, and of what Physical Communications, and Body (to-Body) Communications too, and respectively said, are in all even said all about, and as said to now referring, and to speak too, and of what one could too term 'things said Canadian', and if not of 'things said American' too that is.

In saying that, this said Model, and of viewing both Canada, and the United States of America, now does too speak, and of the United States of America today, and as said even perceived, and from what too a Superpower that is, is in all even said  to be, is to now though claim that, it all too, does present a said even interesting manner in all, and of viewing the World-at-large, and in a said even Historical Context too that is. That in speak of Europe for instance, and in said regard to this Model, speak now and of European History, and as said even defined truly and by speak too of the Hermit in himself, and if not of Ancient Britain too, but in speak of the European Memory, speak now and of what Romance, Knighthood, and if not of Moors in Europe too, is said even all about that is. In speak though, and of the Caribbean, and in regard to this said Model, speak now and of what too does too pass for, and for speak, and for the Popular, and the Secular too that is, and in both Canada, and the United States of America too. In speak of South America and as such, a said approach here, and that does too speak, and of what Nationality, and Class too, are in all even said all about. In speak and of Africa though, speak now and of the Subjective, and of the Objective too, but in speak of Asia, an approach made here, and that does too refer, and to speak too and of what Credentials, and Status too, are in all even said all about, and in said regard too, and to what too Stereotyping, and if not Gender typing, are in all even said to be that is.

In and all and again, a said manner and of viewing North America, and in said speak of everyday life, and if not of that said daily too, and that does too speak and of Category in itself, and if not of the Categorical too, and that can too be said to refer, and to what a Filing system is said to be, one said too Classified, and in said speak too now and of life in North America and as said even viewed as such, and if not of Perceptions made and of said even everyday life and in North America too that is, and that would too refer, and to speak too and of what Prospect, Promise or Dream, and in North America too that is, are in all even said all about that is.

the American Jesuits

The American Jesuits.

When we do talk of the American Jesuits, we could too be said, to have it said too, a said Identity, American, and that is too said opposed, and to that which too is said Calvinist, and in America too that is. The both do in all even, deal, and with many a said similar issue or argument that is, and that does too refer, and to what Ethic is said to be, and if not in said speak too now, and of what Predestination, and Free Will too, are in all even said all about.

This entry though, will attempt, to in all even make for, what too could be termed 'Large claims' that is, and in said regard too, and to what does too pass for African-American Identity, and in the United States of America too. That the very said issues, that the American Jesuits, or Calvinists, and in the United States of America, would in all even deal with, are very much said similar, and to those too which do refer, and to what too does pass for in all, and for what is said to speak, and of African-American Identity that is, and if not that said too Afro-American, or even Black or Coloured too that is. That the very goal here, is to attempt to sort out, what too is said to pass and for said African Identity too, and in the United States of America that is, and as said even now impacting, many a said perception made, and of Africa in itself too. That it all too, can be said now, to speak, and of African-Americans, and in Conduct that is, and in said contrast, and to those said even Afro-American, Coloured, Black, African Immigrant etc., and such that, what is been hinted at here, is that, African-American Identity, could too be said to in all even enclose, and on that which too is said to speak, and of the American Jesuits, and in now too claiming that, if all this said could be said even viewed, and in speak and of a said spectrum, and as having two ends to it all, and from which and at the other end of it all, then would be found, those said even of an African Identity, but as said too now, said too that is, Calvinist in their ways in all. That it all too, does speak and of Africa, and as said even truly viewed and as said too Continent, and as said too a Whole that is, and of its said even Constituent Countries too, and in said comparison, and to speak now and of African Regions, but that in all again, the very claim here that, of all those Identities said African, and in the United States of America too, only that said African-American, could in all even be said Distinguished that is, and as truly said even Citizen, and along the said lines here, and of Citizen Kane too that is.

This entry, will too though, attempt to approach speak and of the United States of America, but as said too America truly, and from a said Psychology, and that could too be said African-American that is. That it was too mentioned and in the said previous post on Shoveling, that the said posts on an American Haven too, do have to them all, a said Psychology, and that is too said Indian, Native American that is, while that on Shoveling, did in all even attempt to present America, and from a said even Psychology, and that is too simply said White that is.

That what too can, an African-American Psychology, be said even all about, and away from that often presented to the Masses, and that does too speak, and of Liberation, or Empowerment too? In now too saying that, it is African-American Identity, that does too have America, or the United States of America too, and as often said presented, and in talk of the Masses, the Denizens, or the Populace too, is to now too though, claim it all even a Psychology, and that does too ask of one, what is simply said the true meaning, and of the very term of Solace in itself, and if not of what, the Solitary, is actually truly said to stand for that is. That it all too, does speak and of that said segment, and of African-American Identity too that is, and as said even Bantu too, and which has often attempted to present African-American Identity, and from speak and of Desperation in itself, and which has too led, many to in all even view America, or the United States of America too, and from what too is said to speak and of Luck, Choice, Opportunity, Hope etc., and such that, it does now place African-American Identity, and as said too American truly that is, and alongside speak too, and of what a Bandwagon is said to be, and if not of it all even, said to speak, and of Political Structures, and in the United States of America too, and as said even defined in all, and from speak too, and of what PsychOps, or Psy-Ops, are too said even said all about that is.

That the attempt here, is to have one perceive, said African-American Identity, and as simply too said now, walking away, and from what too can be said debacle, and when it all does too come to talk, and of what too does speak and of Africa, Africans, and if not of African History in itself that is. That it can in the very least be said to refer, and to what they do too term Society, and as probably best said now perceived, and from the very said perspective, and of American Politics, and as said too Republican, and Democrat too, and as said too now, tackling, or dealing with, said even everyday American problems, but with Society too, said now holding, its very own Capacity that is, and in regard and to all this. That African-American Society, is said real, and in helping deal with African-American problems, and Society too, known too and to in all even engage, what they do term High Society, and in the United States of America too, and which  does too now have African-Americans, and as said even creating identity, and alongside speak too, and of what a Family Psychology is said to be, and as said even to speak, and from the said even perspective, and of what Puerto Rican solidarity is said even all about, and as said now to refer, and to what too does speak and of the following said terms: Affection, Attesting, Acclaim, Appreciation, Attention etc. Said terms too, and that could too be said to refer, and to what too, does pass for, or speak for too, and for American Literature in itself that is.

In attempting though, to make coherence and of all this said, is to now approach it all, and from what too, a Universe, is too said to be. That it all too, does now point, and at the very said belief, and which does too claim that, America today, or the United States of America truly, is now too simply said an Immigrant Country, and in now claiming to put all this, and into a said perspective, and that does too speak and of the Universe, and of that too said even American, and as said now to speak and of the very term of Americana too that is, while that said African-American, could too and in all even be said to refer, and to speak and of 'the South', and if not of Georgia, and of Atlanta too that is, while speak and of the United States of America and as it is today, can too be said to have it defined in all, and in speak too and of that Universe said European, and if not of it all even said too defined, and by speak too, and of the Great Depression, the United States of America that is, and if not of the said even, Civil Rights Movement too that is.

That in now too claiming that, the above said, and on the Universe and in the United States of America too, does too lead, and to talk of Canada that is, is to now center talk of Canada, and in speak of Ontario too, and if not of that said facet, and of said Canadian Identity, and that could too be said Canuck that is, for it all does now too point to, African-American History, and as said even perceived, and from speak and of the Underground Railroad, and which does too now, associate African-American Identity, and with speak too of Ebonics for instance, while that said Canadian, said now to refer and to speak and of Yoric (Link) that is, while that said American, said defined in all, and by speak and of Bostonian speech too that is.

In attempting though, to fully put, the said European Universe, and which too is said even, today, to encompass speak and of Europe in itself, South America, the Caribbean, Africa too, and in its said Sphere of influence that is, Political too, is to now associate it all, and with the said History and of Immigrants, European, and as said too Irish, German and even Swedish (Link) truly, and into the United States of America too that is, and as said even now to refer, and to the said even Holiday, Celebration too, and of St. Patrick's Day too that is. A manner and of viewing the United States of America today, and that does too associate speak and of said German Immigrant Identity, and in the United States of America too, and with speak too and of American Industrialists that is, while speak and of that said Irish, does too now associate it all, and with speak too and of the American Intellectual Class, while that said Swedish, now too does merge and with speak too and of Famed, or Celebrated Americans too that is.

A said manner too, and of viewing the United States of America, that said to speak of European Immigrants, and of the European Universe too, and with speak too now, and of what Discrimination, Prejudice, Bigotry, Racism etc, are in all even said to be, and in the United States of America too, and if not of African-American Identity now, and as said even perceived truly, and from speak and of what Jazz, the Blues, and even Soul Music, are in all even said to be, and in now associating African-American Identity today, and in regard to all this said, and with speak too, and of what Jazz Piano, is too said even all about that is.

In saying that, African-Americans, are more or less said even, a more Intellectually developed people, and in said comparison and to other said Africans peoples, and if not of said Immigrant groups too, and to the United States of America that is, is to now claim that, African-American Identity, and in said Expression too, has too come to be said intimately tied down, and to speak too, and of the the said History, and of Communications and in the United States of America too, and as said even to encompass, speak, and of the following said: the Telegraph, the Television, Radio, the Typewriter, Hollywood, Publishing, Animation / Disney etcetc.

In now too claiming that, African-Americans, have often too perceived Canada, and as said too, a Homeland that is, and if not Haven too, and as said even believed, free from any said Prejudice too that is, is to now present the very view that, Canada, has too come to Influence, what too does pass for American Identity, and in the United States of America in itself too, and in a said two-fold manner that is, and that most often don't recognize. That it all too, does speak and of Americans, and as said even viewing America, and from speak too, and of what Nativity in itself is too said even all about, and if not in said speak too now, and of American Identity, and as said viewed, and in a two-fold manner that is, and that does too speak and of what a Socialized and Politicized Identity, is said to be, or speak too now, and of what Codes, the Politic and even Civil Society, are in all even said all about. That the former, and on Socialized and Politicized Identity, can too be said to speak and of Canadian-American Identity, while the latter, and on Codes, the Politic, and Civil Society too, now is too said even, to refer, and to African-American views, and on Canada too that is. That in speak too of Codes, African-American Identity, said too now and again, viewed, and from speak and of Ebonics, while from speak and of the said Politic, African-American Identity now, said too defined, and in speak and of the Reverend & the Minister too, but that in speak of Civil Society, African-Americans, said now defined, and by a said even authentic or genuine African-American Media, and that does too define African-Americans, and in speak too and of Excellence, Performance, Endeavour, Lesson, Example etcetc., and a Media too, and that could too be said to have its said origins, and in speak too, and of the said Tales of Br'er Rabbit, Uncle Remus too that is.

That African-Americans, have too been often said associated, and with the very term of 'Inroads', and in said regard, and to the 'making of inroads' too for instance, and in society too, and in said regard, and to what too, does pass for speak, and of Empowerment in itself that is. A said manner too, and that does too often refer, and to what too is often believed to speak, and of Discrimination in itself too, and in Canada that is, and with it now said even, to refer, and to what too, does speak and of the African-American Imagination, and as said even dealing, and with Themes too, and that do speak and of Displacement, Divide and if not of Projection in itself too that is. That in now too saying that, that Identity said African-Canadian, does too now struggle, and in defining itself, and in Symbol, and that does too refer and to speak too and of the Canadian Flag in itself, while that Identity said Black-Canadian, or Afro-Canadian too perhaps, does now associate itself and in Symbol, and with said talk too and of the Jamaican Flag, and if not of Toronto and in Ontario too, is to now too claim that, that Identity said even Haitian and in Quebec, does too struggle to in all even define itself, and in speak too and of the Quebecois Flag, and such that, those too said even simply African, and in Canada too, now do and in all even find themselves, and in History too, simply said perceived and under talk of the British Flag, and if not of the Queen of England, and as often believed said heralding, and over Canadian Sovereignty too that is.

In saying that, African-Americans, do in all even simply know of themselves, and in Identity, and that does too speak and of the African-American Imagination, and as said even to refer, and to speak too and of what Displacement, Divide and Projection too, are in all even said all about, is to now view it all, and from speak and of African-Americans, and as said even somewhat sidelined, and from creating said Identity, and that could too be said to speak, and of what the said phrase that is, and of American Harvest, is simply too said all about. That it all too is said, American Harvest that is, to refer, and to what it does too mean to be said even, reared, and as said truly American, speak now and of Success and in the United States of America, and in its said Makings, or Preparations too, speak now and of recognition in the United States of America, and as said even Celebratory too etc., and such that, it all has too come to see African-Americans, create a said even Identity, and that does too speak and of Imagined Homes, and in Nigeria too for instance, and if not in Canada in particular too that is. A manner in all, and of viewing African-American Identity [Link], and in said Imaginings too, and that does too associate it all, and with speak too and of Canada, and in said speak now and of Displacement in itself, and in the African-American Imagination, and with speak too and of Nova Scotia that is, speak now and of Divide, and with speak too and of Prince Edward Island that is, but with speak and of Projection, speak now and of New Brunswick in itself too that is.

In the attempt now, to finally clear up any said doubt and on all this, and of its said even legitimacy that is, is to now approach it all, and from the said term and of Hegemony too that is.That it is too believed, we do in all live in a World today, and that is too not often believed said Free in its ways that is, and in the said even Centralizing and of Power too, and if not of the said Establishment too, and of Political life and on Earth today, and as said even defined, and by speak and of Social, Political, and if not Power Movements too that is, and as said even Feminist too, and such that, in said response to all this, one does too now and surprisingly enough, and in a said World too, said even under attack, and in Ideology, and by speak too and of Terrorism in itself, and if not of Socialism, and Communism too, one does in all though, see a said even Counter movement, and as said even arising and with speak too and of Africa, and that does too attempt to redefine life and on this Earth, and in speak too now, and of what Egyptocentrsim, Eurocentrism Afrocentrism, Mediacentrism etcetc., are in all even said all about. That it all too, does speak and of another said facet and of African-American life, and that does too attempt to define itself and as said even truly American that is, and as said even to speak and of African-American (Training) Colleges too that is, and which too could be said even acquainted, and with speak and of the said Coined term here too, and of Americentrism that is.

In concluding on all this, is to now bring back the said argument, and on African-American Identity, and which too would equate it all, and with speak too, and of the American Jesuits that is. That it all does too, speak and of African-American Identity, and in Psychology too, and as said even to speak, and of what the Solitary, or Solace too, and if not Solitude truly, are in all even said to be, and with it all even merging truly, and with speak and of what Indiscretion in itself, is actually said all about. For it all does too lead, and as probably said too, and to speak too and of the American Jesuits, the University of Chicago too, and if not in speak too now, and of what it does mean to be said Distinguished, and as said even to refer, and to that Achievement or Attainment, simply said even to speak, and to what it does mean to be recognized, and as said even truly, an American Citizen that is.

Jazz Piano:

[Diana Krall - Look Of Love (Live In Paris)]

Saturday, 23 April 2016


of Shoveling.

This very entry, will and in all again, truly attempt now, and to present America, and away and from the said perspective, and that does too speak and of the American Haven posts that is, for it is too said a post, this post on Shoveling that is, and that does too approach speak and of America in itself, and from that said Identity, often said White, Anglo, WASP, and if not Cosmopolitan truly. That the said posts on an American Haven, do now approach speak and of America, and from speak too and of Indian, Native American Identity that is, or so to speak, and that it all too, can be said even to merit, a said farther post in all, and on America in itself too, and that would in all even point at it all even, said even African, or African-American truly, and in Psychology too that is.

That in now claiming that, America is simply said White, is to now too, say it even, Minority, and even Immigrant too that is. That in many a way too, that Identity said Minority, can too be perceived said even Worldly too perhaps, and as said even to refer here, and to speak too and of the US, and if not of the USA too, and in now too saying that, that Identity said Immigrant, could too very well be said even, Egalitarian, and in an America too, said even White, or simply said too Cosmopolitan that is.

The Cosmopolitan:

That in having one attempt to in all even understand this very post, and in a said light too, and that does too best probably ground it all, American History that is, and with it said too now, best said to refer, and to speak truly and of Protestantism in itself that is.

That this said History of America, and as said even now to speak, and of Protestantism in itself, now too can be said even, to refer, and to what too Methodology, is actually said to be, for all this too does now refer, and to speak of American History, and as said even tied, intimately too, and to that said even Japanese, Canadian, or even Central American too, and in said speak too now, and of what Pan-Americanism, is said too all about, and if not and of America too, and as simply said even deciphered, and as said too Contemporary, Modern and if not Western too that is.

That it all too is said even, a History, and that does too perceive America, and from the said even History and of Civilization too that is, and that does now though, not posit in all, America, and as said even put up and against Asian Civilization for instance, and in speak too now, and of Theology and in America too for instance, or in said speak too, and of Civilization, and as said even perceived and from speak too and of the Middle East, and if not of it said to speak now, and of World Religions that is, and if not and in all again, and of Ideology too, and in America too that is. That in all again, this post, will in all even attempt and to in all even, place America, and in a said even perspective, and that does too speak and of Civilization on this Earth, and which too can now be said to speak, and of those Civilizations said Egyptian, Greek, Italian, and if not that too said African that is.

That in now saying that, America, and as said too Civilization, can too be said perceived, and from speak and of that Civilization said Egyptian, is to now too claim that, America's origins, are too said even, to speak and of Egypt, and from speak too now, and not of what some do term Freemasonry that is, but in speak truly, and of what is too often termed Masonry that is, or of the Masonic too, and of Guilds, Unions and Lodges in America too, for it all too is said believed even, the very said Identity, and as said too grounded in all, and in speak too of Secret Societies that is, said even responsible and for the erecting of American Cities for instance, and an Identity too though, Masonic, and that could too be said, best probably said, traced back that is, and to that said even tradition, said Copt., and in Egypt too that is.

That in now too saying that, America, can too be perceived Civilization, and from the said even, perspective, and of that too said Greek, and which does too speak and of the very manner in all, those in the World today, do view America that is, and as said even civilization too, and not Country truly either, is to now center it all, and in speak and of the World, and as said even to speak and of North America for instance, the Americas, Europe, the English-speaking World, and if not of the Western World too that is, and in said speak now, and of America in itself too, today, and as said even the United States of America that is, and as probably said even now, housing, the most said significant or important, and of Cities too perhaps, And in the World too, and as said even to speak now, and of New York, Washington, Philadelphia, and if not of Boston too that is.

That in now too saying that, America, can too be perceived, and from that Civilization said Italian, or of Italy truly, is to now claim that, it all does refer, and to an America, and that is said even defined truly, and in speak and of what Tenets, are in all even said to be, and if not of said Columns too, and from the said Masonic perspective too that is, and of Capitol Hill too for instance, and in said comparison, and to speak of Italy, and if not of Roman Civilization too, and as said even defining itself truly, and in speak of Pillars, and if not of the said even, Pillars of Knowledge too for instance.

This post though, and in its contents, does not in all actually deal, and with America, and as said even perceived, and from speak of Civilization, and as said too Egyptian, Greek or Italian, but does too now approach it all, and from that said even maligned truly, Civilization, and that can too be said African that is. That at its said best, Civilization said African that is, it all probably could be said to hint at, talk of Morocco, Numidia, and if not of Carthage too, and if not in speak truly, and of the said History and of the Desert Fathers, and of the said Church in North Africa too that is. That it all too now, does ask and of America, and of their said definitions, and of what the Cry, or the Howl too, is said to be, for America, and as said even borne of the Streets, is now too said defined truly, and in speak, and of what Anguish, Angst, Dread, Agony, Anxiety etc., are in all even said all about. That it all too now does simply claim that, America, and as said too White, Immigrant, and if not said Minority too that is, and in its said birth too, is simply said now truly defined in all, and in speak too, and of what American Voices, and if not of Accents too, are in all even said to be, or said even all about that is.

That in claiming that, it is too said a History, and that can be said to speak, and of the Civic in America, is to now too though, claim it all too said even, a History, and that does too appear, said even rather Media driven that is, and in speak too now, and of it even said to speak and of the Popular in itself, and of what too does appear to speak, and of Mexican Identity and in America too for instance, and if not in said speak too, and of what too, is said Privilege, and in America too that is.

That in now saying that, America, can too be said Immigrant, and if not Native American too, Minority, and if not African-American that is, or said even White, and if not Protestant, and 'French Canadian' too. is to now too claim it all even, said defined as follows, and in said speak too, and of what American society, is too believed said all about

Immigrant: Ceremony

Minority: Ritual/Performance

White: Occasion

That in claiming that, it is this said Facet, and of American life, or of America too and as said even perceived as Civilization, and that could too be said to speak and of America, and as said even Undersiege, Besieged, or even in Turmoil too, but if not of it all too said even Immigrant, Minority or White too that is, and respectively said too, is to now present it all, and from speak and of America, and as said even perceived and from speak and of Generations, Decades, Popular Media, Bureaucrats, American Towns, Civilians, College etcetc., and if not in speak now, and of Policy, and in America too that is.


Evangelism - and of American Culture, and as said perceived from speak and of what Disrespect, Disrepute, and Disregard too, are said to be, and as said even alluding, and to a said National Conscience that is.


Catholicism - and of American Culture, and as said even perceived, and from speak and of what Solicitation, Citation, and if not of Elicitation too, are said to be, and in said speak too now, and of what Exaltation in itself, is actually said too all about that is.


Protestantism - and of American Culture too, and as said even perceived that is, and from what too is said to speak, and of an American Conscience that is, and that too, said even Judicial truly.

That in now claiming America, and in said even origins, and for Africa too, is to now associate it all, and with America too, and as said even perceived, and from speak too and of tradition, and if not of American History, and as said even perceived, and from speak, and of the said 'Port of entry' too that is. That it all too, can be said to point at, speak too and of Boston and in America, Florida and of New Spain, and if not of California too that is. That it is of said Bostonian History, and that does too now come to define America, and in said speak too and of Family Values in themselves, while that said to speak and of Florida, speak now and of Cultural, or said even Seminal, Values too, but in speak and of California, speak truly now, and of Traditional Values that is.

That in too saying that, Family Values in America, are too said White, is to now and again claim that, Traditional Values, are said too Immigrant, or Native American too, while those said Cultural, or Seminal too, Values that is, are said even Minority too that is, and if not of it all too, said even now to lead, and to speak too, and of the Legal that is.

That in now too claiming that, American Family Values, do find America in itself, defined truly, and in speak and of Name too, Family Name that is, and of American Family structures, said too Aristocratic, and if not Dynastic and in Ambition too, is to now attempt to present it all, and as said even structured, and in a said manner too, and that does too speak and of American Security, and Defence systems too that is.

1. of Politicians, Lawyers and Educators
2. of Politicians, Lawyers and Doctors
3. of Politicians, Lawyers and Judges

That in now too claiming that, American Traditional Values, do in all even counter, the very said view that, America, is truly said Western, and in said Motive too perhaps, is to now speak too, and of America, and in Motif (Link), Character, and if not of a said too traditional Conscience that is, and that could best speak too, and of American Literature, and as said too Traditional that is.

That in speak now and of the Cultural, and if not of the Seminal, and in said Values too, and in America too that is, is to now ask, and of what too, the said even search and for Happiness, and in America, is truly said all about, and in now claiming it all that is, and to it all even said pointing at, and at what is believed too said, and to speak and of the Authentic, Genuine, and in American life too that is, and as said even to furtherly speak, and of America too, and as said even defined truly, and in speak and of what Emotion, Perception, and if not of Conscience too, are in all even said too all about that is. That in now too saying that, it does all even, Minority Identity that is, and in America today too, refer, and to speak and of African-American Identity too that is, is to now probably claim that, African-American Identity, and as said even Authentic, or Genuine too, does too now point, and at the said too, History, and of the said City of New Orleans that is.

[New Orleans]

This said entry though, or post truly, is said even all about Shoveling that is. For it all too, does speak and of a said even, aspect, and of American life, or American History, and that most too, are often simply said not aware of. That it all too, could be said to speak, and of the said American term of Guile, and if not of it all even said to speak, and of what an American Myth, that of the 'New World' too, is said even all about. That it all does too speak, and of those who do believe, and in rising up, and in America, and from speak too now, and of Shoveling in itself, and as probably said even now, to refer, and to speak too and of American History, said even American History X, and if not in further speak too now and of American Classics too, and of the said even unknown History and of Moors, and in America too (Link), and if not of it all simply said too perceived, the above said that is, and from what Guile that is, is actually said to be.

In all, a said History too, and that would in all even center, speak, and of North America, and in said Identity, and in speak too and of what Perspective, Lens or View too, are in all even said to be, and as said even now Identity, pointing towards speak and of Newfoundland & Labrador, and in Canada too, and if not of what a Newfie too, is too actually said that is. In now saying that, that Identity said, Northern America, and that does too encompass speak and of Mexico, Haiti and Jamaica too, could too be said perceived, and in speak and of Name, Consciousness, and if not of spirit too, and of the American spirit too that is, is to now claim that, it all does too speak and of Canada that is, and of Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, and of New Brunswick too, and respectively said that is, and if not of that song and by Energy Orchard too, and that is simply aptly titled, 'Madame George' [Link] that is.

Thursday, 21 April 2016

An American Haven (3)

An American Haven (3).

In this said third, and final installment, and on what too is believed said, and to speak and of an American Haven, we shall now too approach it all, and from the said even perspective, and of American Media in itself, and which does too lead one, and to in all even ponder, the said rise of America, and in said speak too, and of the Indian, Native American Psyche that is. That this said Psyche, said Indian, or Native American too, now does too have us realize, that America, is too said truly, a part and of the rest of the Americas that is, and in said speak too now, and of that said Political Identity that is, said Hispanic too, and if not in speak furtherly now, and of what the term of Syncretism, is said all about. That Syncretism, now does have us peer, or peek or look into, the very Soul and of the Indian and in America too, for Syncretism, can too be said perceived, and from speak, and of Identity created, and in speak too of Oracles that is, and as said even Media too, and if not in speak too now, and of what Human Communications, are in all even said to be. That Human Communications, are now too said to encompass speak and of Oral Communications, Verbal Communications, and if not of what some do too term, Body Language that is, for it all too, does now speak and of the very Communications, one would too find, and in the Movies that is, and if not of it all even said, and to speak and of that Psychology, and that does too speak and of Therapy in itself that is.

In saying that, there is more to all this, the said origins of America, and as probably said even to point at it all, and as said too, a place free and of all said Problems for instance, and if not of all said Troubles too, is to now point it all out, and from speak and the said 'New World' myth that is, and if not of America too, and as said even Protestant that is, or said even adhering to Protestantism in itself too that is, and in now too simply saying that, it all can be said to best approximate, American definitions and of Leisure too, and as said even to speak, and of Ideals, and in the said American Political sphere too that is.

[Bars and Melody - Stay Strong]

In now saying that, this very entry, will in all even attempt to present, America, and as said even Haven, and from speak too and of Syncretism in itself that is, is to now too, approach it all, and from said even Geographical Contexts, and that do too speak and of North America in itself, and if not from those said Historical too, Contexts that is, and that do to now speak, and of Northern America too that is. That in speak and of Geographical Contexts, and of Human Communications too, North America, and as probably said and in all even, perceived truly, and from speak and of New York, and Quebec too, but in speak and of Historical Contexts, and of Northern America too, and of said Human Communications too that is, probable speak now, and of a said even multitude of names, and that do too encompass speak and of California, Florida, New England, Washington, Philadelphia, Alabama etcetc. In however saying that, this entry, can too be said bold in its ways, is to now too claim that, it will too attempt to present America, and from said Civilizational Contexts that is. Contexts too, and that do speak and of the Human, and as said even Psycho-Sexual that is, and that could too be said to speak, and of America, and from the said following perspectives too that is:

1. An American Heart
2. Intimacy
3. Paradigms

That what too, can be said to speak, and of an American Heart? From the said perspective, and of what a Haven, is said all about, speak now too, and of American definitions in all, and of Friendliness in itself for instance, but in a said now Physical formation that is, the Heart, American too, can too probably be said even defined, and in a said 3-part formation that is, and that does too define one, and as said even Scared, Frightened, and if not Afraid too that is. That what in all, is the Heart, actually said to be? From a said even Theomatics perspective that is, speak now too, and of the Heart and as said even, the Seat of Wisdom in itself, or of Intelligence too, and as said even now to refer, and to what Sense in itself, is actually said to be.In all and again, the probable allusion here, and to the very belief that, it all too, does speak, and of America, and as said even defined, and into its said constituent States too that is.

In speak and of Intimacy, speak now, and of the Haven, and as said even defined or described too, and in speak and of the Home, and if not of one, and as said even truly Secure that is. That it all too, does lead, and to speak, and of the Tumultuous too for instance, and in American Political life that is. That the said search for Intimacy, and if not of Intimacy and with God too, now too, is believed even, truly acquainted that is, and with speak, and of what Origins, are in all even said all about. That this all, does too ascribe, and to a said even Reconstructionist view that is, and of American life, and if not of America, and in Origins too, and that does too associate, speak of North America and as such, and with speak too and of the Statue of Liberty that is. That in speak and of Northern America, and as such, and as probably now said too Anglo, Indian and if not African too, and in said speak too of Intimacy in itself, speak now, and of Sculpture and in North America too, of the Mayan Pyramids and of 'Mehico' too, and if not further speak too now, and of Olmec Heads, and of the Citadelle Laferriere, and in Haiti too that is. For those though, said in all, Alien, and to America, American soil, or, to the American Way of life that is, Intimacy, and as said too now, perceived, and from speak and of American Poetry in itself that is.

In speak and of Paradigms, and of America and as said even Haven, speak now and of it all even said perceived, and from talk too, and of the American Civil War for instance, for that War said Revolutionary, American, is too best said now, and to probably best speak, and of a said American Heart that is. That Paradigms, could be easily said to speak and of the Future, but in saying that, they do in all even help Man, differentiate truly, and from what is probably said within, or inside one too, and from that which too is said external, is to now speak and of it all even said to help one realize, America, and in said Genius too that is.

That below, will be listed, certain said Paradigms, and that do too speak and of America today, and as said even perceived, and from speak and of what some do in all even proclaim, to be said of World Civilization that is. Paradigms too, and that have come to in all even define, most in the World today, and in said speak too, and of what too Prospect, Dream, Fame, Conduct etcetc., are in all even said all about that is.


The American Confederacy vs. the American Union

A said Paradigm, and that could too be said to speak of Interests, Key-Interests, and if not those said Private too, and that has in all even come to find America in all, and as said even defined, and by speak and of Flags too that is, and if not of Debate, and that does too speak and of what it does mean to be said a Man, a Woman, a Couple, a Family, a Minority, Black, Immigrant, Impotent, Indecent etcetc., and such that, such said Debate, is today, considered even, a said too, hallmark, and of Civilization in itself, and if not of it all too perceived, and from speak, and of Biography, Institution, Government, Federalism, Ethic, World History etcetc.


American Country vs. American Materialism

A Paradigm, said even most difficult, and in truly explaining, for it all too, does posit that, Man, could too be said even, as having two said sides to him, said that is, and that do too, speak, and of one and in Identity too, and if not of one, and in Sexuality too that is. That Sexuality, does differ, and from speak and of what a Sexual Identity too, is said to be, for Sexuality, has too come to define, America, or American life, and in speak too, and of what Emotionality in itself, and not of Emotions truly either, is in all even said to be, or of what too perhaps, American Scholarship, is too said all about. That in said speak and of America and as said Country, speak too now, and of America and in Identity, of Emotions too, and if not of it all too, said even Structured, and in speak too and of what Research in itself, is actually said to be.  A Paradigm too, and that does now have one ask or ponder, what is believed best said to speak, and of what does too constitute, and for American Influence, and outside America too, for while speak and of American Materialism, does too equate it all, and to speak and of State, and if not Condition too, and of a said even American Mental Health and in said clarity here too that is, speak now and of America and as said even Country, now does approximate it all, and to that said Politic, and that does too ask of us, to in all even define ourselves truly, and in speak and of what Boundaries, Borders and Rights too, are in all even said all about. That it does too speak, and of America, and as said even embroiled, and in speak and of what Geo-Politics, Socio-Politics, and if not of what one could too, term American Politics today too that is. That in speak of Geo-Politics, America, and as said too Indian, but with it all even now, said even to speak, and of the Politics of the Cold War, and if not of what too is believed to speak, and of China, and its said rise and onto the World Stage today that is, and if not of the said too, Nuclear Weapons / Arms Race that is. That in speak and of Socio-Politics, America, and as said too African, or African-American probably, but with it all even said to speak, and of what Attitude, Insecurity, Vulnerability, Anguish etcetc., are in all even said to be, for it is an America too, and as said even Socio-Political that is, and whereby and in all again, it is simply said a part, and of the English-speaking World too that is. In speak now though, and of what one can too best term American Politics today, and in said comparison, and to the terming of it all, Modern or Contemporary American Politics that is, is to now perceive it all too, said even Liberal, Conservative and Moderate that is. A said even here, American Politics today that is, hotbed, and of all said even activity that is, and as said even ranging from the political, economic, social etc., and to that too, said even cultural, historical, congratulatory etcetc., and in probably simply saying it all, to merge, and with speak too, and of what too is in all believed said to speak, and of American Energy demands or needs for instance.


American Invention vs. American Nationalism

A Paradigm, and that is often too not presented to all, and by the Media that is, that said International too, and that could too be said of interest, and to those who do too simply believe, they have no said place truly, and in American society that is. That in speak of American Nationalism, speak now too, and of a said even 'cause celebre', and of what too, does speak and of Patriotism in America for instance, and if not of the said attempt, and in celebrating things said American, and from said even perspectives, or discipline too, and that do to refer or speak and, of what conquering ones self, and if not of the defeating of oneself too, are in all even said all about that is. In speak and of American Invention though, speak now, and of America, and in Industry, Independence, Talent, of the American Mind too, and if not in speak truly, and of said American definitions of Time that is, and which do in all even promise Success, everything too perhaps, and to those who do in all even understand it all, and as said as such that is.

In finalizing all this, is to probably now say that, it all does speak, and of what American Relations, are in all even said to be really, and if not said all about too, and in saying that, such Relations, American, can be considered truly, and of the Civilizational mold that is, and in speak too now, and of those who do in all even ponder, what American Spirituality, or even Psychology too perhaps, is said all about. That it too can be said that, most of the World today, is too said European, and if not Japanese too perhaps, and in Psychology that is, and that does too speak and of what Pathology in itself, is actually said all about. That Africa on the otherhand, does too differ, and in speak and of the said Psychology, and of Perversion in itself too, and if not of that said to speak too and of Fetishism for instance, and if not of the Morbid too, and in Taste too that is but in now saying that, the World today, and as said one, can probably best be perceived, and from speak and of a said Collective Unconscious too that is, is to now too say that, America, and in Psychology too, can best be perceived, and from speak, and of what Testament, or Testimony too, is actually said to be, and that too, and which does in all even it can be said, refer, and to perceptions too, and of America, and as said too Haven that is.

American Keyboard:

[Emeli Sandé - Next To Me]